DX LISTENING DIGEST 0-153, December 8, 2000 edited by Glenn Hauser, wghauser@hotmail.com {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. For restrixions and searchable 2000 archive contents see} http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/Dxldmid.html ** ALASKA. Cumbre DX listeners may recall the story of a 250 kW transmitter that was once used by KGEI of San Francisco, a station that has been off the air for several years. This transmitter was sold to Calvary Chapel of Twin Falls, Idaho. It was disassembled and transported to Twin Falls where it was stored in a potato hut, a half-buried barn used for storing potatoes. Calvary had planned to use it at one time, but decided to focus on setting up FM translators across the United States. Calvary quietly put the unit up for sale and it sat in the barn for several years. I called today to follow up as it had been quite a while since I had spoken with them. To my surprise, I was told that the unit had been sold. I then had a very interesting conversation with Ron Marland of Aurora Communications. Aurora purchased the transmitter in October of 1999. In June 2000, it was loaded up on two tractor trailer rigs and transported to Ninilchik, Alaska. This is in the Kenai peninsula, not too far from shortwave station KNLS. (It was too difficult to move it to Alaska in the winter.) Aurora plans to start a new Christian station in 2002, broadcasting to Russia. The station has a construction permit pending with the FCC and has begun some work already. In August of 2001, they plan to dedicate their building. The transmitter needs quite a bit of work due to its long time in storage. So the transmitter is being completely broken down and repaired. Some of the old KGEI engineers have come out of retirement to do this. They are well aware that they will be broadcasting from the auroral zone, hence the name. Aurora believe that they can cover all of Russia from this site and they also believe that there are some benefits from broadcasting from the zone. Aurora plans to broadcast only in Russian. Programming will be a two-three hour block broadcast repeatedly in prime time to the different time zones in Russia. For example, a broadcast at 6-8 PM for time zone 'A', then repeated a few hours later at 6-8 PM in time zone 'B.' Aurora estimate they could be on about 20 hours a day. The transmitter will run at 250 kW and the station plans to have three antennas-a corner reflector, a log periodic, and a TCI 611 curtain. (via Hans Johnson, Dec 6, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** BELGIUM [non]. R. Vlaanderen Int`l missing today (Friday Dec 8) on 13660 [Bonaire] for regular 2230 UT broadcast in English. While on the subject of RVI, the station usually plays a song or two from the album of the week (often a very good and/or interesting rock or dance track). However, World Radio Network apparently can`t be bothered to listen and interprets this material as fill music -- usually cutting away at :24 or :25 minutes into the half-hour program to run promotional announcements or the feature "Earth & Sky." Been meaning to write RVI and encourage them to cut 20 percent off whatever they pay WRN for distribution (Mike Cooper, Atlanta GA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CANADA. SRC-FM feed on Anik transponder 1, 5.40/5.58 MHz, appears to have disappeared. SRC-AM vanished from 7.38 MHz audio subcarrier a couple of months ago. CBC Radio from Montreal continues on 6.12 MHz, though one must wonder how long, since this transponder (carrying CBC-TV Montreal) is said to be disappearing in a few weeks (Mike Cooper, GA, Dec 8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CANADA [non]. RCI: Two [new] transmissions from Meyerton Radio Station. My homepage URL:- http://home.mweb.co.za/an/andre46 will be updated this weekend. Times in UTC. 0500 to 0600 100 kW 11850 kHz 5 1900 to 2000 500 kW 15325 kHz 320 Best wishes from South Africa, (André du Toit, Dec 8, hard-core-dx via DXLD) That is, a new relay site for RCI (gh) ** CHINA. 2340, Fujian PBS noted Dec 6 1530 with health phone-in, weak but very readable signal \\ 882 & 4975. (Side remark: almost all the Chinese regional stations on MW & SW now seem to carry endless phone-ins on the subjects of health, disease and sexual dysfunction for the entire evening every single day -- with interruptions for advertisements promoting various pills, potions, clinics and even mental hospitals. It`s struck me before that China seems to suffer from more than its fair share of hypochondria, but this is getting ridiculous!) (Alan Davies, Vietnam, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** CHINA [non]. World Falun Dafa Radio observed on December 7th: 22.00-9320 signal on 22.30-9320//9330 22.40-9315//9330 22.50-9315//9325 till signal off CNR noticed on 