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What is "The System" ?

The System is the relationship between citizens of the several states that form the united States of America  and the Federal Government, the United States (the reason for the little "u" and big "U" will be explained a little later).  These citizens are in the system by a series of contracts they have voluntarily signed, not knowing that they were signing away basic rights. An example of this is the Driver's License- once you voluntarily sign the application to receive a drivers license, you are signing that you are giving up your God given right to travel on common thoroughfares and will abide by the rules they will place on you. Other contracts you may have signed is the application for a social security card or a voters registration card.

But, there is good news to this. Although a contract supersedes and is more legally binding than law, contracts that are entered into based on fraud can be broken.  Strategic Withdrawal will show you how.

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Remember, This Web site just scratches the basic principles on these topics. The book covers all this and much, much more in great detail.

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