DX LISTENING DIGEST 0-154, December 10, 2000 edited by Glenn Hauser, wghauser@hotmail.com {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. For restrixions and searchable 2000 contents archive see} http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/Dxldmid.html ** ANGOLA. Friday, 8 December, 2000, 23:51 GMT Angolan independent radio celebrates anniversary One of Angola's pioneering independent radio stations, Radio Ecclésia, is celebrating its forty-fifth anniversary this weekend. The station was founded by the Catholic church in 1955 to give a voice to Angolans living under Portuguese colonial rule. The BBC correspondent in Luanda says it`s credited with giving opposition politicians and internal refugees a chance to put their points of view, in contrast to the state-owned media, which tend to toe the Angolan government line. But our correspondent says the morale of staff is not high; several of the station`s leading journalists have left, some in search of better wages and some because they believe Ecclésia`s directors are not fighting censorship as robustly as before. (From the newsroom of the BBC World Service, Dec 9, via Mike Terry, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BELGIUM [non]. There was a major accident Friday December 1 with the Bonaire antenna used for RVI`s relay at 0400 [11985 320 deg 250 kW], and DW at 0500 [11795 320 deg 250 kW]. The reflector screen came down, damaging the antenna. It may take a month to repair. So an alternate antenna has been in use since Dec 2 at 0257 [so including DW relay 0300-0345 English 11750 320 deg 250 kW?], less effective than usual in the [WNAm] target areas (Frans Vossen, RVI Radio World back at 2230 UT on 13660 Bonaire Dec 10, notes by gh for DX LISTENING DIGEST) I looked thru the RN transmission schedule and do not see any other 320 degree beamings from Bonaire except 0430-0525 English on 6165, 9590, presumably with different antennas (gh, DXLD) see N.A. ** BRAZIL. News from Brazilian tropical bands. Rádio Difusora, in the city of Taubaté, state of São Paulo, has just returned to 62 meters. Station was heard Dec 10 on 4925 between 0400 and 0430 UT with the program 'Madrugada Difusora'. ID is as follows: ``Esta é a Rádio Difusora de Taubaté! AM 570 KHz! Ondas tropicais 4.925 KHz! Uma rádio ligada em você!`` Early morning programming was made up of various musical blocks: jesting, sambas, sertanejos, with prominence to Rick and Renner, Tchan, Lecy Brandão. During this period, no commercials were heard, only station program promotion, such as 'Cidade Agora' and 'Show da Tarde'. Monitored in Pôrto Alegre, Brasil, by (Célio Romáis, with Sony ICF SW7600G and Sony AN-71 antenna; DX Clube do Brasil http://www.ondascurtas.com translated by gh for DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** COSTA RICA. RFPI has a new e-mail account effective immediately: radiopaz@racsa.co.cr Please make a note of it as the old account, rfpicr@racsa.co.cr, will soon no longer function. Thanks! RFPI (Willie Barrantes V, Dec 9, DX LISTENING DIGEST) What about the easier-to-remember fwd info@rfpi.org ?? (gh) ** COSTA RICA. Tnx to a tip from George Thurman, who says it has been going on for at least an hour, at 0120 UT Sun Dec 10 on 9725 we find a string of numbers over and over in (modulated) CW. Evidently no one is minding the store, as usual, at the University Network, so instead of DGS we are getting the wrong satellite channel carrying some presumable transponder ID info. Same also audible weaker on 5030. We are amused. [Later:] Couldn`t take too much of this so turned the volume down almost to nil; at 0207 noticed DGS was back. Maybe fixed around 0200 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** FALKLAND ISLANDS. Rees, VP8DCD, has been quite active recently on 15 and 20 meters. He seems to frequent 21263 and 14260 kHz after or around 2300z. There seems to be some confusion on the QSL route for this one. Most sources say QSL via G0JLE, however, Rees has been stating on the air to QSL via P.O. Box 260, MPA, Falkland Islands. (KB8NW/OPDX December 11/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** FRANCE. A strike has been affecting the services of RFO, the overseas ("outre-mer") service of the French public broadcaster. The RFO television station for St. Pierre & Miquelon, available across Canada via small-dish satellite, has been off the air since Wednesday, with a stagnant screen announcing the strike