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At the beginning of 1997 the Master Germain announced that it was time to forge a new 'Inter - Dimensional Partnership of Healing', to put aside the divisions and isolationism of the past and come together in 'Oneness of Purpose, Oneness of Spirit'. As part of that process, he called upon all those Souls that had chosen to incarnate within the Crystal Dimension to join with Humanity, and the Souls incarnate within the Ocean Dimension, by adding their Love and Light to this powerful partnership of Healing.

The Souls within the Crystal Dimension responded joyfully to his call and worked powerfully with us in 1997, and their work culminated at the time of the September 23rd Marine Meditation when a massive Crystal was activated beneath the Ocean in the South Pacific. This Crystal was situated some two and a half hours east of New Zealand and was Pulsing brilliant Blue Light. I was given the awareness that this Crystal formed part of a linking bridge between the crystal energies of Atlantis and Lemuria, activating those ancient Crystal energies for the specific purpose of 'Holding the Earth in Balance'.

They continued to work with us in 1998 when we were asked by the Master Germain to Honour all life forms in all Dimensions, acknowledging their Equality within the 'All that is'. But there was a new addition to the team !! the Masters Hilarian and Djwal Khul came to stand alongside the Master Germain and add their Love and Light to this Partnership of Healing !!. This culminated at the time of the September 23rd Marine Meditation with the activation of a second massive Crystal beneath the Oceans - this time in the Indian Ocean some half an hour East of Madagascar. This Crystal was Pulsing brilliant Violet Light, and I was given the awareness that where the Violet Light from this Crystal met the Blue Light from the 1997 Crystal, a Spiral Energy Vortex would be formed that would be of great significance to Earth Healing, and would be a communication vehicle for the New Christ Consciousness !.

I was also given advance notification that a third massive Crystal would be activated within this Spiral Energy Vortex at some time in the future, and that this third Crystal would be pulsing Gold Light. No specific date was given, but it appeared to me that it would be 'sooner, rather than later !'. What would be formed by the activation of this third Crystal was the 'Threefold Flame of Christ Consciousness' !

It became clear very quickly that as the Blue and Violet light from the first two crystals would meet at two points around the world, and therefore form two Spiral Energy Vortexes, this third crystal would have to be double terminated and pass right through the centre of the Earth ! It was important, therefore, to seek more specific information on the positioning of these Crystals, so I sat in meditation with Spirit and asked for further guidance. The following information emerged : All three Crystals were activating along the line of the Tropic of Capricorn ! : The 1997 Crystal had as its centre of activation the coordinate 143 degrees West : The 1998 Crystal had as its centre of activation the coordinate 52.5 degrees East. This meant that the meeting point of the two Crystal energies ( the Spiral Energy Vortex ) had as its central points coordinates 134.75 degrees East, and 45.25 degrees West !.

Transferring this information to world maps provided the information that one termination point would be within Serra Do Mar (Sea Ranges) in Brazil, close to the town of Natividade Da Serra, and the other termination would be within the White Ranges in Central Australia at a place called Arltunga.

On 19th December 1998, a group led by Ana Maria Freitas Silveira went to the Serra Do Mar and conducted a meditation close to the point of Crystal activation. We in Australia, and a number of other groups around the world, held meditations to empower Ana Maria's group, and as a result, the Third Crystal began to activate !! It's activation was completed at the time of the Solstice on December 22nd !! At the precise time of the Solstice the Threefold Flame began to pulse its message of Christ Consciousness into the Hearts of every Being on this Planet, and to the Heart of the Earth itself !!!!!

On the 20th of March 2000, as the wave of energy from the Equinox Marine Meditation moved over and away from the west coast of the Americas, on its 24 hour journey around the Earth, I was given the following 'knowing'.

A fourth massive Crystal has been activated, this time at Glastonbury in the United Kingdom.

The Crystal is pulsing Magenta colour Light, and is called "The Crystal of Divine Peace".

The crystal sits above the Three Fold Flame, and is pulsing its Magenta light OUTWARDS through 8 light points ( 8 pointed Star ) and INWARDS through 5 light points to the Great Central Sun.

Subsequent information would suggest that the 5 inward pointing light points represent the gathering of the 5 Elements within the "Temple of the Three Fold Flame" to provide the necessary energy boost that the Earth Planet needs at this time, through the Great Central Sun.

Below is a visual representation of the "Crystal of Divine Peace". Please feel free to tune in to the Crystal, meditate upon it and work with it for the greater good of the Planet and all upon the Planet.

Although this may seem like an ending, the culmination of the work we have been doing since 1991, IT IS ONLY THE BEGINNING ! a platform has been created on a higher frequency level to assist us and the Planet in the Ascension Process. We still need to embrace the new energy and work with the new energy. As always the Masters are there to help us, and Spirit is there to guide us !

Blessings of Love in the ONE HEART. David J Adams

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