DX LISTENING DIGEST 0-145, November 27, 2000 edited by Glenn Hauser, wghauser@hotmail.com {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. For restrixions and searchable 2000 contents archive see} http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/Dxldmid.html WORLD OF RADIO VIA `DXERS CALLING`. Glenn, just letting you know that World of Radio 1059 is being heard on 'dxers calling', which is available at the following link (16mbps) http://www.live365.com/cgi-bin/directory.cgi?autostart=who12 other programs there are' DXing with Cumbre 'and 'SPDXR 'with Paul Ormandy (Tim Gaynor, Australia) Let me know if you find this a useful way to hear WOR in addition to all the other means (gh) ** AFGHANISTAN. Taleban radio changes broadcast schedule during Ramadan | Text of report by Afghan Taleban radio from Balkh Province on 26th November Announcement of Radio Voice of Shari'ah: Dear listeners, on the eve of the month of Ramadan, the following changes have taken place in the broadcasting of Radio Voice of Shari'ah [in Mazar-e Sharif]: 1. As from the first of Ramadan broadcasting starts at 1600 [local time, 1130 gmt] and continues until 1830 [1400 gmt]. 2. The Dari news bulletin which used to start at 1800 will be broadcast during Ramadan at 1730 [1300 gmt] and the Pashto news bulletin at 1800 [1330 gmt ]. 3. The Turkmen and Uzbek news bulletins will be broadcast at 1815 [1345 gmt]. The morning broadcast will begin at 0800 [0330 gmt] and continue until 1100 [0630 gmt]. Dari and Pashto news bulletins can be received at 0900 and 0930 [0430 gmt and 0500 gmt] respectively. The Turkmen and Uzbek bulletins can be received at 0945 [0515 gmt]. Our dear listeners can likewise receive our special programme for Ramadan as from the first of Ramadan at 1615 [1145 gmt] and recitations from the Holy Koran at 1630 [1200 gmt]. This bulletin will be then repeated every day at 1000 [0530 gmt]. Our dear listeners should be aware of this. Source: Radio Voice of Shari'ah of Balkh Province, Mazar-e Sharif, in Pashto 1330 gmt 26 Nov 00 (via BBC Monitoring via DXLD) Would it be too much trouble to remind us/reconfirm the frequencies involved? MW and/or SW? (gh) ** ARGENTINA. Subject: Argentina on 530. I was in Buenos Aires yesterday, and I tuned with my Sangean to a local on 530 kHz. ID was: AM 530 REPUBLICA, "una radio argentina, primeira en el dial". Don`t know if it`s new. Bye bye Falklands-Malvinas, then? (Rocco Cotroneo, Brazil, Nov 25, mwdx@egroups.com via DXLD) ** ARMENIA. Couldn`t find National Radio of Armenia`s Sunday morning service last Sunday, but today (Nov. 26) I tried one hour earlier, and the sched was: 0830 UT: French, 0850: German and 0910 English. Sign off at 0930. All on 15270 kHz. (Erik Køie, Copenhagen, Denmark, Nov 26, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** AUSTRALIA. I've been hearing what I assume to be Christian Voice, Cox Peninsular site testing during the course of our local daytime at various times between 0200-0330 on 21680. Playing continuous music - sounded like selections from the same pop album. No announcements, and some continuity problems apparent with loss of modulation from time to time. Very strong here and can't think what else it might be. Christian Voice, Darwin (Cox Peninsula) also heard 27/11 on 9865 0520 t/in to 0528 off, and 13780 0505 to 0517 off. Same continuous pop music played in each instance - no other programming (Craig Seager, Bathurst, Australia, hard-core-dx Nov 27 via DXLD) ** AUSTRIA. David Ward gave a most eloquent valedictory tonight on Radio Austria International on the occasion of his retirement. He spoke of his career in broadcasting starting at the BBC and ending with his last two decades` work at ORF. He also gave a brief history of Radio Austria International, including the recent changes (digitizing and the "move") and tried to convey a sense of an optimistic future. He closed by emphasizing the importance of listener mail as a vital means for the station and its staff to learn how it`s