and fill music airing as audio. A contributor to a Canadian satellite message board noted that the live audio feed of RFO radio from this island off the eastern Canada coast has not been working since the strike began (Mike Cooper, Atlanta GA, DXLD) The strike has also had an effect in Guadeloupe with blank screens on the Caribbean island`s two television channels and the radio station "totally silenced." Strikers slowed traffic by occupying the Gabarre bridge at the entrance to Pointe-à-Pitre to distribute leaflets. A coalition of five unions is asking for pay increases that would bring salaries in line with those of Radio-France and also account for their higher cost of living. French bureaucrats in Guadeloupe get a 40 percent pay differential to account for the higher costs, while the personnel of RFO-Guadeloupe only get a 34 percent bonus. RFO`s directors say that matching Radio-France`s salaries would cost almost $4 million worldwide and matching the salary differential would cost almost $2 million more, according to an open letter to workers by the head of RFO, Andre-Michel Besse, obtained by Agence France-Presse (AFP, Dec 8, translated by Mike Cooper, Atlanta GA, DXLD) ** INTERNATIONAL VACUUM. Discovery Channel to offer ISS special: The Discovery Channel will broadcast "Inside the Space Station" Sunday, December 10, at 9 PM and 1 AM Eastern and Pacific. The program mentions the Amateur Radio on the International Space Station--or ARISS--ham gear aboard Space Station Alpha and the prospect of amateur contacts between the ISS occupants and schools on Earth. The program also will be broadcast Sunday, December 17, at 6 PM Eastern and Pacific; Monday, December 18, at 9 PM and 1 AM Eastern and Pacific, and Saturday, December 23, at 5 PM Eastern and Pacific. Visit the Discovery Channel Web site, http://www.discovery.com/stories/science/iss/iss.html (ARRL via John Norfolk, DXLD) ** LITHUANIA. Klaus Nindel heard on Radio Vilnius that the Lithuanian National Radio and television is four million dollars in debt, and the new Lithuanian government does not plan to help the country's public broadcaster during this crisis. Klaus also heard that Radio Vilnius is using a new frequency to North America: 9735, between 0 and 1 Universal Time. Lithuanian is on the hour, and English on the half hour. I tuned in Thursday, UTC Friday, and heard this signal on 9735 [DALET] KIM: Did you hear that? He promoted Radio Vilnius as the largest English service from the Baltics. I definitely needed the narrow selectivity mode to fight adjacent channel interference in the 31 meter band. The 9735 channel is via Sitkanai [sic] in Lithuania, and it's parallel to 6120 via Jülich, Germany (Kim Elliott, VOA Communications World Dec 9 via John Norfolk, DXLD) ** LITHUANIA. I was listening to 9735 as early as 2349 UT Dec 10 when long tones alternating with ``This is Lithuania audio circuit ... Radio Vilnius`` twice at a time but hard to copy a few words. By 0000 6120 via Germany was also on as the Lithuanian half-hour opened with a brief English announcement. 9735 was considerably better than 6120 here, somewhat surprisingly (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MAURITANIA. 783 kHz, Nouakchott, DEC 2 0240 - // 4845 with man in Arabic: on late for Ramadan. [Connelly, Billerica MA] + DEC 3 0001 - Arabic news by man; excellent, like a local. + DEC 3 0310 - Koranic vocal with reverb; monster signal (extended Ramadan schedule). (Mark Connelly, East Harwich, Cape Cod MA, NRC-AM via DXLD) ** MONGOLIA. Naranbaatar (Naran), JT1BV, informs OPDX that he has been active around 28475 (+/-10 kHz) at about 0100-0300z for the USA and at about 0800-1130z for Europe. QSL via direct only to: Mr. Naranbaatar T, C.P.O Box 820, Ulaanbaatar-13, MONGOLIA (via JAPAN). (KB8NW/OPDX December 11/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NETHERLANDS. Hi Glenn, I had to laugh a little when I saw all the URLs attached to the Kootwijk feature, URLs which I had painstakingly collected and not even known that chance of immortality. 