9315 and 9330 (Silvain Domen, Belgium, Dec 8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** COSTA RICA. RFPI has already modified its frequency schedule: 21815-USB 1200-2400, 3 kW 15050-AM 2200-0400, ex-24h, 10 kW 7480-AM 0300-0600, 30 kW [However, 15049 was actually on by 2000 Dec 8, 21815-USB was actually on past 0200 UT Dec 9, and 15049 past 0500 -- it always pays to check all RFPI frequencies beyond their scheduled times! -gh] Decided to shift to ``prime`` times when each could be most effective, especially 7480 to avoid splatter and QRM. Currently off the air 0600-1200, but future plan is to have low-power SSB service to Europe then. Reception reports indicated 15049 was not doing very well in the 1800-2000 period. Always subject to modification, expansion as funding and propagation allow. Most of the programs in the 1600-2200 period remain at same times although first repeats in evening are two hours earlier than before. Some of the programs previously scheduled after 2200 have had to be retimed, such as: This Way Out, now Wednesday 1730; Coyote Nations Radio Journal, Thursday 1730; Free Speech Radio News, Friday 1800, Saturday 2100. The latter has an uncertain future, the Pacifica strike fund runs out at end of December, and program may no longer be produced without additional support. More about this at http://www.savepacifica.net/strike/news 7480 reception has been getting mixed reviews. Its antenna is not up to full height yet. Wind gusts have set in from 30 to 50 mph, making it difficult to work at the top of a 200-foot tower. A tower crew is coming next week to install a second antenna at that level, like the first one, which should raise signals by two S units, once it is up and tuned. Now using the backup WIDA antenna for this, which will be used later for lowpower SSB after 0600. This antenna is very good for high wind situations, with a large 0.5 inch cable for radiating element, very solid, but it needs to be higher. It now takes two extra hops to the US, losing strength along the way. Unlike the previous cubical quad, which was deficient in that elements were blowing around, arcing, ultimately breaking. Reports are needed now on 7480, however, for comparison to later upgrade (James Latham and Joe Bernard, RFPI Mailbag first airing 2000 UT Dec 8, notes by gh for DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. Highlights of Radio Rebelde news 1100 gmt 8 Dec: "Making radio" news programme: The Council of Ministers Executive Committee has agreed to suspend completely existing direct telephone communication for international service between Cuba and the United States. ETECSA will implement this beginning on 15th December. This decision is due to the United States` failure to pay the legally imposed tax. Council of State Law 213 went into effect last 25th October. The law requires the payment of a public services tax for international telephone calls between Cuba and the United States. When accounts were being settled in October, the US companies that operate direct telephone calls to Cuba told ETECSA, the designated holder of the funds generated by the tax, that they could not pay the established tax when it went into effect because they did not have the required authorization from the US government. The Council of Ministers Executive Committee has therefore agreed to completely suspend existing direct telephone communication for international service between Cuba and the United States, which the Cuban Telephone Company, ETECSA, will implement beginning on 15th December. The Revolutionary open forum will be held today [Dec 8] at 2300 gmt in the Cuban television studios in the form of an instructive round table on the ideological aggression that is carried out from the United States by counterrevolutionary groups and the Central Intelligence Agency against our country. Cuban scientists and researchers who have distinguished themselves in fighting these aggressions will participate in this round table. Cubavisión, Radio Rebelde and the international frequencies of Radio Havana will broadcast the event live. (© BBC Monitoring via DXLD) That may explain the unusual programming Krüger was hearing, DXLD 0-152. ** GERMANY. Commenting on the recent test transmissions of the United Methodist Church via Jülich, it might be added that the German Methodists just celebrated 40 years of international missionary radio broadcasting in German. The Rundfunkmission der Evangelisch- Methodistischen Kirche (radio ministry of the Methodist church) started broadcasting on Radio Luxembourg`s medium wave and short wave service in German. In the 1970s and 80s they added short wave programmes via RTE Portugal and RM Malta. When private broadcasting was introduced in Germany the Methodist radio ministry became a partner in local broadcasting but retained