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To heads of enterprises, institutions, organizations, commercial structures To directors of banksTo representatives of foreign companies and firms!

To all people of the Earth, to those who encoutered in their life sufferings, who experienced grief of premature losses of theire people, relations, new-born children and therefore are not indifferent to pains and entreaties for help of millions of other people!!

You are approached by the Russian Public Fund of Folk Healing which was founded in 1994 for the purpose of protecting people`s health, supporting folk healing, developing and applying on a broader scale non-traditional methods of medicial treatment.

The Russian Public Fund of Folk Healing is engaged in enlightening activities of dissemination of knowledge of the methods and ways of folk healing, herbs treatment, propaganda of a healthy way of living. Choosing the most valuable in the forgotten and little know copy-books of folk medicineof the past, re-checking and supplementing the recipes, a unique experiens of treatment of the most serious diseases has been accumulated.

The Fund is headed by a well-known folk healer - a magigian, doctor of medicine - Mironov Vladimir Andreevich, who has to his credit tens of thousands of people saved from many seriouse diseases. V.A.Mironov is approached by people in the extreme situation, when the traditional medicin is helpless. Besides, he conducts diagnostics of a sick person by his photo, removes a wasting disease, the evel eye, conductsa search of missing persons.

The circle of people wishing to get help from the folk healer is being widened.

At present the Russian Public Fund of Folk Healing starts the execution of the program of foundation of V.A.Mironov`s Centre at which it is supposed to treat seriously ill people suffering from illnesses of the locomotor system, cancer diseases, heart diseases, prostate gland diseases, impotence, epilepsy, AIDS, children`s cerebral paralysis and many others.

To execute that program the Fund needs premises accomodated to the reception and treatment of people taking medical advice of the Centre.

The Russian Public Fund of Folk Healing approaches you with the request to assist it in creating V.A.Mironov`s Centre and to render charitable help and financiel support in making repairs and equipping the premises destined for the reception and treatment of sick men at the Centre.

Our detailse :

Russian Public Fund of Folk Healing

INN 7724044319

b.1, 18 Kedrov st., Moscow, 117218

S/a 700316 with Mezhprombank of Moscow, c/a 748161000, BIK 044583748.

Currency account: 1070442 with Mezhprombank of Moscow, c/a 748161000, BIK 044583748.

Our telephones: 719-05-70; 719-08-20; 124-13-40;

Fax: 124-54-24

Very truly yours and with many thanks,

President of the Fund V.A.Mironov

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