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The Unofficial Website of

Recognized & authorized by

Accreditation from
CSC        OWWA


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   This is INTERFACE COMPUTER COLLEGE Unofficial Website built voluntarily in purpose to give innovative link and information to the professors, alumni's, and to the current and upcoming students of the non-franchise computer college.

  • INTERFACE Computer College was established since 1982, the main college are located in Recto, Manila with branches in Caloocan, Ilo-Ilo, Cebu, & Davao.

  • Starting from a computer learning center and through the years they've become one of the formidable computer colleges, recognized and authorized by:
             * Commission on Higher Education
             * Technical Education and Skills Dev't. Authority
             * Overseas Workers Welfare Administration
             * Civil Service Commission

  • Offers competitive courses like computer engineering, computer science, business administration and management courses.

Šopyright by Pol Balaguer (Manila,Batch '99)
Logo's and pictures are all in courtesy of their respective owners.