LookSmart's BeSeen <font size=+4>Vanessa's Web Beanies,Etc.</font>

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Vanessa's Web Beanies, Etc.

<(~O~)>Check out more at my auctions on eBay!! Thanks

Check out my auctions on eDeal <(~O~)>

Under Construction,Ever Changing,PIG Site~OINK~

*Thoughts With Insight*
*Check Out My Gizmo!*

Hi! My name is Vanessa
I am interested in animals, freebies,and auctions (you can find me at eBay,link below,as zzooly). Come and join me at the auction. There are many great finds! I enjoy music and my favorite groups are Metallica & Smashing Pumpkins. Check out the latest "Battle of the Bands" winner! LURE. They are a great hard rock band and very nice guys too.
Soo Click and download their music!

I also collect pig items(Boyd's), Beanie Babies, & Greatful Dead Bears. At the present time I have over 200 beanies. I have 5 dogs, 2 cats & 2 turtles.

Decoder a Go-Go. This is fun, try it! A high recommendation if you're using it to view URLs, simply because it keeps the layout of the chosen webpage intact with the exception of javascript and background images. This might be my site, but this is my site on the Decoder a Go-Go.

I am very interested in Chihuahua's and their habits! There is a great Chi page link below. Check out the Bean below and try the link to beanies!

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~Greatful Dead Beanies~Deadie Bears are HOT.

Here are a few of the Greatful Dead Bears that are in the second edition. Check out the link below to The Toybox ~ A great source for all kinds of collectibles including these bears~Also take a look at the Liquid Blue Web page, and the 3rd edition Bears!

Email: zzooly@earthlink.net

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**BEAR Biscuits-1 lb. raw beef liver 1/2 cup flour 1 c. cornmeal 1 to 3 teas.garlic powder* Place liver in blender until liquid. Mix with dry ingredients and spread on greased cookie sheet. Bake for 20 min.@350. Cut while still warm. Use a dog bone cookie cutter or a pizza cutter.These may be frozen.

*Platypus Puffs*--3/4 c.wheat germ - 3/4 c. dried milk- 1/2 c. Mighty Dog Food or 1 sml. jar of beef or veal baby food and 1 egg. Combine all and roll into balls. Bake 15 min. @ 350 or until brown. My dogs love these.

This site is Not endorsed by Ty, Inc. Beanie Babies® is a registered trademark of TY Inc. Vanessa's Web Beanies,Etc.is Copyright© June1997. All rights reserved. All trademarks copyright of their respective owners.
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~~Check These Out~~

Ebay Auctionweb-fun,free every kind of item you're looking for!
Chihuahua Kingdom-The most complete site about chihuahuas that I have seen.
Fat Cat Cafe-Freebies,contests,digital postcards,chats,more!!
Madcow-Sound & picture file of two funny cows!
Another Excellent Beanie Baby Page
Carlton Bjork's Original Beanie Artwork
The Toybox- Great Collecting news & pics!
Three Dog Bakery-Treats for you and your favorite pet! From the Food TV Network.
ACA Online~A nice new family owned auction site.
AuctionWorks-Another new auction service that bears looking into!
Beanie storage Boxes & other cool things.
My Purple Haze Page (My Son's Page)
Beanie Bits and Pieces- wonderful beanie info page!

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