Welcome to Lawrence Acres Nubians, My name is Marilyn, I'm married to a wonderful man name Jerry, We have been raising Registered Nubian dairy goat for about four years now Our little herd is from the PAW-PAW and EASY-STREAM lines.
We live in Oklahoma, We have a year round creek running through the middle of our property, its fed from springs under ground so the water stays ice cold all year long, it runs into the Illinois river, its a beautiful place to live, the humidity is miserable but other than that its a great place to live, and raise our goats Jerry and I have been married just a few years we both came from divorce's, and have children from our previous marriages and we had one child together she's 4 1/2 years old now, So if you count his, mine, and ours we have six children all together. We also have 4 grandchildren, Durrell, Rowdi and Taylor and Kindall.
My hobbies are sewing, crocheting, making quilts and of course raising nubian dairy goats, I love all kinds of arts and craft. My new interest is the computer Jerry introduced me to it when we got married. My husband works in the waste water treatment field, Jerry's plant superintendent he's been there for about 30 years now. People have called him for answers in his field from all over the world, places like Scottland, Canada, Mexico and many others, not to mention every state in the USA. when it comes to waste water, Jerry really knows his stuff. Jerry's also a hunter, has been since he was a little boy and of course he has always lived here in Oklahoma all his life and hunting is something all little boys grow up doing here, he really enjoy's it.