doing and what it can do to improve. David Ward has been a consummate professional. His voice in many ways was THE voice of this station and his contributions to it have been considerable over the years. His exit from the scene removes one more from the ranks of those who have, for many of us who have been active as listeners for a few decades now, come to epitomize what is best about international broadcasting. Checking the revised sw schedule for Radio Austria International, there may be another opportunity to hear Ward's farewell letter to listeners at 1630 [Sunday] on 17865 (if it finally carries English as announced, instead of the German it has carried thus far) or at 1930 on 5945 and 6155. While not posted there tonight, one might also check the http://roi.orf.at English pages for the audio file to see if it becomes available (John A. Figliozzi, swprograms Nov 25 via DXLD) I checked on Sunday before 1500 but did not hear him on that broadcast nor on the Report from Austria edition (undated) at the moment available on their website. I agree with John completely on this, and wish I could have heard his farewell (gh, DXLD) ** BOLIVIA. 5580, 16/11 2249 R. San José, San José de Chiquitos, mx bailable, OM com avisos 25322 (Samuel Cássio Martins Santos, Atividade DX, DX Clube do Brasil, via radioescutas via DXLD) This logging is very interesting; this station was deactivated about a sesquidecade ago. It`s located in the middle of the road between Corumbá and Santa Cruz de la Sierra, the railway line of the train of death (Rogildo Fontenelle Aragão, Bolivia, partly translated by gh, ibid., via DXLD) ** BRAZIL. Clock running fast is not the only problem here. R. Relógio [4905v] has horrible modulation and splatters 15-20 kHz here in Rio. Even worse is R. Copacabana on 5015, when it is on the air. On the air? Not a single word can be understood. And what about 4865? There must be a transmitter still turned on there in São Paulo state, I think, putting out strong noise. Why do these stations keep transmitting on the tropical bands, with equipment from the last century? Who is listening to them here in Brasil, apart from DXers? Friends in Europe are always asking me this, and I don`t know how to answer (Rocco Cotroneo, Brasil, Nov 25) Aside from the stations in the north and northeast of Brazil, the rest remaining on the tropical band have no reason to be on the air. Some of them really should leave 60m in particular, allowing us to hunt those which are in the background. Now at the end of another school year, I have been fishing a bit on 60, 90 and 120m. I must admit that each day I see that the performance of Brazilian stations is different. Those on the air today, are not on the air tomorrow. Others vary in frequency every day (see the case of R. Relógio), and so on. This is why I say that Brazilian tropical band stations, with a few exceptions, do not make any issue of transmitting. They only put this signal out the way they do in order to maintain their license before federal radio control agencies (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo, SP, DX Clube do Brasil) Rocco, the station on 4865 is Alvorada de Londrina, with really horrible transmission; happily it has been away for a few days. On R. Copacabana one cannot hear anything except, if one could call it that, some modulated noise (Samuel Cássio, Nov 26) (all via radioescutas translated by gh for DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CANADA. Only a complete and total collapse of the Liberal party à la 1984 will result in a Canadian Alliance government. Two possibilities which might not be TOO far-fetched would be a Liberal minority backed by what`s left of the NDP or a CA minority propped up by the BQ. As far as CBC/RCI are concerned, SWLs should probably be rooting for Mr Chrétien as the Liberals are the only party that seems to care about continued RCI funding. I know many in the PC party that couldn`t wait to privatize (Code for destroy) the CBC, who deemed