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Tips for writing a good fanfic

These I have learned from personal experience
NOTE: I'm not intending to insult anyone in these. If U see one of your things being mentioned as normal, don't take it to heart, but learn for next time, ok?

1- Key tip. Go for an ORIGINAL plotline. Take a dare and don't do a romance. But, if you must, avoid doing the typical "I, being the most gorgeous girl alive, move in next door to Hanson and Taylor asks me out on the 2nd day!" Especially with that whole "My window faces the Hanson's!" We've all seen it. We're all sick of it.

2-Use good grammar, spelling and punctuation.
woud you rally read a fanfci if i tped like this the whol time cause no puncuaton or gramar or spelign is involvd isnt rreally anoying. yeah i thot so
Point proven.

3-Don't be afraid to elaborate, but don't overelaborate.
Underelaborating: It was a nice day.
Overelaborating: It was tremendously gorgeous outside. The rainbow was painted across the sky and the birds were chirping. The temperature was 75 degrees. The humidity was only 20%. No cold fronts were expected. The grass was evenly moisturized with dew. The wind was blowing the leaves in the trees in a Northern direction. The precipitation was....
Good elaboration: It was a sunny, warm day outside. The birds were chirping, the wind was gently blowing and Zac couldn't wait to go try out his new skateboard.
Do not start sounding like a weatherman/insane freak

4-Don't drag out things too long, nor should you make things end quickly
For example: If someone gets kidnapped, a good short time is about 3 days. I don't know many kidnappers who are willing to keep their victim for longer than 2 weeks without keeping them. (I don't know much kidnappers for that matter either)

5-Have an actual sense of time, location, dates, distance, geography, human body proportions, etc.
It's NOT possible for someone to fly to Australia from Tulsa in 2 hours, unless you're superman. Nor can someone be 5'6 and 93 LBs without being called an anorexic freak whereever she/he travels

6-Make Walker and Diana actually ACT like parents.
They ARE human, and as some stories portray, don't worship their sons, DO give them curfews, and HAVE heard of sparing the rod and spoiling the child.

7-Also if you're doing a romance, try to avoid typical "Love" names such as...Love, Juliet, Rachael, Courtney, etc. Go for something weird but cool. Example: The story Close Your Eyes But Don't Sleep ( had the name "Rhiannon" which is nifterz.

8-Zac cannot be insanely hyper 100 of the time without being on crack/speed/heroine. Give him some calm and normal moments.

9-Like the above tip, Tay cannot be quiet and sensitive the whole time. Make him have insane moments also, if all of us have them, why shouldn't he? And he is not a psychic, therefor he can't read feelings the entire time. Example: Gwen and Tay's fight in Moving On Elsewhere (

10-Give them something weird to be interested in the weirder the better. Mention Zac having a weird habit of collecting Post-its. Or Isaac's weird fantasy of inventing Post-its. Lazer Quest does not have to be involved. Make them sick of it.

11-Add in subtle, yet LMAO jokes whenever possible.
a-"I'll play More Than Anything." said Ike.
"Exactly what I was thinking." said Taylor, "And could you make it as long as possible?"
"I'll play the ultra ultra extended version don't worry, you won't believe how long I can make this song go for."
"Yes we can." said Zac quietly. Taylor stifled a laugh but Isaac didn't seem to notice.
* * *
b-"Guys do you know what I just realized?"
"You can pee standing up?"
He ignored that one.
(Both from Zac says Tay still wets the bed [])

12-Adding some really cool lines also helps make the story more fun to read. Example:
There seemed to be no part of his chest or belly that wasn't covered in big deep bruising. No wonder if hurt to breathe so much! Zac looked at himself contemplatively for a moment before remarking to no one in particular, "If I was an apple I wouldn't choose me." (Also from ZSTSWTB. In case U can't tell, I worship this story)

13-HANSON ARE HUMAN. And like the rest of us, they can also ::::gasp::::: make mistakes! Such as accidentally blurting out secrets, dropping something all over their crush, or tripping over a crack in the sidewalk in front of all their friends.

14-Don't forget about some of Hanson's friends. Not many people mention Ashley or Jason their bodyguard.

15-If you feel that your story MUST have some sex in it, don't describe in tremendous detail. Example of 2 unnecessarily detailed stories: Tulsa74132 and Rope and Rape. Some people like it, others spew.

16-Unless your story focuses specifically on one certain person, share the limelight equally.

17-For a more personal experience, write in first person ("I", "Me) instead of third ("He/she, him/her") or be *ReaLLy* different and write in second (Using a narrorator not in the story) Good example: The railway children by E. Nesbit.

18-It is NOT possible for HITZ to cuss in front of their parents without getting their face dented. If you feel that they have to have bad language, don't make them swear in front of Walker and Diana

19-Don't make your story a total rip-off of something else like Melrose Place, Dawson's Creek, Buffy, etc.

Try not to write a story that'll bore you when itz half finished. If you have a feeling that you're gonna get bored, pay someone else to write it for you =o)

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Recommended Reading:
Zac Says Tay Still Wets The Bed
I ain't no angel
Roads by Sheryl

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