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Poetry from Scripture


Faith isn't like a bar of gold
That's safely tucked away
Until it's called upon to buy
Relief from fear one day.

Faith can't be taken like a pill
To cure a passing pain
And then be put upon a shelf
'Til headaches come again.

Faith isn't something we should hide
As if it were offense.
It should be meshed with all we do
In quiet confidence.

Faith is a paradox so strong
That many fail to see
That knowledge is the golden door
But faith - ah faith's the key.


From the Book of Philippians

The Joy stealers rode in that day
Like gunmen in a western play.
Their horses' hides flecked bright with foam
The Black, the Paint, the Bay, the Roan.

The one on the black with the evil glance
Was known to all as "Circumstance."
"People" the name of the one on the paint -
This fearsome man made brave men faint.

And everyone there knew that the Bay
Was ridden by old "Things" that day.
But none they feared like they did the roan
That trotted in with "Worrieds" bones.

The townsmen, though, weren't unprepared,
They knew they'd come - some time, some where;
And so they made their final stand
With the mind of Christ and the Word in their hand.

And the unity of these valiant men with a single mind did "Circumstance" in.

And "People" would be the next to go as these peaceful and humble men would show.

They rejoiced in Christ with a spiritual mind, and "Things knew these men to the world were blind.

And faith in God and child-like trust lay "worried" low in the streets of dust.

So the vict'ry that day went to the Men,
But they knew these four would come again.
So they armed themselves with the Word of God
And they carefully picked the path to trod.

And the Joy Stealers knowing this defeat
Caught up their mounts and took their seat
The Joy Stealers rode out that day,
The Paint, the Black, the Roan, the Bay.


From Philippians 2:16

Our teacher sits in a chair with wheels,
And cannot stand upright.

Each day he carefully searches God's word
And meditates day and night.

In love, he humbly shares what he finds
With all who will listen to him.

He wants us to know the word of life
So we'll hold it forth to the end.

He longs to rejoice in the day of Christ
That he has not run in vain.

He cannot stand - but he runs a race
That puts all of us to shame.


I was born again when born again wasn't "in."
And when it came "in," - didn't change what I'd been.
And now that it's "out," I still want to shout,
"I am saved by the Lamb - now - forever - no doubt."


John 14:6

Dear Lord, I am amazed
That you have given me so much.
You have drawn me to your bosom -
You have healed me with your touch.

You have showered me with blessings -
You have guided me with trials.
You have let me feel deep sadness,
You have lifted me with smiles.

Your unfailing love has sought me,
And your grace now holds me tight.
I belong to you, Lord Jesus -
You're the Way, the Truth - my Life.



Abandoned - alone - why, God - why me?
Bound by the grip of despair,
Animal sounds expressing my grief,
Sounds of an animal caught in a trap, limbs being ripped
By the struggle to leave the wounded part behind.
Grief - never constant - always coming,
Then going with just a tinge of sadness left behind.
Always coming again, unannounced, unexpected, unwanted - yet embraced.
Oh God - why have you abandoned me - why me?

God's love, His mercy, always constant, never leaving.
Sometimes hidden by the wall of sadness,
Sometimes veiled by angry tears - but never leaving.
How wondrous that Almighty God is
My Father - My Atonement - My Comfort.
How wondrous is His love for me - undeserved, forgiving, enfolding.

So strange - so wonderful - why me?

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Copyright 1998 Judy Sadler