their quarter-hours on Radio Luxembourg. Currently, these broadcasts are heard each Thursday and Friday 5.45-6.00 h CE(S)T (4.45 h UTC in Winter) on Radio Luxembourg's 1440 kHz. Unconfirmed rumours say that the relaunch of short wave broadcasts is considered, but this may have to do with the current test broadcasts. Those who are able to listen in might like to know that the Rundfunkmission did send out regular QSL cards for decades: Rundfunkmission, Postfach 311141, DE- 70471 Stuttgart, 0711-83000-T 37, F -29, info@rm-radio.de. Finally, it might also be mentioned that Methodists took a leading role in the development of TWR's German partner Evangeliums-Rundfunk (Hans-Jörg Biener, Germany, Dec 6, Cumbre DX via DXLD) see also USA [non] ** GREECE [non]. Noel and Glenn, The 15170 service of VOG from Delano 0600-0800 to Australia is a real mess here in Melbourne, due co- channel RCI-Wertachtal 0700-0800. The people who "coordinate" these ops are at fault, erroneously thinking that HF signals will only be heard in what they specify as "target areas". Wert is azimuth 180 deg to Africa but that means very little with the relatively high power in use (500 kW). HFCC is supposed to be a "coordination" group, but it seems to rely too heavily on theoretical computer projections of interference levels and propagation indices, which often are far off the mark! As a soothsayer, I would say that Delano will move this operation to another freq in a lower band, as propagation across the Pacific for an all-night path on 15 MHz for a two-hour block, even during high SS activity, is not what I would be doing! In fact, it is very low level, and obliterated by Wert at 0700. Regards (Bob Padula, Victoria, Dec 8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Agreed! I STILL hear no trace of 15170 here (gh) ** INTERNATIONAL VACUUM/MEXICO [non]. TAXIS IN SPACE CHALLENGE INTRUDER WATCHERS Interference to the AO-27, UO-14, SO-35 and possibly other Amateur Radio satellites tentatively has been traced to taxi fleet transmissions from south of the US border. "The stations appear to be unlicensed Mexican taxi operators operating in the satellite uplink portion of the band," said Brennan Price, N4QX, of the ARRL Monitoring System. AMSAT News Service reports that severe interference from other allegedly unlicensed Spanish-speaking stations continues on 145.850 and 145.825 MHz and transmissions were being picked up by UO-14 and SO-35. "Since VHF signals don't go so far, except via satellite, finding these folks is tough," Price said. IARU Region 2 Monitoring System Coordinator Martin Potter, VE3OAT, reports that one signal source in Mexico that was interfering with the AO-27 uplink was located, thanks to intervention from FMRE, the Mexican IARU society. FMRE reported situation to COFETEL, the Mexican Telecommunications authority. COFETEL made the taxi drivers move away from the AO-27 uplink, but taxi operations continue on other 2-meter frequencies, and AO-27 was still experiencing similar interference at last report (ARRL Letter via Brock Whaley, Dec 8, DXLD) ** ISRAËL. Jerusalem Post Radio web viewing, listening figures for October | Excerpts from report from Israeli newspaper 'The Jerusalem Post' web site on 8th December Jerusalem Post Radio, the first Internet radio station run by a major newspaper, is smiling this morning after its October listening figures were published: 1m page views in a month. Almost half a million people chose the radio station to hear breaking news on the clashes between Israel and the Palestinians. At the same time, 2.5m minutes were clocked up on Jerusalem Post Radio's branded tuner. "We've demonstrated that, with very little capital and with excellent people, we can immediately create the world's most authoritative and valued English radio news source," said 'Jerusalem Post' publisher Tom Rose... Now the key for the station is to first maintain its figures and then look to expand. "We think that Americans, particularly, are increasingly looking for alternative sources of news about Israel, and there are all kinds of syndication opportunities for http://www.jpostradio.com content," said Rose. Source: 'The Jerusalem Post' web site, Jerusalem, in English 8 Dec 00 (via BBCM via DXLD) ** KOREA NORTH. (Cumbre DX 323 follow up) ABI has the new RP schedule including this EE See http://www.246.ne.jp/~abi/sked-nk.htm [updated Oct 29] (Ashimori via Johnson Dec 1, Cumbre DX via DXLD) And I am pleased to see ABI uses ``correct`` target continent abbrs...viz.: English 0000-0100 WEu/NAm 4405, 11460, 11710, 13760, 15180 0100-0200 SEAs/LAm 3560, 11735, 15230, 17735 0200-0300 SEAs/LAm 11845, 13650 1200-1300 ME/Af 9640, 9975 1200-1300 SEAs/LAm 3560, 9850, 11335, 13650 1500-1600 WEu/NAm 4405, 9335, 11710, 13760 1600-1700 ME/Af 3560, 6520, 9600, 9975 1900-2000 WEu/NAm 4405, 