it a nest of ``lefties``. Presumably since most of the former right-wing of the PC party has gone to the CA, the CBC should expect substantial cuts if the CA gets hold of the Treasury Benches (Fred Waterer, self- confessed Tory, Nov ODXA Listening In Listening In via DXLD) ** CANADA. The 1250-CHWO format will début on 740 in early January with the new call CFPT, for ``Prime Time`` radio. There will be a simulcast with 1250 for approximately one month. Then, in February, 1250 will become all-Christian (the current 1320 format) and 1320 will become all-ethnic. Apparently the CHWO and CJMR calls will stay on 1250 and 1320 respectively (Wayne Plunkett, Ont., Nov ODXA Listening In Mediumwave Notebook via DXLD) Hurry up and log some DX on 740 before it is too late! (Niel J. Wolfish, MWN editor, ibid.) ** COSTA RICA. 4260.6, Radio Pampa 1018-1032 Nov 25, Tropical mx, ads, ID. Poor signal, but fortunately they IDed on a peak, otherwise I would not have caught it. 3 x 1420 harmonic. Tnx Mohrmann tip (Don Moore, IA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ECUADOR. One more bit of info about Allen Graham`s remote produxion of DXPL I meant to include last time, and which has already been inserted into the DXLD 0-144 archive edition: this edition, he said, was recorded in a non-soundproof closet at his parents` home he was visiting for a week on Sonora, California (gh, DXLD) ** GREECE. English from Greece at 0300-0308 UT has - besides the 5895 -> 5890 kHz change - also a change from 7450 to 7455 kHz. All in // with 7475 kHz. The reported 9420 kHz was not heard here (Erik Køie, Copenhagen, Denmark, Nov 26, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDONESIA/MALAYSIA. Ramadan has started today in Indonesia and Malaysia so it will be from today for next 28 days (about, it`s up to the moon ;-) ) that we can expect extended transmissions in Muslimic countries around the world (Janne Wikman, Phuket, Thailand, Nov 27, via Sweden, hard-core-dx via DXLD) ** INDONESIA. The next Ramadan in Indonesia will start on 27 November (local time). The office of V. of Indonesia was remodeled about two weeks ago. The frequency of VOI for Europe seemed to be fixed on 9525 kHz. Recently I have not observed the usage of 11785 and 15150 at 1700-2100 (Juichi Yamada, JAPAN, Nov 26, Jembatan DX via DXLD) ** INTERNATIONAL WATERS [non]. Glenn, I'd like to take issue with your description of the site of this station as "International Waters". As far as I am aware the proposed site is within Dutch territorial waters. The Times newspaper on Friday carried a story stating that the proposed station would be able to reach 40 million people in the UK. It goes on to say that "long wave radio services with poor signals after dark, have not had an easy time in the UK." An example of the ignorance of the mass media generally about radio. BBC Radio 4 / Radio 2 / Light Programme has covered the whole of the UK very successfully, day & night for all of my life, and no doubt long before, on 1500m / 1512m long wave. The Times goes on to say "Atlantic 252, broadcasting to the UK on long wave from the Irish Republic, has not posed a major threat to existing broadcasters." Again, I think this is a rather ignorant analysis. Atlantic 252 faces two insurmountable problems that the Delta station would not. Firstly, Atlantic is simply in the wrong place. The largest concentration of population (and therefore target audience) is in London and the South-East. Atlantic broadcasts from the North-West. Secondly, as soon as night draws on Atlantic is swamped by Algeria in much of the country, there is nothing on 171 that poses a similar threat. Whatever problems it might have, I don't think being heard would be a problem. Having said all that, I don't think the project will ever see the light of day. Keep up the Good Work! (Nicholas Mead, UK, Nov 26, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** JORDAN. Recently Jordan made another change in their schedule. Although they still announce the