Christmas 2006 is coming in just
-6667 days, 12 hours,
31 Minutes and 5 Seconds
My CB "Handle" is (no kiddin`), "Uncle Jim", or "2020", or "2 Echo Uniform 114", or "2 American Eskimo 1114". I got my first CB Radio in 1959, a "General MC-5"...Thanks to Alan Fussell, I now have another one...Thanx, Alan... I have recently passed my Amateur Technition exam, and my call sign is KD5MVX. Antennas; Penetrator 500 atop a 32 ft. tower that Gambler GAVE me for my 55th birthday (what a guy), and a 6 element "ZX YAGI"...The FIRST one in the United States!!! WOW! What an antenna!!! The ZX Yagi fits on top of my "US Towers TX-455 Crank up" Mobile Antenna; The best Mobile Antenna made!!! MAVERICK - Hand Made to order, Right here in Moore, Ok. (Sorry to say, it`s no longer in production). My CB "Buds" are; 26 & Yellow Rose - Gambler & Wolf Walker - Turnkey - Fisherman & Do Dat - Catfish - Mr. Wizard - Trapper - Red Beard & Lady Bear - Hank - Horse Trader - 88 - Clod Hopper - Tiger - Wonder Woman - Bigfoot - Wayne - Raider - Dakota - Nighthawk - and Aunt Donna. Another list of Radio Equipment at the bottom...
This is my way of protesting those businesses who have tried to rip me off, and/or my friends by Over Charging, and/or being extremely RUDE, or just downright NASTY! These are, in my opinion, SLEEZY OPERATORS! I must say, at this point, that this is MY opinion, and you should do business with these people, or not, as you so choose...
1. "TotalComm Sales" - Some of you may remember this guy's banner at the top of my page. Well, I thought the guy was a good guy, so I advertised for him on my web site. When it came time to collect, and I ordered 3 items, he only partially filled my order. Six months later when I confronted him with what he still owed me, he denied that he owed me anything else, even though I kept his banner up an additional six months after he had terminated the agreement.
On the surface, Jason seems like a really NICE guy. However, scratch that surface and he has only ONE interest. That's his bottom line! NOT making customers happy, and having them spread the word so he can get more business.
Sorry, but I feel that this is just "Sleezy"!
2. "MACO ANTENNA CO." - This guy (the owner) wanted to charge me $25.00 for the instruction sheet for a Maco Comet, plus postage. Extremely rude, and full of himself. Then, one of his employees sent me a threatening Email! I will never endorse ANY maco antenna! They couldn`t even tell me whether their "Gain Claims" were over an Isotropic Radiator, or a Dipole.
3. "10-4 Communications" in Oklahoma City - This guy charged a very naive High School kid $422.12 for a Cherokee Base. The poor kid had it a few days and found out what they REALLY cost! The jerk at 10-4 hung up on him, when he called to find out why he was charged so much. This kid spent ALL of his graduation money on this radio! I know, I know..."Let the buyer beware", and all that stuff. But, geez, gimme` a break! What a jerk!
4. "Your Place Electronics"... I think he's from somewhere around Chicago. However, I think he must work out of his home, because he has no address on his website. Not even a CITY! I have had NUMEROUS reports of sleezy dealings by this individual. I have never dealt with him on a personal basis. However, from the amount of Email I have received about this person, from several different individuals, I have come to the conclusion that, "If it quacks like a duck, and waddles like a duck, it MUST be a duck"!
5. "Bravenet Web Services"... These guys were great providers for
my Forum, my Guestbook, and my "Add Your Own Link" page. Did a
great job for many years. However, due to the joker who insisted
on trashing everything he had access to by making racist, sexually
explicit and downright blasphemic remarks, people started complaining.
(Perhaps the perpetrator himself?) Well, to make a long story short,
Bravenet cancelled their services to me... without any notification at
all! If, in fact, had they made me aware that I was about to be
cancelled, maybe I could have done SOMETHING about the problem. I
had made them aware on numerous occasions that I was having a problem, but they said there was nothing they could do about it. In other words, they had no control over their own software. I told them how to fix the problem, but they refused. So, it's a step back to the 90's when I had no Forum or guestbook! If you would like a Forum, I would suggest "Soda Pop's" or "Nighthawk's". They're both great friends and would, I know, welcome your input and questions. Thanks to all my regulars who stuck by me throughout the ordeal.
