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Hi welcome to our homepage.I guess you would like to know a little bit about us.My name is Angie I am 23 years old I have brown hair and hazel eyes.My husbands name is Tony he is 27 he has black hair and brown eyes.He goes by M&M 27 .We have two children Johnathon is my oldest,he is 9,and then there is Craig he is 7.They usally go by Clay(Johnathon) and Bubba(Craig).We live in Odenville Alabama,its a very small town.M&M is a big Alabama fan and I am not really in to football.*S*Now I love baseball.Please sign our guestbook before you leave.*S*
this is me and my hubby
this is Clay and Bubba

We recently went to our first tavern party in Huntsville Alabama,Dove and hitch threw it.We had so much fun meeting everyone we have talked to in the tavern.Everyone was so different then the way we expected.If you would like to see the pictures from the party click here.
You will get a lot of laughs from them.*L*Oh and by the way sign her guestbook while you are there.*S*

Sign my Guestbook View my Guestbook

My Favorite Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Zig and his Ladys homepage
Tavern Friends
My Favorite Place To Chat
Clay and Bubba's halloween page
Our Christmas Page