6575, 9335, 11710, 13760 (ABI via DXLD) ** LATVIA. State radio to phase out mediumwave transmission by 2004 | Text of report from Voice of Russia "DX Club" web site on 7th December The Latvian state radio is seriously thinking to phase out the transmission of its 1st programme on mediumwave. You will recall that the mediumwave transmitters in Liyepaye and Ventspils have already been shut down. In 2001, a 7-kW Daugavpils transmitter on 1539 kHz will also be shut down. There are plans to complete the cessation of mediumwave transmission in Latvia by 2004. Source: Voice of Russia web site, Moscow, in Russian 7 Dec 00 (via BBCM via DXLD) ** LITHUANIA [non non]. R. Vilnius heard from its own Sitkunai site to NAm Thursday [sic –- means UT Dec 7, or 8?], on 9735. Narrow selectivity required in crowded band; \\ 6120 via Germany, 0000 Lithuanian, 0030 English (Kim Elliott, VA, VOA Communications World via DXLD) These tests were predicted back in DXLD 0-138 Nov 12, q.v.; tests were supposed to start Nov 20, 2300-0100, alternate 6000, but this is the first report we`ve had of them (gh, DXLD) ** NICARAGUA. Radio Miskut, Puerto Cabezas, 5770 USB, 2335-2359 Dec 7, talk in Spanish about "...pobreza, agricultura...", at 2358 ID by locutor "...Miskut, potencia en...", very low signal, SIO 142 (Daniele Canonica, Switzerland, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Rare in Europe ** OMAN. 15140: I checked for Radio Sultanate of Oman`s relay of its English FM Service here Dec 3 at 1400. Instead it was all Arabic with a radioplay, then music and features until at least 1515. I wonder if it is just a mistake, or a schedule change (Christian Mocanu, Germany, Cumbre DX via DXLD) Ramadan variation? ** RUSSIA. Voice of Russia starts broadcasting to CIS | Text of report by Voice of Russia "DX Club" web site on 7th December As of 1st December, the Russian service of the Voice of Russia has been broadcasting in the CIS at 1500-1600 gmt: for Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus on 999 kHz; for the Baltic republics on 1143 kHz; for the North Caucasus and the Transcaucasus on 1314 kHz; for Central Asia on 6185 kHz; for Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltic republics on 7170 kHz; for the North Caucasus and the Transcaucasus on 7185 kHz. At present, during the aforementioned times [1500-1600], the station repeats the programme first broadcast at 1300-1400 gmt, but in the foreseeable future, there may be some other changes. You will find detailed information about our work on http://www.vor.ru/Russian and http://www.radio.hobby.ru/Novosti. Source: Voice of Russia web site, Moscow, in Russian 7 Dec 00 (via BBC Monitoring via DXLD) ** RUSSIA [non]. I have noticed an unannounced VOR frequency for North America of 9765 which is not on the published schedule. Most times it is on between 0200-0400 UTC, although I have noticed sign off of that freq. from time to time at 0300 (Maryanne Kehoe, GA, Dec 1, Cumbre DX via DXLD) VATICAN relay as in DXLD Nov 1 and earlier. Were you unaware of the Vatican relay? (gh) Yes, because I did not see it reported (up to that point) *anywhere that I had read* and the impression that I got from talking to people (including talking to someone in Moscow several weeks ago) was that the relay from Vatican Radio was an experiment (although that same frequency in previous years has been relayed direct from Moscow to Eastern North America), and that was the impression that I got as to why 9765 was not on the on-line schedule when it was put up almost 5 weeks ago. 9765 has been in use every winter for at least 5 years that I can remember, but in some past winter seasons, I recall that freq. signing on starting at 0300 and sometimes 0400 UTC (relayed direct from Moscow) I personally am quite surprised at the Vatican relay as it took me completely by surprise, I wonder if this could possibly be the wave of the future for VOR? It will be interesting to see (and this is just my opinion only) what the Spring/Summer schedule will look like and if there will be an increase in relay-type activity for VOR. I am going to Moscow in mid-January and will be visiting them and will see what the early scoop might be for that time period, and I will ask about the current relay. Hope this clears things up! 73 (Maryanne Kehoe, GA, Dec 8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUTHENIA. Glenn, read with interest the piece about Ruthenians. Most experts consider Ruthenian to be a dialect of Ukrainian. Ruthenians peopled the most western portions of ethnic Ukrainian territory, which now includes regions of especially Slovakia, as well as the transcarpathian province (oblast) of Ukraine. A minority of people stick with the assertion that Ruthenians are a separate nationality. There is no relation, whatsoever to Russian. Of interest, in the period before the 20th century, Ukrainians in general, especially those who lived under the Austro-Hungarian empire were called Ruthenian. Just a little bit of history! Cheers! (Walter R. Salmaniw, MD, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA, Dec 8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SEALAND. Sealand amateur transmissions from 9 to 12 December will go ahead despite UK official opposition. The prefix "1SL" will be used (illegally in UK govt. terms). Various channels will be used but UK amateurs are warned not to make contact or risk the penalty! 