change from 11690 to 17680 kHz at 13 UT for their English broadcast, they actually first change the frequency at 14 UT, now being co-channel with France in English at 14-15 on 17680 kHz. 73, (Erik Køie, Copenhagen, Denmark, Nov 26, DX LISTENING DIGEST) And Voz Cristiana, Chile, cochannel 17680 thruout ** NETHERLANDS. Radio Alpha Lima International, 6305.1-.2 AM, 0415- 0715 Nov 26, Euro-pirate from the Netherlands, broadcasting in EE. Couldn`t copy ID at first, because of voice QRM, so I called the phone # the announcer gave over the air. Before I knew it I was on the air! I asked him how much power he was putting out, and he said around 300 watts, through a dipole antenna, oriented East/West. Before I called he mentioned this being a broadcast, intended for North America. On the phone, he said he had just about given up on any NAm listeners, and was about to shut it down, when I called. The phone # he gave several times over the course of the transmission was 031-619-508938. At 0700, I was able to pull a clear ID. "This is Shortwave Radio Alpha Lima International" The signal was weak, but not too shabby for 300 watts. Audio was excellent. Very high production standards. MX format was Techno, and Modern Rock. SIO 242 (David Hodgson, TN, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERÚ. Emissoras Peruanas ativas segundo atualização de 13.11.2000 3172.7 Radio Municipal, "Marcawana", Panao 3230.2 Radio El Sol de los Andes, Juliaca 3234.9 Radio Luz y Sonido, Huánuco 3250.2 Radio Qollasuyo, Juliaca 3283 Estación Wuari, Ayacucho 3329.8 Ondas del Huallaga, Huallaga 3339.9 Radio Altura, Cerro de Pasco 3375 Radio San Antonio, Callalli [Arequipa] 3396.9 Radio Internacional del Perú, San Pablo [Cajamarca] 3870 Radio Adventista Mundial, Celendín [Cajamarca] 4039 Radio Tocache, Tocache, San Martín, ex-Marginal 4190 Radio San Juan, Aramango, Bagua 4300 La Voz de los Naranjos, Pardo Miguel Naranjos, Rioja 4389v Radio Imperio, Chiclayo 4420.5 Radio Bambamarca, "Frecuencia Lider", Bambamarca 4460.9 Radio Nor Andina, Celendin [Cajamarca] 4485 La Voz de Celendín, Celendín (Cajamarca) 4510.3 Radio Paucartambo, Paucartambo [Pasco] 4515.5 Radio Amistad, Lima 4534.2 Radio Horizonte, Chiclayo [Lambayeque] 4577.5 Radio Uno, Chiclayo (ex Gotas de Oro) 4578.3 Radio Latina, Chiclayo [Lambayeque] 4606.6 Radio Ayavirí, Ayavirí [Puno] 4655 Radio Celendín, Celendín [Cajamarca] 4664 Radio Nuevo Horizonte, La Libertad 4700.8 Radio Voz de Castrovirreyna, Huancavelica 4714.8 Radio Cielo 4747.3 Radio Huanta 2000, Huanta [Ayacucho] 4750 Radio San Francisco Solano, Sóndor [Piura] 4763.8 Radio Chincheros, Chincheros [Apurímac] 4775 Radio Tarma, Tarma (Junín) 4780 Radio Satelite, Santa Cruz 4790 Radio Atlántida, Iquitos [Loreto] 4824.4 La Voz de la Selva, Iquitos [Loreto] 4826.4 Radio Sicuani, Sicuani [Cusco] 4831 Radio Lircay, Bellavista 4840 Radio Andahuaylas, Andahuaylas [Apúrimac] 4855.6 Radio La Hora, Cusco [Cusco] 4870 Radio Majestad, Huancayo [Junín] 4880.8 Radio Comas, Comas [Lima] 4886.8 Radio Virgen del Carmen, Huancavelica ex-Radio Villarica 4888.2 Radiodifusora Huanta, Huanta 4890.2 Radio Chota, Chota (Cajamarca) 4895 Radio Chanchamayo, La Merced [Junín] 4904.8 Radio La Oroya, La Oroya 4914.7 Radio Cora, Lima 4935 Radio Tropical, Tarapoto [San Martín] 4940 Radio San Antonio, Villa Atalaya 4950 Radio Madre de Dios, Puerto Maldonado [Madre de Dios] 4955 Radio Cultural Amauta, Huanta [Ayacucho] 4970.1 Radio Imagen, Tarapoto (San Martín] 4975.1 Radio del Pacífico, Lima 4990.9 Radio Ancash, Huáraz [Junín] 4995.6 Radio Andina, Huancayo 5015 Estación Tarapoto, Tarapoto [San Martín] 5018.6 Radio Horizonte, Chachapoyas [Amazonas] 5025 Radio Quillabamba, Quillabamba [Cusco] 5039.2 Radio Libertad de Junín, Junín [Junín] 5046.2 Radio Integración, Abancay [Apúrimac] 5060.5 Radio Bolívar, Bolívar 5067 Ondas del Suroriente, Quillabamba [Cusco] 5083.7 Radio Mundo, Cusco [Cusco] 5130.9 Radio Uno, Tongod 5197.1 Radio Sonora, Lima ("AM 1110") 5235.6 La Voz de Abancay, Abancay [Apurímac] 5300 Radio Superior, Bolívar 5304.9 Radio Paz y Vida, Pampas 5305 Radio Inmaculada, Santa Cruz [Cajamarca] (also "Santa Fé") 5323.6 La Voz de Anta, Anta 5339.7 Ondas del Pacífico, Ayabaca 5385.9 Radio Huarmaca, Cajamarca 5421.5 Radio San Juan del Faique, San Juan del Faique (also see 5617) 5460.5 La Voz de Bolívar, Bolívar [La Libertad] 5470.8 Radio San Nicolás, Rodríguez de Mendoza [Amazonas] 5486.7 Radio Reina de la Selva, Chachapoyas [Amazonas] 5512.1 Radio San Juan (ex 6592 kHz) 5523 Radio Sudamérica, Cutervo [Cajamarca] 5608 Radio Sorocucho ? (some reports says Radio Tigre ?) 