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Mr. & Mrs. Sam Jacks
Written by Mrs. Agnes (Sam) Jacks, your faithful ringette ambassador,

I was born in Scotland. My family moved to England just before World War II broke out, and there we remained.

I met my husband (Same Jacks) toward the end of the war, he was just completing six years serving with the Canadian Armed forces. We were married and I became a Canadian citizen automatically.

We started married life in Toronto and within a short time he was asked to become Director of Parks and Recreation for the City of North Bay. It was here he died in 1975. We had three(3) sons Barry, Bruce and Brian who were excellent hockey players ( no daughters ).

For a long time Sam had seen a need for a sport for females, a team sport, on ice using skates. I must make one point clear, this was not part of his job, this was his own interest on his own time. It was approximately 1963 when he experimented with the basic rules on outdoor rinks, as it was unheard of to get ice time in any of the arenas.

The equipment was a conlomeration of used figure skates, broken hockey sticks, deck tennis rings or any kind of rubber rings available. Pieces of coloured cloth were tied around the players arms to identify positions.

As time went by Sam had many teams in West Ferris and surrounding areas playing on outdoor rinks and using boys skates. He never doubted for a moment his game would flourish. He drove his friends crazy promoting it. Eventually his game was tried out in an arena further north, and by 1965 Sam's basic rules were refined. As you all know, various changes have taken place over the years.