73 :-)))) (Piet Pijpers, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NETHERLANDS ANTILLES. Last week we mentioned that we would be updating the feature on our Bonaire relay station. John Groenenstijn of the Bonaire management team stopped by last Thursday and gave us an interview. The feature is nearly ready now, and we're just waiting for John to send some pictures of the new generator room under construction. But in the meantime we can confirm that Bonaire is continuing to run a full service using the temporary generators. Installation of the permanent generators is due to be completed in February, and everything should be tested and fully working in time for the start of the summer schedule at the end of March 2001 (Media Network Newsletter via John Norfolk, DXLD) see also BELGIUM [non] ** NICARAGUA. According to a personal letter from Evaristo Mercado Pérez dated Nov 29, 2000, Radio Miskut [5770-USB] resumed transmission on August 7, 2000, thanks to help from John Freeman. He is scheduled to visit the station on Dec. 10 to install a 3 kW power amplifier for shortwave. They now broadcast at 1200-2400 with VOA news relay at 1200-1230, 1700-1730 and 2300-2400. They will extend service until short after local midnight (i.e. 0600) on Christmas and New Year's day (Tetsuya Hirahara, Japan, Dec 9, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** POEL ISLAND [IOTA EU-098]. Look for DH3ZK to be active now through December 17th from Poel Island. DX stations please listen on 14260 and 21260 kHz, and Europe on 7095 kHz. JA stations listen between 0900-1000z on 21260 kHz. (KB8NW/OPDX December 11/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA. WHAT'S NEW? BLESS THE LORD, O MY SOUL: It`s been nearly two years that this series devoted to the 2000th birthday [sic] of Jesus Christ has been available on the Voice of Russia World Service. Now that we are entering a new century and a new millennium, we decided to make this series a permanent feature because church music is something Russian culture is rightfully proud of. Enjoy more than a thousand years of Russian Orthodox music by tuning in to the Bless the Lord, o My Soul series. Russian church music is available every second and last Thursday of each month at 1730 and 1930 UT. The program is repeated on Friday at 0430 UT (VOR via Maryanne Kehoe, Dec 9, swprograms via DXLD) Who can figure out if and when this be available via WRN? (gh) ** RUSSIA. PUTIN`S ENVOY INTERVENES OVER POWER CUTS TO RUSSIAN REGION`S TRANSMITTERS | Text of report by Radio Russia on 8 December [Presenter] In Amur Region, the supply of electricity has been resumed to radio and television transmitters through the intervention of the Russian president's plenipotentiary representative in the Far Eastern Federal District, Konstantin Pulikovskiy. Our correspondent Vadim Kudinov reports from Blagoveshchensk. [Correspondent] In Blagoveshchensk, TV screens went blank and Mayak radio station transmissions went off the air for seven hours when power workers cut off electricity to the Amur TV and Radio Broadcasting Centre. This action by the city electricity grid was in breach of a decision by the Russian government in accordance with which VGTRK [All-Russian State TV and Radio Broadcasting Company] and its subsidiaries are considered strategic enterprises that ensure the security of the state which should not be cut off. Thanks to the efforts of the Russian president`s representative in the Far Eastern Federal District, Konstantin Pulikovskiy, agreement has been reached on this score with the Unified Energy System of Russian joint-stock company. The board of UES has sent a telegram to the director-general of the Amurenergo joint-stock company suggesting that the company refrain from using sanctions such as restricting electricity consumption and cutting off subsidiaries of VGTRK in the Region for the period up to 10th January 2001, in other words, while talks are held on settling federal arrears and on organizing payments for current electricity consumption. Source: Radio Russia, Moscow, in Russian 1000 gmt 8 Dec 00 (via Graham Bell, (c) BBC 2000 via DXLD) What is UES? (gh) It`s United Energy Systems, the Russian electricity behemoth/ monopoly. Its chief exec is radical reformer/establishment member and sometime friend of presidents, Anatoly Chubais. Here's an update - Mayak apparently on the blink for a while...UES owns a commercial TV station too called Ren TV. This is one of the world`s best-endowed countries for energy. In Russian it`s Objedinennye Energeticheskie Systemy (I think). Rgds (Graham Bell, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA. Subject: VoR's Upcoming Digital Tests from Irkutsk to Japan. This news comes from DX-Bistro forum: Dear Mr. Masao Hosoya, We are very grateful to you for the information of 6th November regarding our