DX LISTENING DIGEST 1-050, April 8, 2001 edited by Glenn Hauser, wghauser@hotmail.com {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. For restrixions and searchable 2001, 2000 contents archive see} http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/Dxldmid.html [NOTE: If you are a regular reader of DXLD, and a source of DX news but have not been sending it directly to us, please consider yourself obligated to do so. Thanks, Glenn] ** AFGHANISTAN. Voice of Shariah came quite well on 2 April. The station moved a bit higher, and is now using 7090 kHz. Time of broadcast: 1650-1710 [is that all? In Russian? -gh] (Sergey Shcherbakov, Kazakhstan, DX-bistro via Signal April 8 via DXLD) ** ARMENIA. National Radio of Armenia/Voice of Armenia now uses a new interval signal for its external service; this can be heard on the Interval Signals Archive at http://www.intervalsignals.com The domestic service of National Radio of Armenia continues to sign- on with the old interval signal, which has been in use at least since the Soviet era (Dave Kernick, UK, Hard-Core-DX mailing list via DXLD) ** BELGIUM. Borderhunters: tuned in at 0605 UT today for a fair signal, just before sign off. Sent an email and he has fired up the tape again. Frequency is 15794.85 LSB as far as I can make out from here just north of Sydney, Australia. Alpha Lima International on 15070 is also coming in at the moment. 73s (Richard Jary, April 8, hard-core-dx via DXLD) ** BELGIUM? [Eurosonor:] The mysterious 6900 transmission appeared again today. On 1547 I found the carrier already on, a 1 kHz tone started around 1550, becoming louder and weaker as if they would adjust the audio level. A short transmitter trip (less than one second) occurred at 1551, I noted also some short tone breaks. At 1558 the tone was finally switched off and followed immediately by some kind of interval signal and an announcement in English and German, hardly intelligible but seemingly pointing to the http://www.airtime.org website. Then the "IS" continued with interspersed announcements "Eurosonor-Radio auf Kurzwelle" until the programming finally started at 1602, a kitchen table production with lots of noise and reverb on speech audio. At 1658 the show was concluded and the "IS" again played until 1700, then the carrier was cut off after a few seconds. The signal was quite strong and would fit to 50 kW from a site not too far away from Germany. But the technical quality was embarrassing with such a muddy audio that it was just possible to understand speech, and in addition there was also a quite distinctive hum. Actually it is not worth the money (Kai Ludwig, Germany, April 8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BOLIVIA. Dependable RealAudio transmission from R Fides, La Paz, noted Apr 8 at http://www.radiofides.com The web site is no news in itself; but the live webcast certainly is (Henrik Klemetz, April 8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CANADA [non]. I just checked the new outlet of RCI English via Hörby, 2000-2059 on 5995: It`s excellent here in Germany and only a slight satellite delay behind Sackville with rather good 17870, weaker 15325 and very weak but nevertheless remarkable 21570 - 13 metres from Sackville, quite seldom (Kai Ludwig, Germany, April 7, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CROATIA [non]. Croatian Radio HRT has recommenced their daily short wave service to Australia and New Zealand at 0500-0900. 9470 is used at 0500-0700 & 13820 at 0700-0900 all via DTK Jülich. Start date was Sunday 8th of April (Craig Tyson, Perth, SW Australia via DXLD) 13820, Croatian Radio, back via Jülich, heard at good level on Sun Apr 8 from 0730 onwards. Signal strength similar to previously heard via this location (Matt Francis, Canberra, AUSTRALIA, SW Australia via DXLD) So look for it too on 9925 2300-0500 to SAm, NAm, maybe some Spanish, English at hourtops like before. Later: *2300 on 9925 after tones, in Slavic language, no ID detected in poor reception, and no Spanish before went into music around 2305. There was hardly anything but music during the following two hours as reception deteriorated, except for some talk at hourtop. Off at 0059* for beam change toward ENAm, back on in about 20 seconds, but hardly any better. Believe ID as ``Hrvatski Radio...``, 3 minutes of talk presumably news headlines and back to music for rest of that hour too. If it was such a struggle to pay the costs for this, why are they using the revived service mostly for Croatian(?) dance music? The diaspora is that desperate for such? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CYRPUS TURKISH. R. Bayrak: Hi, heard this station last on 6159.7 during holiday stay at nearby Rhodes Island in Greece in May/June 1987, some 450 km away. Signal strength like our German 20 kW stns on 6030, 6190 and 7265 kHz. Reported at least till 1991 I guess. Sure, it was the old unit, and plans to buy a newer unit have been cancelled later due lack of funds. TurkCYP economy suffered in the past -- like on Turkey mainland. 73 (Wolfgang Büschel, Germany, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ECUADOR. R. Interoceánica on 4840 kHz with 1.2 kW (modified RCA MW txer) into 2 Lazy H antennas 9 m off the ground will soon have a web page and an e-mail address, perhaps even a QSL-card, says Eng. Olof Häggmyr, who has helped set up three Interoceánica FM relays, all in the NE Amazon region. Santa Rosa de Quijós, where the station is located was added on the nationwide telephone net only weeks ago, Häggmyr adds (Henrik Klemetz, Sweden, Apr 8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ECUADOR. Quito, 6 April 2001. Lots of unIDs this time. Nobody would be happier than BM if a lot of e-mails drop in with answers for all my mysterious stations. Just now I`m having a bad throat. For the holiday we are leaving for Riobamba - we will be away the whole week and there is a risk there will be no Bandscan for next issue. Actually my wife and I have planned a week at the coast at Esmeraldas, but they have started to talk about a "catastrophe" due to storms and heavy rain there. Instead it will be small day trips with Riobamba as a base. Among others we will visit Baños; we haven`t been there for a long time. Not long ago 25000 terrified people fled in fear of an active volcano. We dare not spend the night there! Finally I can tell you I am extremely proud and honoured - an Indian family in Riobamba want me to be godfather (and my wife godmother) for their little Indian girl - there will be a huge feast during Easter and an additional one during June in the Indian family house which has a floor of stamped soil! 73 from BM in Quito. [other loggings under HONDURAS, PERU] 4767.79 (Harmonic?) unID "Radio Panamericana". March 2001 - 1145 UT. Music px and ID from a female DJ between every tune: "Radio Panamericana", and sometimes a short "Panamericana". Also heard during evenings but with weaker signal. Might be a harmonic from the listed Radio Panamericana, Quero (Ecuador) on 1590 kHz (3 x 1589,26). April 3 close down at 0130 UT (Björn Malm, Quito, Ecuador, SW Bulletin April 8, translated by Thomas Nilsson for DXLD) ** GERMANY [non]. My entry in the "What Does SANTEC Stand For?" competition... Simply Another Nauseating Transmission Emanating Crud (Anon., DXLD) ** GREECE [non]. My previous report of VOG on 21535 during the 1200 UT hour is in fact a receiver mixing product. I checked this out April 8 when the signal was again audible. At this time the band is usually starting to open up with signals direct from Europe. This time I could detect something else in the background, which proved to be RHC. The huge domestic SWBC signal from IBB Delano carrying VOG on a 75 degree azimuth aimed right at me on 9775 is responsible, along with the very high proneness to overload of some receivers. 21535 minus 9775 equals 11760, another strong signal from RHC. And I also found VOG on 21735, which results from: 21735 minus 9775 equals 11960, a strong signal from HCJB Spanish. So two strong signals from the 9 and 11 MHz band get summed inside these receivers to produce phantoms on the 21 MHz band. Obviously, there could be a great many other combinations of two stations which would produce images on many other frequencies inside and outside the 21 MHz broadcast band and elsewhere. I checked these particular ones on five receivers at hand: Sony ICF SW-07 with internal reel-out antenna was worst, where ``VOG 21535`` was originally heard. Also on RS DX-390 with an equivalent few metres of internal wire clipped on to the whip. Also on RS DX-375, but only with a few metres of internal wire clipped on, not on the whip alone due to insensitivity. Also on Grundig Yachtboy 400, with my longest external wire antenna, but the image is relatively weak. NOT on the Sangean ATS-909, despite using my second-longest external antenna. One way to check out such images is to turn down the RF gain, if possible, and they often disappear at some point -– but that is inconclusive, since the gain may then be so low as to render the receiver useless for further tuning or listening if left at that level. Note that the same problem occurs on the inexpensive DX-375, the expensive SW-07 and two models in between. It appears there are serious design flaws involved, failure to cope with extremely strong signals. Such mixtures would not be encountered on a typical tube- type SW radio of years past, and I must resolve to be ever more vigilant against such ``progress`` in modern SW receiver design (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** HONDURAS. 