CONTINENT OF MEDIA, June 1998 for RFPI by Glenn Hauser

*Seinfeld was mean and perverse, especially toward religion, says Tom Shales

*FCC considers licensing micro-stations

*The Lubavitch (Jewish ultra-orthodox) FM pirate in Brooklyn

*WJDM 1660 to be sold by Children's to Catholics

*WJDM never fulfilled its application to serve as local station for Elizabeth NJ

*Spanish-language WBAH heard replacing WJDM [or WBEH?]

*Review of book "Radio ON" by Sarah Vowell, ISBN 0-312-14712-0

*The AM Stereo Saga, by Tom Bryant

*KMOX confirmed with daily National Anthem, Catholic Lord's Prayer, march music

*Worldwide TV-FM DX Association convention July 31-Aug 1-2 in Rock City NY; details: Dave Nieman,

*International Radio Club of America convention August 14-15-16 in Missoula MT; contact Larry B. Godwin,

*National Radio Club convention September 4-5-6-7, San Antonio TX; host Dale Hamm, 11313 January Dr., Austin, TX 78753-2915

*Snag in distributing Internet by power lines, and potentially adding noise to SW reception

*The "Channel Channel" a favorite on Juneau, Alaska, cable

*That's Continent of Media for June 1998...