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Jackie Sites Home Page

1. In Memory of My Mother and my youngest Brother
2. Picture of me and my family
3. Charles F. Pittman orbituary
4. Charles Pittman & Janie Scott; Oklahoma Pittmans; Jess Pittman
5. Bill & Charles Pittman; Jack Fouts and Minnie Reynolds; Ace Scott
6 . Pleasant Pittman
7. David & Charles Sims; my Dad-Jimmy Sims; LouElla Beason and me
8. Noah T. Beason & Jane Williams; Jim Williams & Nancy Henderson; Richard Beason & Sarah Ann Davis
9 Nathaniel G Dial & Lilliah Hinkle; George Dial and David Sims and Tom Sims; Lois Shockley-Sims and Jimmy Sims
10. Shockley Clan; Newton Shockley & Lou Ella Beason; Granny Sims and her Shockley siblings
11. Charles Sims and Ida Harvick; Lois Shockley & Howell Sims; Howell, Gresham and Melvin Sims
12. John Strickland & Sarah Bain; George and Early Strickland and Families; America Strickland & Harmon Reynolds; Roxy and Lear Strickland
13. Jessie Daniel & Linnie Hough; Lizzy Strickland; Roxy Stricklands' kids
14. Janie & Leona Scott; Earl and Janie Scott; Lear Vesta Strickland & Ace Scott
15. Strickland Clan all kids and grandkids of John and Sarah Strickland except for Lear and Andrew

Come in, kick your shoes off, sit back and relax and have fun looking around. If you find family, drop me a line and let me know!

Strickland Genealogy and related famlies of Scott, Bain and Earp
Shockley and Beeson Family Genealogy
Dial, Hinkle and Newton Family Genealogy
Sims and Harvick Family Genealogy
Pittman Family Genealogy
The Bain and Strickland Family Story by our Cousin Rita Mitchell Evans

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"Call 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678) if you've seen one of these children."

I will be trying to make changes in the next week or so, please bear with me!
Murray County databases, coming sometime in the future!
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own snowman!