5617 Radio San Juan (de El Faique?), Chiclayo 5637.3 Radio Perú, "Estudio 97", San Ignacio [Cajamarca] 5645.6 Radio Coremarca, Bambamarca ex-Cultural Amauta/La Voz de San Antonio 5678 Radio Ilucán, Cutervo [Cajamarca] 5699.9 Frecuencia San Ignacio, San Ignacio [Cajamarca] 5773.7 Radio Manantial, Jaen [Cajamarca] 5855.6 Radio UniVisión 2000, Moyabamba [San Martín] 5863.5 Radio Nuevo Cajamarca, Nueva Cajamarca [San Martín] 5959.2 Radio Arequipa, Arequipa 5981.4 Radio Chasqui, Cusco 5995.3 Radio Melodía, Arequipa [Arequipa] 6010.6 Radio América, Lima 6018.2 Radio Victoria, Lima 6045.2 Radio Santa Rosa, Lima 6060.9 Radio JSV, Huánuco 6061 Emisoras JSV, Huánuco 6095.1 Radio Nacional del Perú 6115 Radio Unión, Lima 6173.8 Radio Tawantinsuyo, Cusco 6188.2 Radio Oriente, Yurimaguas 6196.6 Radio Cusco, Cusco 6237.9 Estación Yurimaguas 6249.9 Radio La Voz, Andahuaylas, "La Voz del Pueblo" 6261.1 Radio JVL, San Pablo [San Martín] 6292.1 Radio Uripa, Uripa [Apurímac] 6479.7 Radio Altura, Huarmaca, Huancabamba [Piura] 6520.5 Radio Paucartambo, Paucartambo, Cusco [Cusco] 6522 Radio Ondas del Rio Marañón, Aramango, Bagua 6535.9 Radiodifusora Huancabamba, Huancabamba [Piura] 6673 Radio Andina, Huancabamba ex-Radio Súper Nueva Sensación 6725,6 Radio Satélite, Santa Cruz 6782.5 Ondas del Pacífico, Ayabaca 6797.6 Radio Ondas del Rio Mayo, Nueva Cajamarca 6819.6 La Voz de las Huarinjas, Huancabamba 6895,4 Radio San Miguel, El Faique 7040.6 JCC, Huancabamba 9505 Radio Tacna, Tacna 9674,8 Radio del Pacífico, Lima 9720,5 Radio Victoria, Lima (HCDX - Hard Core DX Club via Atividade DX, DX Clube do Brasil via radioescutas via DXLD) ** SOMALIA. Radio Hargeisa, 7530-USB, 1644-1703 Nov 25, good signal, QSA 5, nice chants and instrumental mx, at 1700 male voice in local language (presumed the ID), SIO 253 (Daniele Canonica, SWITZERLAND, RX JRC 535 with 30 meter of LW antenna+MLB & ALA 1530) Friends, I listened to 7530 kHz at 1615 today (Nov 26th) and found a very strong Chinese talking station there, playing a kind of Top pop list! Closed down at 1630, but I couldn't identify. Who transmits Chinese here, most likely a European or American station? PS No sign of Hargeisa later after the c/d. D S (Björn Fransson, Götland, Sweden, hard-core-dx via DXLD) ** UKRAINE. Mykolayiv transmitter resumes broadcasts | Text of report from Voice of Russia "DX Club" web site on 22nd November A 500-kW transmitter in Mykolayiv, which has been silent since April, resumed transmissions on 3rd November on a frequency of 972 kHz. Its operating schedule is the same as that of all the other mediumwave transmitters in Ukraine carrying the First Programme of Ukrainian radio: 0527-0830 hours and 1530-2030 hours on weekdays, and 0557-0830 and 1530-2030 on weekends and holidays [all times local]. Source: Voice of Russia web site, Moscow, in Russian 22 Nov 00 (via BBCM via DXLD) What about SW? ** UNITED ARAB EMIRATES. ABU DHABI. UAE Radio B00, acc. to sched. received: To India & Pakistan, Koran service at 75 degrees: 02-07 UT on 21735 kHz, 07-20 UT on 11940 kHz and 20-22 UT on 9695 kHz. To North Africa in Arabic at 285 degrees: 07-16 UT on 21735 kHz, 16- 20 UT on 13755 kHz and 20-22 UT on 17760 kHz. To the Middle East in Arabic at 300 degrees: 02-04 UT on 6180 kHz, 04-06 UT on 11945 kHz, 06-13 UT on 15310 kHz and 13-22 UT on 15215 kHz (Erik Køie, Copenhagen, Denmark, Nov 26, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K. To: