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1. complex
4. identifiy, discover
7. essential
10. faulty
11. support
12. utensils
14. crush
16. glass container used in laboratories
18. hold
19. end in
20. unabled to be cured
22. allow, facilitate
25. extraordinary
26. enable
30. eliminate
35. transform
36. change caused by something
37. giver, supplier
38. work together
39. sore
40. begin
41. contract


2. give
3. incapacitating
4. location, dispersal
5. regular
6. part
8. able to be transmitted
9. come from
12. carry out, perform
13. deteriorating
15. put on
17. focus on
21. affecting someone since birth
22. total, whole
23. initial
24. change so that something appears unnatural
27. speed up
28. called
29. to influence
31. construct
32. adhere
33. transmit
34. try to stop


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