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Homepage of the KRML Klingon/Battletech Fan Club and flagship chapter -- Tina's Thunderbirds

This is the homepage of the KRML Battletech/Klingon Fan Club. We are fans of the Klingons of the various Star Trek series and the RPG, Battletech and specifically within the game, fans of mercenaries, the Draconis Combine, and the Federated Suns. If you would like to participate in a Play By Mail in either a Battletech or Klingon group, Email me at the address below.

A list of link resources...

Rules and regulations concerning the PBEM
A list of various allied and enemy powers in the Inner Sphere
Access to the IKV Qa'pla chapter of the KRML
I'm on ICQ and my number is 43625442 however if you want to keep in touch through here or if you don't have ICQ leave me a message below and click Send.

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This KRML Battletech/Klingon Fan Club Webring site is owned by
Dragonmerc (Al/Hawkman).

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