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... the meeting point for salutogenesis research. See you there...

if you want to have a look at the old sense of coherence home page of the salutogenesis project, you may follow the link

old sense of coherence home page

_____________________________FROM OLD NEWS_____________________________

Did you know: last 19 - 07 - 01 in Paris at the XVIIth "World Conference on Health Promotion and Health Education" the communication “Salutogenesis and the sense of coherence: focus on WHO health promotion agenda for the 21 century” was followed by an interesting discussion?

_____________________________TO NEW INSIGHTS_____________________________

in September 2018, in Trondheim at the 10th IUHPE European Conference on Health Promotion, you can follow the Workshop organized by the IUHPE Global Working Group of Salutogenesis: Act positive across the life course: how Salutogenesis helps to prioritize and promote the sustainable development goals (SDGs) - follow the link

10th IUHPE European Conference on Health Promotion

or at the 23rd IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion, in New Zealand 23rd – WAIORA: Promoting Planetary Health and Sustainable Development for All - follow the link

23rd IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion

_____________________________MORE OLD NEWS_____________________________

thank you for your interest in the summer school "healthy life styles - from theory to practice" 2014: the salutogenic way.

Please access our information center by this link summer school summer school registration


navigating for you since march 1998: have a pleasant trip!!!

new meeting point
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From adventure land...