This is a commentary about a company that we're not always satisfied with, but we can hardly live without! I know I can't! I recently had a bad experience with one of their products. It was their "Weather Station". I sent it back for repair 3 times! I finally got mad enough to call the biggest boss I could find, and got hold of his assistant, Deedee! I gotta' tell ya' people, the nicest woman God ever wobbled a gut in! The thing was ALMOST out of warranty (2 days to go). Their policy is "Money back for the FIRST 30 days". I'd had the thing for a year. All I wanted was a new one, with another full year's warranty! She said she'd see what she could do. I thought, "Yeah, RIGHT"! In 5 short minutes she called me back. She said that they had had a lot of problems with that unit, and as a result, she would give me a choice of getting a new one, or getting a full return on my investment! I chose the money. Now, she didn't have to do that, because it was NOT company policy. But she did, and she got MY business for life! I only wish that I got support from EVERY company I do business with like I have from Radio Shack in general, and Deedee in particular! Lead on, Deedee! You are a SHINING example of the way people should deal with those of us who have chosen to be your customers!
This is "Petey". Well, this is Ain't Donna's 'old' Petey. Uncle Jim was a baaaad boy on Friday the 13'th this June when a bad, bad man made a left turn in front of Uncle Jim. Uncle Jim felt like he had to teach the bad, bad man a lesson and smack the crap out of the side of the bad man's pick-up! Well, Uncle Jim taught the bad man a lesson, but totaled poor Petey in the process. Ain't Donna was VERY upset! So Uncle Jim had to buy Ain't Donna a brand NEW Petey. Since everything is identical, we might as well say that this is the new Petey. Anyway, you get the idea...
This is one of the BEST SITES on the whole web, and SIMONE is one of the nicest people I know... Check out my Articles, in the "Handbook" section while you`re there...
And if you want to see pictures of my other hobby, making and collecting knives, check out my
I hope you`re enjoying "Uncle Jim`s". I`m always changing here, so "Bookmark" ("ctrl-D") this place, and come back often.
This is my FAVORITE Search Engine..And, the easiest to use (you don`t need to use those stupid Key Words, that nobody can remember). Try it!
"Tell your friends about Uncle Jim's Radio Page... PUHLEEEZE?"
Icom IC2800H Dual Bander - ADI AR-147+ (2) - Mirage B2518G (2) - Diamond SX-400 watt meter - Antenna Specialists ASA-3102-25 - Yaesu FT-202 HT - MFJ 945D antenna tuner (don't need it, but I've got it) - MFJ 1026 noise cancelling signal enhancer - GM 326-G Digital Controller - 150 amp power supply - 75 amp power supply - CDE Tail Twister, twisting my 2 home brew stacked 8 element 2 meter cubical quads - 7 element cubical quad - and my I-10K from "Jay in the Mojave", all critically balanced on top of a US Tower Corp TR-55, crank up/crank over 55 foot tower with a 20 foot 2 inch pipe concealing a 20 foot 1 3/4 inch pipe! - Central Electronics Model-20A - Knight R-100A - Argonne AR57 Dual Chrystal Desk Mike - And a 27" RCA remote control TV for when Ain't Donna runs me out of the house to my heated, air conditioned rat shack!
Browning MK-2 with SSB-15 and Model X-100 transadaptor - 2 Browning Mark III's - Browning R-27, S-23 - Sonar FS-3023 - General MC-6 - General MC5 - Johnson (black face) Messenger - International Executive - Pierce Simpson "Simba" (Thanks .Dan) - Galaxy Pluto - Pace 123a - Pal VFO - Siltronix Model 90 VFO - Powerstat Variac - Dosey TC-4002-PSW Test Center - Dosey TC-4002-SW Test Center - PDC-600 Meters (2) - 75 Amp Power Supply, by Russell Binson - Pyramid 35 Amp Power Supply - Astatic D-104`s (7) - 2 Browning 776's - 2 Browning Bananna mics - Various other Hand Mikes (who knows?) - 2 Low Pass filters - A Home Made Antenna Tuner - And an MFJ - 945D Antenna Tuner (this thing is GREAT!)
Drake R8A - Radio Shack DX-390 - Knight R-100-A - Radio Shack Amplified Antennas (3) - MFJ-1026 Noise Cancelling Signal Enhancer (WOW! This thing REALLY works GREAT!) - Radio Shack Digital Signal Processor (DSP-Works great with CB Radio, too!) - G.E. "SuperRadio III" - Radio Shack Pro-43 Scanner (with "Mods") - A brand NEW Bearcat BC758D Digital Scanner (this thing is Sooo COOL!) - A Radio Shack Discone Scanner Antenna - And, an OLD Central Electronics, Inc. (Chicago) Model 20-A Ham Radio.
If you're interested in finding E.T., you can go here, download your own software, and participate in this worthy program... I did! It's REALLY interesting, and there's a chance (albeit slim) that you will win the Nobel Prize! But... Not if you don't choose to participate...