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Hello internet surfers and Jagr fans! My name is Nick and I LOVE hockey!As you can see, I,m building this site right now so you can enjoy it in the future! If you want me to make a link to your page, just send me an e-mail! If you have any cool tricks to give to me so I can make this page better, please e-mail them to me! I hope that you will come back soon to see my updated page! Don't forget to visit some pages of my friends!

Here are some of the sections on my page:

Click here for some information on the best NHLplayer!

Click here to look at the card page, it has lists, wantlists and more! working

Click here to see my picture gallery, there isn't much for now but later it will be jammed-pack!working on it!

When you go on one of the above sections, there will be more stuff to surf on so keep your eyes open!

Links to some of my favorite pages:

ANGELFIRE:THE best internet host!

The Hellraiser Clan

THE best Jaromir Jagr page by Stephanie: the Jagr girl

A page by Kidjustino

Another page on Jagr

A great page made by Mike

A page by Pete

If you want me to put you on my link list, just send me an e-mail with your address and it will be done!

Don't worry 'cause there will be more cool links to visit!

Don't worry if you think that this page is small because I try to upload it every day!

See you soon!!!

Nick of the HêLLr@î§Er ¢L@N
