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Happy Valentine's Day

Americans are big on the Holidays. We live by what you might call a Hallmark calendar, always able to find a reason to buy a greeting card... and a gift... and decorations... and treats... and special occasion clothes... and jewelry... Whew! No sooner is one holiday over, when the next one’s items go on sale.

Where does the Christian fit in when it comes to Valentine’s Day?

I remember a favorite Professor at Covenant College who was often asked for advice. He had a knack of offering a Christian perspective on just about any issue. He was fond of saying: “The heart of the matter is the matter of the heart.” What he meant was, first make sure your heart is right with the Lord. Then he would offer some instruction to help you to learn the Lord’s wil,l and then he would tell you to get busy and do it.

With that in mind, first let’s look at what the Bible says about the heart. In Genesis, God says of humanity: “Every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood.” How well He Knows us! The Priest Samuel said “Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” So many of our precious verses were learned when we were young: “Create in me a clean heart, O Lord...”, “A broken and a contrite heart, O Lord, Thou will not despise”, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” First we need to make sure our Hearts belong to Him who loves us.

Next, our understanding of our relationship with God helps us to know how to live from day to day. Christ refers to Himself as the Groom and us, the Church, as the Bride, and tells us to keep watch and be ready for His return.

So how does that young lover behave? And, as the Bride of Christ, how do you measure up to those faithful ones mentioned in Matthew 25?

* She longs to hear his voice. - The Bible is God’s words to us, His Voice. Are you reading?

* She always looks to find a way to get to be with her beloved. - The time spent worshipping the Lord is a priority. Are you really glad when they said “Let us go into the house of the Lord”?

* She confides in him, and tells him her troubles and dreams. - We sing “Sweet hour of prayer” or is it only five minutes?

* She wants to be nice to his friends. - God tells us to care for His people: church members and the stranger.

* She strives to know him so well that she knows his wishes.

* She anticipates what pleases him and does it gladly.

* She considers him, even when he is absent, and refuses to do or say anything that would dishonor him.

- Getting to know the Lord in this way is the joy of a lifetime, and takes a lifetime. Get busy and do it.

This is how God says “Be mine”: In Romans 5 it says, “God demonstrates His love for us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”

A speaker at a conference I attended in 1972 was telling us about how God’s word is such a puzzle for non-Christians. He said, “The Bible is a love letter from God to his beloved. If the Lord does not live in your heart, then you are reading someone else’s mail.”

February really is a wonderful time for Christians! We have a very special Valentine from God. Open your Valentine and read it!
