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Cho...? Reports 16-20

Sixteenth Report
I put a new section on my "Cho...?" page. You can view it here, but please be advised that it is not compleat. I wont be able to compleat it untill sometime after Christmas.
Seventeenth Report
I just wanted to inform everyone that the page described above is compleate and ready for visitors.
I also wanted to tell everyone about the happenings going on over at The Riven Guild Site. As it is to my understanding their was a piece of paper discovered by the Miller brothers during their "E.D.G.E. Hole Series" that holds certian clues as to what the third game is to be about and its title. The piece of paper contained the following:
The word, when put into English is: behlehtsahrah
To know more about this I would suggest to go to this page.
Eighteenth Report
A few weeks ago I recieved the following E-Mail. It contains some intersting information about Myst, Riven, and the third game. Here Check it out:
>>> D'ni Language & Culture . Over the next few months and into the summer and fall, the amount of D'ni information will increase on our site. Discussion on both the Riven Lyst, RivenGuild Chat and our sites will include D'ni language ( new words, language rules, graphics, guilds etc. ), information on culture and history. A great deal has yet to be discovered and with the ongoing exploration and daily discoveries, we expect fans will be very excited about what is to come. Timing will depend on a number of issues. Stay tuned as we will be sending out special newsletter to cover this. . >>> Cool News . It's now no secret that 2 books are in the works from CYAN and that we can expect something in late fall / early spring. The content of these books so far has been kept secret. I expect that further travels and detective work will result in our providing fans with an insight in coming months. . CYAN's next game ( referred to as "the next project" ) is underway and from what we have learned it looks like game development is progressing. We can't say much on this but we did manage to release both a word and graphic from the next project in this past December. The graphic has created a great deal of discussion. In the coming weeks we will release some more detail about the drawing that we didn't let out at Christmas. Again, we discover new data daily and so watch for more announcements. . >>> Secret Stuff . We have in the past and present, learned a great deal from our own research and data we have collected. Some of our "explorations" have yielded material that we have not released but chose to "hide" on our site or amongst riddles or clues we provide. We do this to entertain and to provide secret stuff to people who share our interest in exploring and conducting D'ni research. . Rand Miller, one of the creators of Riven and Myst recently emailed the webmasters at Rivenguild and mentioned that a number of Easter eggs in Riven have yet to be found. Research is underway to locate these and we will be providing fans with information soon on what we uncover. . Have fun and watch more more developments in the coming months.
Nineteenth Report
Over the last weekend I recieved an E-Mail from a friend of mine named Ortutay. He told me the title to the third game. It appears to me that the word and the picture showed above in the Seventeenth Report do infact have something to do with the third game. The word (which im about to tell you) is actioually the title. Here is the word:
"Beletsara" (Pronounced: beh-leh-tsah-rah.)
This about all I have for you for this report. Thank You and hang in their. I have a feeling that something really good is going to happen in the world of Myst and Riven within the next few days. Also I am planning an Anniversary Contest for my page. Their will be more information about this in the near future.
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