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Diana Meade's Page of Norse Mythology

In L.J. Smith's series "The Forbidden Game," Norse Mythology sprung up, primarily in the form of the nine worlds of Norse and Germanic legend. This page is devoted to the Norse legends on a broader spectrum as well as some extra information on the nine worlds.

The Nine Worlds
~* First Level Worlds*~


Alfheim means "elf home," which is what it is in Norse Mythology. It is located on the highest level of the universe as perceived by the Norse peoples. The god Freyr has his palace here among the elves of light.


Asgard is another of the worlds located on the highest level of the Norse universe. It is the home of the higher and warrior gods known as the Aesir. It is surrounded by a stone wall to protect the gods from their giant enemies. Also on Asgard is Valhalla, a great hall where brave and strong warriors who died in battle await the final battle at the end of the world.


Vanaheim is the last world on the top level of the universe. It is the homeland of the Vanir, or lesser gods.

~*Second Level Worlds*~


Jotunheim is the world of primal storms and is a cold, snowy region. It is situated on the secong and middle level of the universe. Jotunheim is home to the frost and rock giants. This world is ruled by Thrym, a frost giant. The well of wisdom (guarded by Mimir) is here.

Midgard (Mannaheim)

Midgard is the primary world located on the second level of the universe. It was built by the gods as a fortress to protect mankind from the giants.


Muspelheim means the "home of desolation." It is a world of fire. The celestial bodies were made from the sparks from the fires of this world. The world is inhabited by fire giants which are ruled by their king, Surt and his wife Sinmore.

Svartalheim and Nidavellir

Svartalheim and Nidavellir are the homes of the dwarves and dark elves.

~* The Lower Level*~


Niflheim is the world of ice and shadows, with it's icy regions, fogs and mists. It is inhabited by giants. This land is connected to Helheim and Nastrond, which is the shore of corpses.


Helheim means "house of Hel" and is the land of the dead. It is connected to Niflheim and located on the lowest level. It is rulled by Hel, who is the daughter of Loki by the giantess Angrboda. Those who do not die in battle or die of old age or diesease go here. No one can leave here, not even the gods. The entrance is guarded by the monstrous hound Garm. The world is encompassed by the river Gjoll which makes leaving impossible.

~*Norse Deities*~


Aegir is the god of the sea in Norse mythology. He is worshipped by sailors, but they also fear him because he was known for destroying ships at sea. He was married to Ran. They had 7 daughters who were the different type of waves.


Aeordic war goddesses. The Valkyries ("chosers of the slain") are beautiful young women, mounted upon winged horses and armed with helmets and spears. They chose the bravest of the slain to serve Odin.


A giantess and the mistress of the trickster Loki. Together they birthed three monsters: the gigantic wolf Fenrir, the Midgard Serpent Jormungand, and the goddess of the death Hel.


Balder is the god of light, joy, purity, beauty, innocence, and reconciliation. He was born to Odin and Frigga. He was loved by all, His wife is Nanna and their son is the god of justice.


The Disen is a group of goddesses of fate and fertility in Scandinavia.


Eir is a minor Norse goddess of healing. She knew the secret powers of herbs, with which she could even resurrect the dead.


In Norse mythology, Forseti is the god of justice. He is the son of the god Balder and his mother is Nanna.


In Norse mythology, Freya is a goddess of love and fertility. She is the patron goddess of crops and birth, the symbol of sensuality and was called upon at matters of love.


Freyr is the god of sun and rain, and goodl harvests. He is also a god of peace as well as a brave warrior. He rules the elves. Freyr was also called upon to grant a fertile marriage. He is married to the beautiful giantess Gerd, and is the son of Njord.


Frigga is the wife of Odin, making her the most important goddess in Norse mythology. She is the patron of marriage and motherhood, and the goddess of love and fertility. She is said to have known everyone's destiny, but rarely unveils it.


Gefion is an old fertility and plant goddess. She is the patron of virgins and brings good luck. Women who died virgins are her servants and Swedish monarchs are supposedly her descendents.


Hel is the ruler of Herlheim, the underworld. She is the youngest daughter of Loki and Angrboda. She is usually describes as a hag or as being half of a living woman and half a corpse.


Holler is the god of death and destruction. It is he who brings diseases.


Idun is the goddess of eternal youth. She is in charge of the golden apples of youth. These apples bring youth to the gods when they feel themselves begin to age.


Jotuns are the frost giants of Jotunheim. They are the enemies of the gods and shall fight them at the end of the world.


To the Norse, Laga is the goddess of wells and springs. She is a good friend of Odins.


The Landvaettir are Norse guardians spirits of a specific country or place.


Lofn is the goddess of forbidden love and illicit unions.


Loki is an important god in the Norse pantheon. He is the trickster archetype seen in most pantheons, but with a more evil undertone. He is the son two giants and is married to Sigyn, but his mistress is Angrboda with whom he fathered children. He is connected with trickery, fire,magick and shapeshifting.


To the Norse, Mani was the moon personified. He rode his chariot through the night sky and determined the phases of the moon.


Mimir is the giant guardian of the Well of Highest Wisdom in Jotunheim.


Njord was the god of winds, sea and fire. He is married to Skadi, a giantess. He is the father of Freya and Freyr.


Norns are the demigoddesses of fate. They control everything, whether it be the lives of gods, men or the laws of the universe. They are the sisters Urd (fate), Verdandi (neccessity)and Skuld (being).


Odin is the chief god in the Norse Pantheon. He is the father of all gods. He is the god of war, death, poetry and wisdom. He is the giver of the runes. He is married to Frigga, and is the father of Balder, Hod, Hermod, Thor and Vidar. Odin only has a single eye, but it blazes bright, the other he traded for a drink from the well of wisdom.


Ran is the goddess of storms. She is married to Aegir and is mother to the seven types of waves.


Sif is the beautiful golden haired goddess of Thor. She was originally a fertility goddess but doesn't show up often in myths.


Sjofn is the goddess of human compassion. She causes people to think of love and resolves fights between married couples


Snotra is the wise and gentle goddess of virtue, knowledge and self-discipline.


Thor is Norse's thunder god. He is married to Sif and is the son of Odin and Jord. He is one of the most powerful gods. He has a giantess mistress, Jarnsaxa. Together they had Magni, Modi and Thrud.


Tyr is the original god of war and justice. He is considered a son of Odin. He encourages bravery in battle.


Var is the goddess of vows and contracts. She listens to all vows made and takes vengeance on those who break their word.


Vidar is one of Odin's sons. He is the secondest strongest of the gods. He is the god of silence and revenge.


the Norse goddess from whom which nothing could be hidden

Coming soon: Information on Runes

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