writeon@bbc.co.uk Subject: Programming during strike Dear BBC: I was surprised by the brief journalists` strike that affected what was broadcast 25 November. But I was pleased by the result! I loved the fact that many different BBC feature programmes were aired instead of the overly-repeated BBC news segments during the time I listened, which was mainly overnight (to a local FM relay) and in the following morning on shortwave. It was SO much better than the usual inundation of news. Your features are far more enjoyable to hear, and I wish you`d take a hint from this experience and cut back on the news in favor of more features! I don't mind repeats of features; most are worth listening to multiple times. You often need to re-hear them to catch all the details, especially over shortwave. And having heard them once gives one an idea as to which are worth recording for later re-playing and saving or passing on to other people. I believe that the striking journalists have "shot themselves in the foot" by demonstrating that the BBC World Service can be better without them. I hope BBC management can see how much cheaper production can be without them, too! Thanks for the enjoyable weekend, BBC! Keep up the good non-work! Regards, (William Martin, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, DXLD) ** U K. Subject: NEW RADIO RELATED WEBSITE IN THE UK http://www.useit.org.uk is a sort-of radio-related website recently launched by Graham Page, a totally blind computer expert. It contains links to many radio- related sites, many of which I had never heard of before. The site is aimed at totally blind and partially-sighted people in the U.K., but some of the links will be of interest, I am sure to all radio buffs all over the world. If you want to find out about the latest short-term licences, or want to know about radio matters in general in the U.K., just visit http://www.useit.org.uk or http://www.gpage.freeuk.com Incidentally, Graham is a member of the group campaigning to set up a radio reading service in the U.K., as mentioned in previous editions of World of Radio. On his site there is a line to ACB Radio, mentioned on previous editions of both "Communications World" and "Continent of Media". At ACB Radio you can here archive editions of the "National Talking Express" produced monthly on tape cassette by the parent group of the RPIUK campaign (Paul David, UK, Nov 26, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 2000: WBCQ - The Planet is testing AT REDUCED POWER on 17.495 (50,000 KW [sic] PEP) until 8:00 PM Eastern Time today, Sunday, November 26, 2000 from our transmitter site and studios in Monticello, Maine. Please send reception reports and QSL requests to: WBCQ, 97 High Street, Kennebunk, ME 04043 Thanks for listening! (Allan Weiner, WBCQ, Nov 26, DX LISTENING DIGEST) I got this in time to check after 0000 UT Monday Nov 27: quite good signal, with Different Kind of Oldies Show replay, fading a bit before closing. My ears would prefer somewhat greater carrier injexion to make this ``compatible`` SSB. Certainly not on ``17420`` as previewed on the International Radio Report (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [non]. Checked out the VOA Spanish special Nov 26. *1157 on 15390 with noisy open carrier, 1200 into``Buenos Dias América, Fin de Semana``. Good but fluttery. \\ 17875 started weaker but soon faded up stronger. BTW, same service was also on 15265, which was a satellite-hop ahead of the other two. Finished at 1229:30, but those who stayed tuned heard no transmission break on 15390 and 17875, and then RCI IS and ID running from 1230 to 1233:30* so we assume Sackville was the site. They certainly have the spare capacity at that hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) +++++HUNTING HARMONICS+++++ Harmonic Logs Webpage: Updated the webpage to bring it up to date as of midnight last night 26/11/00 http://www.dxradio.demon.co.uk/harmonics.html (Mark Hattam, UK, harmonics@egroups.com via DXLD) ###