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Ashlynnmarie's Page



All you wanted to know about me and maybe a little bit more!!

Hey everyone that is readin this. I have no clue what to write, so here goes nothing.. I am NOW A SENIOR!!!! WOOO HOO!! At Watonga High school and I have plans on attendin OSU and majorin in the computer/business management field and accounting. I am into the normal teenage stuff but benz how my parents and some of my friends don't consider me part of the normal section of life here is what I'm into: hang out with my friends, a good party, watching movies, rodeos ( I have this thing for tight wranglered cowboys and country music), and of course chatting and the internet..I am a great listener and a great talker but a very bad typer...I wanted to thank everyone that has been there for me over the last couple of months (to those of you who don't know I was in a really bad car wreck,) but I don't wanna get into that right now so if you wanna know me feel free to email me and ask anything you like. Family & friends have been there through everything with me and I am really lucky to have such a great family on the internet. Belive me if anyone woulda asked me if I thought of the people on the internet as family a couple of months ago I woulda told them no because its just other people on the net like me but I have come to see that these people are just more than internet fellow chatters these people are my friends and family and they care alot about me. Everyone that I know deserves a BIG HUG and a pat on the back for dealin with me and if you know me, you know that is REALLY hard at times. Well I think I have said enough but don't be surprised if the next time you visit there is alot more on this page..Thanks for stoppin by and reading this. I hope I didn't bore you to death.. Love ya lots.... Ashlynn Marie *Ginni*

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