Welcome to Cape Breton
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Welcome To


Places to visit

Cape Breton is a beautiful island in Atlantic Canada, it was inhabited for thousands of years by the native peoples, and was first discovered by Europeans in 1497, and first settled in 1521. Cape Breton Island has a strong culture which incorporates French, Scottish, Irish, African and native heritage and traditions. To see more, watch the Cape Breton Scenic Slide Show



Cossit House Museum
Historic Sites on Cape Breton
The Barra strait Marina
The Music and Talent
A tour of Cape Breton Island
Cape Breton Showcase
A romantic getaway

Welcome To Cape Breton, this site is all about this beautiful Island which was called Isle Royalle by the French, which means royal Island. Here you will find beauty beyond belief and so much more.For the history of Cape Breton Island, see my other page: History of Cape Breton Island.
If you want to visit Cape Breton or just need Information, this is the place to find it. Thanks for coming and enjoy yourself.

Please be patient with answers to your requests as I only get a chance to answer them about every two weeks. Thanks.

If you need information now, you can check out Cape Breton Showcase
for great links and info about local accomodations, services, activities and more.

Email: norm.murnaghan@ns.sympatico.ca