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OologahQ's Diablo Page

Welcome to my Diablo page. This page contains strategies, shrine descriptions, and more. First of all, this site is not affiliated with Blizzard in any way shape or form and Diablo and all the images from Diablo on this page are registered trademarks of Blizzard. Another thing, if you are looking for cheats or hacks you will not find them here. I am one of the few people who think the game of Diablo is the most fun if played the way the designers intended it to be played. I never cheat, dupe, hack, etc. If you are looking for such programs, look somewhere else!

Character Strategies
Shrine descriptions
My characters
Legit Guilds

CHaracter Strategies
The Warrior
The Rogue
The Sorceror
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A Guide to SHrines
Shrines are an interesting part of Diablo. They create strange effects upon your character and sometimes others when activated. The shrines in the first few levels will be labeled so you can check this guide for their effects before activating them. However later the goat shrines and cauldrons are not labeled so you can only tell what they did after activation by the cryptic clue given. I never touch goat shrines or cauldrons because of the adverse effects they might have.
Abandoned Shrine
    Adds 2 to Dexterity. "The hands of men may be guided by fate."

Creepy Shrine
    Adds 2 to Strength. "Strength is bolstered by heavenly faith."

Cryptic Shrine
    Restores Mana and casts Nova. "Arcane power brings destruction."

Divine Shrine
    Fills mana and life balls, and gives either 2 full rejuvenation or 1 full mana and 1 full healing potions. "Drink and be refreshed."

Eerie Shrine
    Adds 2 to Magic. "Knowledge and Wisdom come at the cost of self."

Eldritch Shrine
    Health and Mana potions become Rejuvenation. "Crimson and azure become as the sun."

Enchanted Shrine
    One spell down a level, all others up one level. "Magic is not always what it seems to be."

Fascinating Shrine
    You gain 2 levels of firebolt, but lose 1/10 of maximum damage. "Intensity comes at the cost of wisdom

Glimmering Shrine
    All items are identified. "Mysteries revealed in the light of reason."

Gloomy Shrine
    Adds 2 to AC of all shields, helmets, armor. -1 to all weapons max damage. "Those who defend seldom attack."

Hidden Shrine
    Adds 10 points to the maximum and current durability to all items, -10 to one. "New strength is forged through destruction."

Holy Shrine
    Teleports you to a nearby point on the level. "Wherever you go, there you are."

Magical Shrine
    Casts mana shield on you. "While the spirit is vigilant the body thrives."

Mysterious Shrine
    Adds 5 points to 1 random stat, takes 1 point from others. "Some are weakened as one grows strong."

Ornate Shrine
    You gain 2 levels of holy bolt, but lose 1/10 of maximum mana. "Salvation comes at the cost of wisdom."

Quiet Shrine
    Adds 2 to Vitality. "The essence of life flows from within."

Religious Shrine
    Restores all weapon durabilities to maximum. "Time cannot diminish the power of steel."

Sacred Shrine
    You gain 2 levels of charged bolt, but lose 1/10 of maximum mana. "Energy comes at the cost of wisdom."

Secluded Shrine
    Completes automap for current level. "The way is cleard when viewed from above."

Spiritual Shrine
    Fills your inventory with gold. "Riches abound when least expected."

Spooky Shrine
    Gives full rejuvenation potions to other players. "Where avarice fails, patience gains reward."

Stone Shrine
    Recharges all staves. "The powers of mana refocused renews."

Tainted Shrine
    All other players get +1-3 to some stats and -1 to others. "Those who are last may yet be first."

Thaumaturgic Shrine
    All chests on the level regenerate with new items. "What once was opened now is closed."

Weird Shrine
    Adds +1 to all weapons max damage. "The sword of justice is swift and sharp."

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My CHaracters
In this section you will find information about my characters that I use on All these characters are 100% legit and I am not a PK so if you see me on bnet you can safely play with me if you are also a non-PK legit character. If you are perceptive and an avid reader of fantasy literature you probably noticed that all of my characters have names taken from the Prydain Chronicles. This is one of the best fantasy series ever written and I don't think it ever got the recognition it deserved. If you haven't read them go look for The Book of Three by Lloyd Alexander. And yes, I know that Eilonwy wasn't much of a rogue but she is the only chick in the books other than Achren and the witches. Also the JWW is my initials.
Arawn_JWW        Taran_JWW        Eilonwy_JWW
Level: 32                      Level: 30                    Level: 10 :(
Class: Sorceror                 Class: Warrior               Class: Rogue
Best Item: Dreamflange         Best Item: Stormshield    BestItem:Nothing Good
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Legit Guilds
In this section you will find a link to what is in my opinion the only legit guild you will ever need know about. I am a member of this guild and so I have not been playing my main characters much lately. This is a great guild and I highly recommend it.
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