frequency audibility in Tokyo. We would like to request you about something else. The thing is that on 13th and 14th December we are going to carry out a test digital broadcast from Irkutsk to Japan in accordance with the following schedule: 0600-0700 UT on 17795 kHz English 0730-0900 UT on 15685 kHz English 1430-1600 UT on 9950 kHz: 1430-1500 Russian, 1500-1600 English In order to see these frequencies propagation on 8th-13th December we`ll broadcast according to the given schedule in analogue mode. We`ll appreciate it very much if you could listen to these frequencies in Tokio and advise us of the outcome before 13th December i.e. before we start digital broadcast tests. With gratitude. Best regards, MCCBN General Director A. T. Titov (HOSOYA Masao via JSWC via Gaku Iwata, Chiba, Japan, Japan Premium via Wolfgang Büschel via Michael Bethge via Anatoly Klepov, Moscow, Russia, Bulletin "RUS-DX", via Russian DX League via DX- Bistro forum via Sergei Sosedkin, Dec 10, DXLD) ** RUSSIA. On its 10th anniversary Radio Russia has inaugurated its web-site at http://www.radiorus.ru The site is easy to navigate and boasts wealth of information. But there are no frequencies of Radio Russia and not a single word in English there. I heard Radio Russia carrying short promotional announcements in English, though. ("Radio Russia: ten years on the air.") Live broadcasts for Windows Media can be heard by clicking at http://rtr.relline.ru/radiorus (Sergei Sosedkin, MI, Dec 10, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSYNIA [RUTHENIA]. Glenn: It's true that Ruthinian, or Rusyn is considered by some to be a dialect of Ukrainian. However, its speakers have a distinct self-identity. They disagree that they are Ukrainians, and that their language is only a Ukrainian dialect. In the US they were often called Russians. In September 1998, Slovak State Radio started broadcasting a long-promised daily regional program for Rusyn minority in Presov. However, after the 1998 parliamentary elections this broadcasting was discontinued, and the broadcast is now in Ukrainian. (See 1999 Report on Human Rights Practices Released by US State Department on February 25, 2000). I'm not sure about current situation but before NATO attack on Yugoslavia Radio Novi Sad (Radio Television of Serbia) used to carry about 4.5 hours daily in Rusyn. There were 3 local radio stations throughout Vojvodina with broadcasts in this Slavic language. Radio Vukovar in Croatia also has a half-hour week-day Rusyn broadcast. For more info on Rusyns check out http://home.swipnet.se/roland/maryintro.html (Sergei Sosedkin, MI, Dec 9, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUTHENIA. Volodya, tnx for the background! BTW, since the -th- sound is unknown (?) in Slavic languages, should we pronounce this Rut-henian, and what is the actual word for Ruthenian in Ruthenian, Ukrainian or Russian? (GH) Ah, now the story gets more interesting and confusing. You are correct, in that there is no th sound in Slavic languages. Ruthenia is derived from Latin, I believe, and is the equivalent of Rus`, the ancient name of the territory centred on Kyiv (Kiev) Ukraine. Peter the Great changed the name of Muscovy to Russia to usurp the ancient tradition of Kievan Rus. Rus is not Russia, though most Russophile historians portray both in the same light. The same historians may also state that Russians, Belarussians and Ukrainians all originated from the same ancient Rus` state, though there are other historians who argue convincingly that Rus` should be considered the foreunner of Ukraine only. The Ruthenians have clung to this old name, and hence the confusion with "Russian", though the language has really nothing in common with modern Russian, but in fact sounds much more like western dialect Ukrainian, with a mixture of Slovak, from my understanding. Totally confused yet? (Walt Salmaniw, BC, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SEALAND. As of press time [December 10], there is NO sign of 1SL1A on the air from the "Principality of Sealand". Operation was to begin on December 9th and last until the 12th. Also, 1SL1A was going to be active in the 10 meter contest this past weekend. Stay tuned! (KB8NW/OPDX December 11/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** UKRAINE (Special Event). Just a reminder that on December 15th, the Ukraine Unit-III of Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (CNPP) will be closing. During