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Last Updated: 2/11/99

Disclaimer: Cats Bronco Page is not affiliated with Ford. Ford is a registered trade mark.

66’-77’ Ford Bronco’s are great for Cruising and Running the trails!!!

The first Bronco ever owned by this family was this original 1970 Bronco Half Cab. Modification’s included but not limited to: Front and Rear fender flares, a performance 302, 32x11.5x15inch tires on Crager steel wheels. It had a Dana 30 in the front and a Ford 9in in the rear that were both which where stuffed with 4:11. It also had a 3 speed Tranny with a Dana 20 T-Pattern Transfercase. The truck was a Repeated show winner through out the Oklahoma City Area. Due mostly to its originality and its Black Lacquer paint Job. A special thanks goes out to my father for getting me started in Four wheel drives. The truck was eventually sold so my father could go onto one of his many other child hoods. Check out Dads next chilidhood at "Gamblers World"

Before After

This is the one I currently own. It is a 73’ that was an originally a full cab converted to half cab. (The Picture is finally here!!!!) It has a 302 with a rebuilt C4 automatic tranny built by Allison's Transmissions here in Oklahoma City, along with a Dana 44 and a Ford 9in filled with 3.50 gears, to finish out the drive line. It also has power steering which is a must for turning those bigger tires. Recently added was a 3.5 in Superlift Suspension kit, 3in Performance body kit, along with all new polyerathane body mounts and tranny mounts.It also has front and rear fender flares from BushWacker and a hood bubble from K Bar S to clear the 600 Holley that rests under the hood. Recently added was a custom build bumper designed by My Father and I.(God I love this Guy) It is home to a brand new Warn XD8000i with a roller fairlead. Also to be added soon is a Hi-Lift Jack. This is certainly becoming the work horse in the family.

Things For Sales or Trade

!!!!SOLD!!!! Complete Back Seat !!!!SOLD!!!!
Holley 650 Double Pumper
Holley 600
2bbl intake for a 302
Brand New Distributor for a 302
Exhaust manifolds for a 302
Saddle Tanks

Things I NEED

Ford 9in 31 spline Big Bearing complete or just the housing.
31 spline spool
4.88 or 4.56 gears for a Dana 44 and/or 9in
Roll Bar

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Fordyeth Psalm

This Pslam from"Bens Vintage Bronco"

This Ford is my chariot, but I wonder why. It maketh me to lie down in muddy roads, it stalleth in deep waters. It stresseth my soul, for it be the best but the oldest of its namesake. Yea, though I ride through the Hills of the High Desert, I shall fear no trail. For my Bronco is under me. Still, thy creaks and thy groans, they discomfort me. Thy performance threatens embarrassment in the presence of mine enemies. Thy seals anointest my head with oil, thy radiator runneth over. Surely, the memory of my decision will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the poor house forever." But I wouldn't trade my Bronco for anything, I love all its quirks. Plus, even though it has broken down MANY times, it (knock on wood) has only left me stranded once when I blew the engine- other wise I have always gotten home.

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Since Nov 13, 1998


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