~*Zareth's Teachings*~
(We welcome you to print the following pages for your reading enjoyment.
We encourage you to share them with your family and friends.)
Teaching #38 - "Tasks"
Teaching #37 - "Essence"
Teaching #36 - "Creating In The Spirit World"
Teaching #35 - "Fear"
Teaching #34- "You are Spirit"
Teaching #33 - "More About the Area of Self-Realization"
Teaching #32 - "Christmas and the Nazarene"
Teaching #31 - "Guardians"
Teaching #30 - "Accepting The Truths"
Teaching #29 - "What Is Truly You?"
Teaching #28 - "About Spirit Teachers"
Teaching #27 - "The Soul"
Teaching #26 - "Brotherhood & Subtleness of Growth"
Teaching #25 - "People Differences"
Teaching #24 - "Spiritual Growth"
Teaching #23 - "Life's Struggles"
Teaching #22 - "Pride"
Teaching #21 - "Colour"
Teaching #20 - "The Area of Supreme Endeavour"
Teaching #19 - "The Summerland and the Area of Self-Realization"
Teaching #18 - "Challenges of Life"
Teaching #17 - "The Transition Between Life and Death"
Teaching #16 - "The World Today"
Teaching #15 - "When a Loved One Goes to a Higher Level"
Teaching #14 - "Explanation of Thoughts and Actions"
Teaching #13 - "Why is it that Life is so Hazardous?"
Teaching #12 - "The Lower Levels in the Spirit World"
Teaching #11 - "Life in the Spirit World"
Teaching #10 - "About the Bible"
Teaching #9 - "The Ways of Mankind"
Teaching #8 - "Vision and the Delivery"
Teaching #7 - "The Gift of Being Psychic"
Teaching #6 - "The Earthly Life of Both Zareth and the Nazarene"
Teaching #5 - "Do Spirit Beings Who Are Aware Strive Strong or
Do They Procrastinate?"
Teaching #4 - "The Subject of Prayer"
Teaching #3 - "Zareth's Friend Jarus Speaks of his Experiences"
Teaching #2 - "Work in the Spirit World with Answers to Questions
Posed to Zareth"
Teaching #1 - Currently Not Available
"The Teachings of Silver Birch"
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