10/80/160 metres may be used. 1SL was used for Spratley before (where is Spratley?). Sealand hopes to apply to join the ITU (JB [telephone] Infoline via Mike Terry, Dec 6, BDXC-UK via DXLD) South China Sea (gh) ** SOMALIA. 6750 USB +Carrier, R. Mogadishu Dec 6 0318-0406. On a very unusual evening for propagation, I was surprised to find them on before their scheduled 0400 s/on. First heard with distinctive Horn of Africa music and distorted audio, SINPO 34333. Programming was Somali music with mostly male vocals, interspersed with brief announcements by the male announcer, with mentions of Somalia. Toward the BoH, I heard what Dave Kernick (on his Interval Signals website) calls their "signature tune", followed by a brief recitation of the Koran or prayer. Although their signal continued to weaken, they were still audible at 0406 (George Maroti, NY, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** SRI LANKA. 5020 (Cumbre DX Special follow up) SLBC is the station I hear on this frequency (Jose Jacob, India, Dec 8) So Dave and I heard a reactivation of a channel that has been off for quite some time (Hans Johnson, Dec 8, Cumbre DX via DXLD) TIME? ** TANZANIA. Tanzanian media advisory: State radio unheard. Please note that Tanzanian state radio, which broadcasts from Dar es Salaam in Swahili, was unheard on its usual shortwave frequencies at 0400 gmt, 0700 gmt and 1000 gmt on 8th December (© BBC Monitoring via DXLD) ** U S A. WBCQ`s new (refurbished) Collins transmitter is just about complete; tested 17495 Dec 7 1700-2000 until a driver tube blew, so awaiting a replacement next week. Still looking for a prime client to buy all the daytime hours on this, 1100/1200/1300 to 2200 UT or so. Groundwave on 7 MHz is limited to about 6 miles, like WRNO (Allan H. Weiner, AWWW Dec 9 via gh, DXLD) ** U S A. WWFV/WGTG announced that is has suspended work on its third transmitter and additional antennas. This is apparently connected to another station announcement that Genesis Communications Network has ended its airtime purchase on 9400/9320/5085. The Overcomer Ministry appears to have replaced some of this time as heard at both 0000 and 0400 earlier this week. Finally, the station announced a new QSL policy on rec.radio.shortwave. Listeners will now have to send a report to the program heard. The programmer will in turn forward to WWFV/WGTG for verification (via Hans Johnson, Dec 8, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** U S A. 2340 kHz, WPAD Paducah KY; 0603-0625+, 2-Dec; 2340=1560 + 1560/2; EZL pop mx. ad/Home & House? Cafeteria. "The station that plays the original hits, AM 15-60 WPAD". Poor (Harold Frodge, Brighton MI DXPedition, MARE via DXLD) Whee! Just what I always dream of –- a sesquiharmonic!! (gh) ** U S A. Via the grapeline I hear that postage for an international air mail letter of 1/2 oz. will increase from 60 to 80 cents. IRCs are going up accordingly. This should be a big impetus for QSLing via E-mail! (Bill Flynn, OR, webcasting QSL collector, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. FCC tentatively has identified a mysterious "tick-tick" intruder signal as the third harmonic of an ocean current-sensing radar near Atlantic City run by Rutgers University. The FCC directed the licensee to eliminate the harmonic but did not order the transmitter shut down. The transmitter manufacturer has since installed a low-pass filter to eliminate the interference. The "tick" showed up from 14.275 to 14.381 MHz. The typical signal of the experimental Rutgers radar system is 25 kHz wide. While the tick was audible, it did not present significant interference to amateurs (ARRL Letter via Brock Whaley, Dec 8, DXLD) Tick-tick? Perhaps this is the Windshield Wiper Synchronization Signal previously unID here, since 1/3 of the frequency range above would be 4758-4794, where it is frequently heard (gh, DXLD) ** U S A [non]. I suggested the General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church should come up with a more memorable name for their new SW service, such as ``Methodist Radio International``, and they replied that this name is indeed under consideration (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also GERMANY ** VATICAN. See RUSSIA [non] ###