December 14-16th a group of Ukraine operators from the town of Slavutich will activate the special callsign EN23RW. A special full colored QSL card will be available for making contacts with EN23RW. QSL direct to UX2RY: Andre Asriyanz, P.O.Box 14, Slavutich-3, Kiev obl., 07100, Ukraine, or through bureau. The log will placed on the following Web page at: http://www.radio.cn.ua (KB8NW/OPDX December 11/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K. BBC WS preview: THE MUSIC MIX Eu: Mon 0930, 1930, Tue 0130, 1430 Am: Mon 1430, Tue 0130, 2030, Wed 0630 The year 2000 marks major anniversaries of the deaths of two of the greatest icons in pop and rock music: John Lennon and Jimi Hendrix [about the latter more next week -gh]. Featuring the music of these legendary musicians, The Music Mix presents profiles of two men whose presence has long outlived them in two documentaries. Lennon -- The Legacy 1 x 30 min from Sun Dec 10 Hendrix -- The Legacy 1 x 30 min from Sun Dec 17 Twenty years after Lennon`s death the most complex of pop stars has been reduced to a simple formula of peace, love and Yoko. In the year when John Lennon would have celebrated his sixtieth birthday, guests including Yoko Ono, Glen Matlock and Karl Wallinger, examine the real impact John Lennon had on the music industry he did so much to inspire. As well as featuring the music of John Lennon, bands across the whole music spectrum and fans in Strawberry Fields pay their tributes. ``He was a peace loving guy and great musician. I come to Strawberry Fields every weekend to have my breakfast`` said one visitor to Strawberry Fields interviewed on the date when Lennon would have celebrated his 60th birthday. (9 October). (BBC Press Office via WORLD OF RADIO 1061, DXLD) ** U S A. KALT 1610, Atlanta TX is on with FOX Sports. 73s, (Patrick Martin, OR, 0205 UT Dec 10, hard-core-dx etc. etc. via DXLD) Tnx to Pat Martin tip; this will quickly become a pest here. Finally something capable of overriding the Vance AFB TIS on 1610 which has been nothing but open-carrier for a year or so. ``1610 KALT, Atlanta TX`` ID heard at 0258 UT Dec 10 amid Fox sports; others expecting an ID closer to hourtop evidently missed it. A few minutes later I heard them claiming 10 kW (surely not!! at night?? That would be – illegal!), and ads for CC Radio -– that was quick; or perhaps nothing unusual for Fox sports network, which I will not get caught dead wasting my time on for anything other than this début logging. But, surprise, my 1610 local awakens from its slumber with a lofi, clicky, loop every sesquiminute or so atop KALT, ``Radio Service testing, 1-2-3-4-5, 5-4-3-2-1 End of test.`` Now there`s a REAL DX challenge for anyone outside Enid. While DXing KALT, keep your ears open for this. Vance still going with same loop in daytime. While other X-band frequencies now have several stations operating, this is the only one in the US on 1610. How come? Perhaps in deference to all the TIS occupancy? KALT, especially if running 10 kW illegally at night, will surely hasten many of them to move elsewhere, such as 1710, where hardly any of them have bothered to go yet (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A/MEXICO. Subject: [HCDX] NEW X BAND LIST (REVISED) 1610 KALT - TX, ATLANTA -SPT 1620 WPHG - AL, ATMORE -GOS (SILENT) KSMH - CA, AUBURN -REL (ETWN) KBLI - ID, BLACKFOOT -TLK/SPT WHLY - IN, SOUTH BEND -NOS KAZP - NE, BELLEVUE -SPT WTAW - TX, COLLEGE STATION -TLK KYIZ - WA, RENTON- UC-AC 1630 WRDW - GA, AUGUSTA -TALK/SPT KCJJ - IA, IOWA CITY -AC KKWY - WY, FOX FARM -C&W XEUT - MEXICO, TIJUANA -JZ 1640 KDIA - CA, VALLEJO -REL (EWTN) KPBC - OR, LAKE OSWEGO -REL/GOS WKSH - WI, SUSSEX -REL 1650 KFOX - CA, TORRANCE -KK KBJD - CO, DENVER -REL-AC KDNZ - IA, CEDAR FALLS -NX/TLK/SPT WHKT - VA, PORTSMOUTH -REL/TLK 1660 WMIB - FL, MARCO -NOS WQSN - MI, KALAMAZOO -SPT WWRU - NJ, JERSEY CITY -SS/ETH KQWB - ND, WEST FARGO -NOS KRZX - TX, WACO -NWS/TLK/SPT KXOL - UT, BRIGHAM CITY -OLD 1670 KAZT - CA, REDDING -SPT (1/2001) WRNC - GA, WARNER ROBINS -C&W WTDY - WI, MADISON -TLK/SPT 1680 KAVT - CA, FRESNO-DISNEY (1/2001) WTIR - FL, WINTER GARDEN -TOURIST WJNZ - MI, ADA -UC/RAP WTTM - NJ, PRINCETON -SPT 1690 KSXX - CA, ROSEVILLE (TESTING) KDDZ - CO, ARVADA -DISNEY WPTX -MD, LEXINGTON PK -TK/SPT/NOS (SOMETIMES USES WMDM CALLS) 1700 WEUV - AL, HUNTSVILLE -BG WAFN - FL, MIAMI SPRINGS -SPT KBGG - IA, DES MOINES -CNN NEWS KQXX - TX, BROWNSVILLE -SS KTBK - TX, SHERMAN -SPT [it`s up to you to figure out the format abbrs. -gh] (Patrick Martin, Seaside OR, hard-core-dx, etc., Dec 10 via DXLD) ** U S A. A Letter from Jim Conder, Program Director, KVOD The following letter/email went out to many KVOD listeners about our recent purchase by Latino Communications. We'd like to share it here on the website. December 7, 2000 Dear KVOD listener, I wish I could answer all of your questions individually, but time will not permit. So, I am writing this "form e-mail" in response to questions and to thank you for your overwhelming outpouring of kind wishes and unforgettable memories. The situation is just this: There are two business transactions going on. Latino Communications is buying KVOD. That includes all the assets: the call-letters, the dial position (1280), various equipment, and real-estate. Zee Ferrufino, President of Latino Comm., has assured us that he will indeed flip the format to Spanish-speaking on or about January 1, 2001. Mr. Ferrufino has promised to donate the call-letters and the library of thousands of CDs to Colorado Public Radio (KCFR, 90.1 FM). The second business transaction involves CPR and their acquisition of 1340 AM. I do not feel comfortable addressing this transaction, because my information has all been second hand and it yet has nothing to do with the current KVOD. They will carry neither the Metropolitan Opera nor Karl Haas` Adventures In Good Music nor have they contacted any of the current KVOD staff about possible employment opportunities. We will staff our station until 7PM on Friday, December 15th, at which time we will all say goodbye and turn on the Beethoven Satellite Network (from Chicago-very good, too), and that will stay on until Latino Comm. decides to begin their new programming. Many of you expressed concern about the "reasons" for the loss of KVOD. The top reasons, naturally, have to do with money. Stations in Denver are selling for tens of millions of dollars. KVOD was no longer viable on FM to bring home the bacon for the large corporation that owned us. As a result, we were systematically phased out with budget cuts and neglect. We bravely hung in there despite the attempts to bury us much earlier. That is why we thank you for your steadfast support through the tough times. Because of the lack of a promotional budget, we will not be holding Beethoven`s Birthday this year. All of are disappointed not to see you again this year. We truly miss that. For those of you on the Internet, may I suggest searching out some other sites worldwide that have very good programming that suits many tastes. On behalf of the entire staff of KVOD, thank you for you well wishes and for your concern. All the Best, Jim Conder, Program Director, KVOD (http://www.kvod.com Dec 9 via DXLD) Some other postings on the KVOD Listeners` Forum: Contact Citizens for Classical FM at info@classicalfm.org. They`ve been working in the Denver area to restore classical music to the FM band in the Metro area. Drop them a line to learn what you can do, or visit their website at http://www.classicalfm.org for more info. I will maintain the website and forum at KVOD.com beyond the December 15 date. However, if Latino or Colo Pub Radio takes the domain away from me, you will find the site at KWGM.com So click here and then add this link to your favorites or bookmarks: http://www.kwgm.com (webmaster; kwgm are his initials, not a radio call!) Try http://www.whrb.org. It's only classical about a third of the time (normally from 11am - 8pm Denver time), but the programming includes many vocal works, works of the twentieth century, historic performances, and in-depth examinations of particular composers and genres, as well as live performances from time to time. In January and May, look for WHRB's renowned Orgy® programs (last January's J.S. Bach Orgy® lasted ten full days and included every surviving piece by Bach, and a live organ recital). (Orgy® is a registered trademark of The Harvard Radio Broadcasting Company, Incorporated.) (Rob Landry, Nov 29) Perhaps someone will fill the void locally with a quality classical station, but until then there are many Internet based classical stations from all over the world. Classical FM South Africa http://www.classicfm.co.za/ Classical FM London http://www.classicfm.com/ KDFC San Francisco http://www.kdfc.com/ Various Net Radio offerings (piano, vocal, symphonic, etc.) Check the Radio Station Guide page for the