
Antonova's Best Poetry | |

I don't want to go to sea
With men who shelter in the lee.
The brave man sails in spite of fears,
He sets a course that never veers.
The coward keeps his boat in port,
And plays at sailing like a sport.
And which of these will wisdom bless
With skills to meet the times of stress?
I know I want to go to sea
With men who have integrity.
With men who fear, but still will fight
To set a course they know is right.
With men who cannot be deterred
From living boldly by God's word.

I walked around it every day,
This obstacle that barred my way.
Who put it there? I couldn't say.
This pebble on the bluff.
I could have picked it up, I know,
And tossed it to the cliffs below,
But I had many miles to go.
"It's just a stone," I said.
I had no time for menial chores.
I'll simply make some small detours.
My heart was set on worldly lures.
I'd just walk through the rough.
A boulder blocks my passing now.
It seems that it has grown somehow,
And though I try - I don't know how
To clear the path ahead.
And now I see the aftermath,
And long to take inaction back.
I only wish I'd cleared the path
When I was strong enough.

My Mother died sometime last night,
And I have just turned nine.
The grief that floods my soul
Has swept away my heart and mind.
The future stretches grey and dark
While I look to the past.
The agony will not subside -
How long will this pain last?
And then I wake to find a dream
Has played a trick on me.
My dampened pillow's cold and wet
As I feel grief recede.
My Mother didn't die last night -
But I cannot forget
The pain that other children feel
Who haven't wakened yet.

Floating gently on the tide,
Meekly hugging shore,
Vowing to keep close to home,
Never seeking more.
Oh, how foolish to assume
That drifting keeps you near.
Even balmy sun-filled days
Cannot hold you here.
When those certain storms descend
Sweeping you to sea,
You will find you've drifted where
You never meant to be.

My son, I tucked you in last night,
Pulled covers to your chin,
I kissed your nose and read you prose
And marvelled at your grin.
How could this strange thing happen.
I cannot trust my sight -
You've grown into a man, my son
In what seemed like one night.

Daddy, and Roy, and Me
It cost thirty-five cents for my Daddy and me
To get into the picture show.
A dime for me and a quarter for him paid our
Way to the "west" long ago.
We thrilled to the courage of men in white hats
As they conquered the villains in black.
Each afternoon passed in a flurry of gunfire
And we knew that next week we'd be back.
But no man could compare to the King of the Cowboys
And when he starred, we were first in line.
My Daddy and I knew that Roy was the hero
And we rooted for him with one mind.
It's hard to believe that the King of the Cowboys
Rode into the Sunset today,
Or that Daddy's been gone for so many long years
And that good guys will all pass away.
But the memory of valor will never be lost
Tho' my Dad and the King are not here.
A dime and a quarter bought more than a ticket -
It bought magic that won't disappear.
My friend, you cannot hear me say for you these words of grief,
You will not see the tears roll down my face or hear me weep.
You loved me without thinking, you followed me with faith.
My praise and intermittent love were all the pay you'd take.
I'll miss your very presence which filled my heart and yet
My friend, you'll never hear me say you were just another pet.

I heard him say, "I have a Dream,"
And chills ran down my back.
'Til then I'd never thought about
The trial of being black.
I heard her say, "I'll keep my seat,"
And her courage stirred my heart.
She stood for something when she sat
And now she stands apart.
They say we've come a long, long way,
And that's true, I do suppose.
But our journey isn't half complete -
We've a long, long way to go.

A murmur is a whispery sound
So low you might not hear.
It floats around like wisps of smoke
And tickles every ear.
It softly speaks of feelings hurt
And those who aren't discreet.
Dissatisfaction creeps behind
The murmurers retreat
At first the words were simply sounds
I did not understand.
I knew they wrapped me soft in bed,
And gently held my hand.
And when I woke, the melody
Accompanied counting toes,
And put a smile upon my face,
And banished childish woes.
My childhood's past - but in a box
I've stashed some treasures there.
A Book of Verse, a broken doll,
A ragged teddy bear.
And as I read these nursery rhymes,
Enchanted now as then
With the magic in a simple verse,
I am a child again.

We frequently will disagree -
May not see eye to eye.
You'd like my mind to work like yours -
You prod me with a sigh.
We've different views and different ways,
A different walk and style.
My love for Jesus bubbles forth
While you just simply smile.
I humbly bring you to God's throne,
And pray you'll comprehend,
You don't have to be just like me,
I love you just because you're my friend.
Copyright 1998 Judy Sadler
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