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Played any OUIJA BOARD lately?

It was November 1st - the night AFTER Halloween...The Halloween Decorations were up all over the place!

It was a Girls' Pajama Party...we were in 10th grade! We were in the basement of a two-family house. Black and Orange Crepe Paper was hung all around the room, streamers and festive for Halloween.

There were 15 sophmore girls trying to stay up all night. There were laughs, jokes, giggles...then the scary stories. Somebody said, let's play Ouija! There was no ouija board; but being the resourceful young ladies they were, they "made" one!

Somebody found some chalk, and drew the OUIJA BOARD on the basement was perfect. We used a small box for the "OUIJA". We all took turns, and we asked all the usual questions - like how old is "so and so's mother"..."how many bottles are on the 3rd shelf..." etc.

Naturally, the OUIJA began answering the questions correctly....and faster....I can still hear the sound of that small box that we used for the OUIJA as it slid on the chalked floor, as it answered each and every question.

When just about everyone had had their turn at it, I was a partner with my friend, Rita...we were really into it now...when all of a sudden, Louise - who was sitting about 6 feet away asked the question..."Wow, I wonder what is making that work? Is it God or the Devil?"

At the very split second that Louise asked that question, "...Is it God or the Devil?" Every single bit of crepe paper and halloween streamers dropped to the floor!

We all ran upstairs as fast as we could. Oh my GOD! We were shaking!

After we calmed down, we decided to go back down there and clean up - vowing never to play that game again....

As we got farther and farther down the stairs, we stopped...we could still hear the box swishing on the chalked floor...all by this day I can still hear it...

It was years before I played OUIJA again! Never had an experience like that again. But it was one I'll never forget.

By the way, now I have an antique wooden OUIJA BOARD hanging in my Dining Room.

You'll have to read the Dining Room Story to see what happens next!