windows media player... http://windowsmedia.com/radiotuner/default.asp I will make the KVOD forum available through kwgm.com for those who want to hang out, talk about classical music sources (or the lack of them), remember old times, or whatever. I will also post an alternatives list for classical listening on the web. I may even revive the ClassiQuiz, Sig! So while it is a hard time, all is not lost. Thank you for being a part of KVOD and using KVOD.com (and kwgm.com) (webmaster, Nov 30 via DXLD) ** U S A. Ken Berryhill`s musical shows provide much sorely needed relief to all the religious and political palaver on WWCR`s schedule. We`ve just noticed a new one, The Old Jazz Boy, featuring Dixieland, Sunday Dec 10 1930-2000 on 15685, a spot formerly occupied by WOR. Nothing under this title appears in WWCR`s currently posted program schedule, but we searched on Berryhill for all his other nominal timings: The Old Record Shop Sun 0730-0800 3210 Mon 0030-0100 3215 Ken`s Country Classics Mon 0700-0730 5070 Mon 0900-0930 5070 Profiles Sat 1200-1205 15685 Mon 0400-0405 3215 Since these are unsponsored, they may appear unexpectedly when a slot open up. For background on Ken Berryhill, and his original show The Old Record Shop see: http://www.wwcr.com/cr_ors.html DISREGARD WWCR`s posted Specialty Programs list (except for URLs) http://www.wwcr.com/cr_specialty_pgms.html which was last updated August 14, before time shifts and numerous permanent time changes! (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Please note that the e-mail address for VOA News Now, and indeed for all offices and persons at VOA, has changed. VOA e-mail addresses now use the domain "voanews dot com." So the e-mail address for VOA News Now has changed to newsnow at voanews dot com. That`s the address you should use for your comments about VOA English programming. For Communications World, the e-mail address is now c-w at voanews dot com . The audience mail address, for your reception reports and requests for the VOA Guide publication, is letters at voanews dot com. The use of voanews dot com brings our e-mail address into line with the new http://www.voanews.com Web site. But if you have recently sent an e-mail to one of our old e-mail addresses, say, cw at voa dot gov, don't worry: all such messages are automatically transferred to the new address. The http://www.voa.gov Web site continues to exist as an administrative site for the Voice of America. Voa dot gov is still the only VOA site with a link to the Communications World Web site. In general, e-mail addresses and Web URLs with dot com top-level domains belong to private companies, dot org to nonprofit organizations, and dot gov to U.S. government agencies. But there are no firm rules about what type of entity can use what type of top-level domain. VOA's switch from dot gov to dot com does not mean VOA has changed its structure. VOA is still a U.S. government agency. However, the VOA Charter, a U.S. law, requires VOA news to be objective and comprehensive. This is not what one might expect from a U.S. government agency, hence the desire for the dot com domain. Lester Bearcroft in the U.K. says he went to the new VOA Web site, voanews dot com, and could not find a frequency schedule. He wonders where it is hidden. Well, Lester, you answered that one yourself in a later e-mail, Here's the URL Lester discovered: http://www.voa.gov/allsked.html . It has the transmission schedule for VOA in all languages. If you want a schedule that shows transmitter sites, go to the VOA Monitoring Web page: http://voa.his.com . That's voa dot hotel-india-sierra dot c-o-m. KIM: I mentioned last week that I will be doing some live broadcasts on VOA News Now on New Year's Day. I now know the times for those: 1433 and 2133 Universal Time. I will be calling Communications World listeners, and if you would like to be added to list of people I call, please let me know. Thanks to those of you who responded already. I will give you frequencies for those transmissions as the date approaches. Radio plays recorded at the VOA auditorium will be broadcast on three successive Saturdays, December 23rd and 30th, and January 6th, from 5 to 7 and 12 to 14 Universal Time. This means that Communications World will be preempted at 533 and 1333 on those three Saturdays. (Kim Elliott, VOA Communications World Dec 9 via John Norfolk, DXLD) ** U S A [non]. Monitored UMC via Germany 15485 on the last