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"You don't see a lot of movies like this. This film is about valor and passion and honor, as opposed to the machismo thing you see in a lot of films these days. This story is very complex. It has twists and turns, and many layers of emotion." --Leo 'bout Man In The Iron Mask

"I just hate it when bad sories get made up about me, like that I have a drug habit. Just because I enjoy going out doesn't mean I'm doing drugs and I've never done drugs and don't intend to either." --Leo 'bout the "taking drugs" issue

"My first kiss was so disgusting. The girl injected about a pound of saliva into my mouth, and when I walked away I had to spit it out." --Leo on his 1st(yucky) kiss

"I like to be with someone fun, who has character and style," --Leo's dream girl according to Leo!

"I do believe it can happen. Definitely. Who doesn't like the idea that U could see someone tomorrow and she could be the love of your life? It's very romantic. But it's never happened to me-yet." --Leo on Love at first sight

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