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Teen Beans Beanies


Hi!This site is on the ty collector items, Beanie Babys!It includes lot's of beanie info.I hope you enjoy this page and feel free to make any suggestions about the page, my e-mail address is at the bottom of the page.I will also answer any questions if you include an e-mail address in your e-mail.I will not go sending or giving out e-mail address I will be the only one looking at them.Remember I have no affiliation with ty company in any way.


I have heard many rumors from a number of sources on the net, remember,these are rumors not announcements.E-mail me if you have any rumors

I heard on a chat line the BBOC's are maybe coming to Canada next month but I'm not sure it's true.I heard on another website that they are expected to be here soon.

There is supposed to be a design change to Iggy.(really rainbow but the tags are mixed up as most of you know)The change will be the tounge and the tag will be on the back.

They may stop making pouch because the little guy in the pouch may cause a choke hazzard. The next kangaroo is supposed to be a male.

Wise will retire next because of the date on his hat.

There will be more rumors once I write them down(From other sites if they allow me!!) and get some from people who e-mail me!


The New Beanies are Here!

The new beanies are:

Whisper the Deer
Wise the Owl
Glory the bear
Gigi the Poodle
Tracker the Basset hound
Fortune the Panda
Early the Robin
Rocket the Blue Jay
Fetch the Golden Retrever
Jabber the Parrot
Jake the Mallard Duck
Kuku the Cockatoo
Stinger the Scorpion
Ants the Anteater

Clubby is out!

Clubby the bear was mailed to Official club members.I'm not sure how long ago but it couldn't have been that long.It is a purple/blue color.It is hard to tell in the pictures I have seen.On his chest he has the BBOC official club pin.The ribbon I think is all diff.colors. The club kits as most of you Canadians know are not in Canada yet.So I do not have one. If anyoneknows different about the BBOC's in Canada, e-mail me and tell me.

The poem
Wearing his club pin for all to see
He's a member like you and me
Made especially with you in mind
Clubby the bear is one of a kind
To see more on clubby go to the links on this page and go to Beanie Mom's.

The teenies that came out awhile ago are:

Doby the Doberman
Bongo the Monkey
Twigs the Giraffe
Inch the Wrom
Pinchers the Lobster
Happy the Hippo
Mel the Koala
Scoop the Pelican
Bones the Dog
Zip the Cat
Waddle the Penguin
Peanut the elephant

Retired Beanies

The retired beanie babys are:

1997 Teddy
Ally the Alligator
Baldy the eagle
Bessie the Cow
Blizzard the Tiger
Bones the Dog
Bronty the Dino
Bubbles the Fish
Bucky the Beaver
Bumble the Bee
Caw the Crow
Chilly the Polar Bear
Chops the Lamb
Coral the Fish
Cubbie the Bear
Digger the Crab
Doodle the Rooster
Ears the Bunny
Echo the Dolphin
Flash the Dolphin
Flip the Cat
Floppity the Bunny
Flutter the Butterfly
Garcia the Tye-dyed Bear
Goldie the Fish
Gracie the Swan
Grunt the Razorback
Happy the Hippo
Hoot the owl
Hoppity the Bunny
Humpherey the Camel
Inch the Worm
Inky the Octupus
Jolly the Walrus
Kiwi the Toucan
Lefty the Donkey
Legs the Frog
Liberaty the Bear
Lizzy the Lizzard
Lucky the Ladybug
Magic the Dragon
Manny the Manatee
Nip the Cat
Patti the Platypus
Peanut the elephant(navy Blue, light blue)
Peking the Bear
Pinchers the Lobster
Quackers the Duck(wings,no wings)
Radar the Bat
Rex the T-rex
Righty the elephant
Rover the Dog
Scottie the Terrier
Seamore the Seal
Slither the snake
Snowball the snowman
Sparky the Dalmation
Speedy the turtle
Splash the orca
Spooky the ghost
Spot the Dog
Squealer the Pig
Steg the Stegasauraus
Sting the ray
Stripes the tiger
Tabassco the Bull
Tank the Armadillo
Teddy the Bear(all colors)
Trap the mouse
Tusk the Walrus
Twigs the Giraffe
Velvet the Panther
Waddle the Penguin
Waves the orca
Weenie the dog
Web the Spider
Ziggy the Zebra
Zip the Cat
Beanie Value Guide
The Beanie value Guide will be coming very soon, along with more info than just prices.

I won a page award from Beanie Babies Galore!!

!!Please sign my guestbook and use NO foul language or rude comments!!

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My Favorite Beanie Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
The offical ty Beanie Baby site
Beanie Mom-One of the best pages about Beanies
RJW's Beanie Mania-A page with loads of links, rumours, and more!
Love Those Beanies-A cool site with contests and more!