day of its scheduled test series, Dec 10, from my Chinese restaurant with the DX-375 whip only a foot from the neon sign in the window, but no problem. I have never listened to the entire two hours, and have yet to hear any French as announced. From about 1715 lots of nice African music; 1737-1747 or so interviewed a bishop from Congo DR, who was a bit hard to understand, but he blamed the war on external forces only from Uganda and Rwanda, and disputed that his country is in chaos, contradicting the questioning from Ms Niemann (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A (IOTA NA-140]. Look for K3RE to be active from Smith Island, Maryland (in Chesapeake Bay). The reference number for the USIA is MD-030S. This activity will be from December 16-17th, (1700-1700z, 24 hour operation). Suggested frequencies are: 7260, 3860, 14260, 21260 and 28460 on SSB and .040 on CW. QSL to K3RE (USA stations SASE and stations outside the USA - SAE, 1 Greenstamp or appropriate number of IRCs). (KB8NW/OPDX December 11/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. QSL postage to remain at 20 cents: While first-class domestic postage in the US will increase to 34 cents starting January 7, 2001, the cost of mailing a postcard -- such as a QSL card -- within the US will remain at 20 cents. The governors of the US Postal Service this week announced that the price of a first-class letter will rise to 34 cents, but the cost of each additional first-class ounce will decrease from 22 cents to 21 cents. The new 34 cent letter-rate stamps go on sale December 15. International mailing rates also will rise January 7. An airmail postcard (QSL) will cost 50 cents if bound for Canada or Mexico and 70 cents to anywhere else in the world. For other mail, the basic unit rate has been raised to one ounce--60 cents/ounce for Canada and Mexico; 80 cents elsewhere in the world, meaning users actually will be able to mail more for less. The complete rate schedule is available on the USPS Web site, http://www.usps.gov/news/2001rate.htm --USPS news release (ARRL via John Norfolk, DXLD) As Bill Flynn mentioned in DXLD of 8 Dec, international postage rates are set to change when domestic rates increase. No more half-ounce steps for letter postage rates and rates for more than one ounce of "single-piece letter-post" vary by destination. For all countries (except Canada, Mexico), letter is $0.80 for one ounce. For two ounces, rate is $1.55 or $1.60 depending on the country and $1.70 for Australia, Japan and New Zealand. Surface mail will now be called "economy mail" and it will again be possible to send a letter by surface mail (this was eliminated a few years ago), though the cheapest rate for "economy mail, letter-post single piece" is 16 ounces, ranging from $3.80 to $4.95 (and $2.70 to Canada and $4.35 to Mexico). The "small packet" rate that had existed for small parcels has been eliminated, and these are now treated as "single piece letter-post" if they are less than 4 pounds, with rates in some cases slightly cheaper than present for air mail. International reply coupons are $1.75 under the new rate structure. This is what I`ve been able to glean from the November 30, 2000, issue of the USPS Postal Bulletin. If history is any indication, an updated "Publication 51, International Postal Rates and Fees" won't be distributed to post offices until months after the rates go into effect (Mike Cooper, Atlanta GA, DXLD) ** U S A. POSTAL INCREASES. Dennis, NB1B, a USPS Postmaster, reported on some more postal increases this week. He was able to verify that the cost of IRCs will go from 1.05 US$ to 1.75 US$ on January 7th. The 1.05 US$ sounds like a bargain right now! Dennis was also able to verify that, as of that date, IRCs can be exchanged for 80 cents worth of stamps or other postal products - no cash refunds. For an airmail letter, 1 ounce to anywhere in the world will be 80 cents (except Canada and Mexico which is 60 cents). A 2 ounce airmail letter, however, will cost as follows: 1.60 US$ for Rate Group 3 which is mainly Western Europe, but not totally. 1.70 US$ for Rate Group 4 which is Japan, Australia, and New Zealand. 1.55 US$ for Rate Group 5 which is the rest of the world. More details on the U.S. postal increase can also be found on the web at: http://www.usps.gov/news/2001rate.htm The rates are at the bottom of the page (KB8NW/OPDX December 11/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###