4830.07, Radio Litoral, La Ceiba. April 2, 2001 - 0225 UT. Radio Táchira has been off air for a while so it is time to act! Was in Antigua, Guatemala 1992-93 and reported home to Sweden and SWB that the new Radio Litoral had started test transmissions in Spanish and also religious programs in English. ID: "Ésta es HRLW Radio Litoral transmitiendo en 4830 kcs en la banda internacional de 60 metros desde la ciudad de.....". Has been varying in frequency +/- 1/100 (Björn Malm, Quito, Ecuador, SW Bulletin April 8, translated by Thomas Nilsson for DXLD) ** ISRAEL. Passover is now underway, and a reminder that Israel Radio is scheduled to make its timeshift now, April 9, including English at 0400, 1030, 1600, 1900; schedules previously published (gh, DXLD) ** JAPAN [non]. Hello Glenn, I have confirmed that the correct time for the R. Japan Sackville relay on 6120 is 1100-1200 not 1000-1100. The R. Japan website is wrong on that one (Daniel Sampson, Arcadia, WI, April 8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. There has been a big dispute in Mexico this year over DST -- especially in Mexico City, on whether to have it, what dates, and which entity has jurisdiction over the decision. I have confirmed from webcasts, and XERMX scheduling on SW, that Mexico City has so far stayed on UT-6 instead of making the change on same date as US, like the past few years. I wonder what the border states have done. For a while, a few years ago, I believe, only they observed DST to be in step with TX, CA, etc. Fernando, have you heard what is happening or going to happen with this? If NL is on CDT, do you get network feeds from DF at the ``wrong`` time, or do they go to the trouble to time-shift them for parts of the country not on Mexico City time? 73, (Glenn to Fernando Garcia, Monterrey) This year all Mexico is having a shorter Daylight Saving Time as it will be from first Sunday of May until last Sunday of September; the exception is the state of Baja California which will stay with the same period as the US. State of Chihuahua doesn`t have any DST any time of year. Speaking specifically of Mexico City I think it still remains up in the air the final decision from a Federal court about if it will change time as the rest of the country or not; my best bet it will. Border stations like XHFOX-17 do change DST as the US, they are running the daily half hour FOX 17 newscasts at 8 PM Mexico time/9 PM CDT (Fernando García, Monterrey, NL, México, WTFDA via DXLD) ** MEXICO. 91.7 MHz, "Ke Huelga", es una de las dos emisoras piratas en la ciudad de México; ésta es la que lleva más tiempo en la frecuencia modulada y transmite desde la facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, en la Ciudad Universitaria con 100 watts. 94.1 MHz, Radio Zapote, es la emisora que con la llegada de los representantes del EZLN a la ciudad de México, la Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia (ENAH) está dando alojamiento a esta comisión zapatista. La comunidad de esa escuela ha puesto al aire a esta emisora de radio en la banda de FM, como servicio de información de lo que sucede adentro de sus instalaciones, comunicados, retransmite los discursos (grabados) y música de todo tipo. La emisora emite con 100 watts y su nombre proviene del nombre de la calle donde está ubicada el ENAH, que es Periférico Sur, Esquina con Zapote s/n, Col. Isidro Fabela, 14030 México, D.F., México. Ya estaré informando si la emisora seguira transmitiendo con la retirada del EZLN de sus instalaciones (Héctor García Bojorge, México, en Conexión Digital, 29/3/01 via DXLD) ** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. From a private communication from Brad Wells, KBBN: Please pray for us as we endeavor to get short wave up and running this year. A trip to Port Moresby this month for official paperwork allowed me to view the stations already airing nationally and check our frequency allocation for short wave once again. I learned much and found ways to improve our work here. Pangtel is 100% behind our short wave project and after I returned, approved frequency 3190mhz [sic] for our use! This is a tremendous blessing, though much work is still ahead. We have to get the short wave transmitter here from the States (via Don, April 8, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERÚ. 2439.66 harmonic unID, "R.B.". 2 April 2001 - 0033* UT. I think this might be Radio Bagua, Bagua, listed on 1220 kHz (2 x 1219,83), as "Bagua" and "Provincia de Bagua" were mentioned in a political advertisement feature. Was heard for the first time April 2 with nonstop mx and close down 0033 without saying anything. The next day close down 0010, with greetings and mx. April 4 they closed down late, 0325 with an unusually strong signal to be a harmonic. UT -5 and ID as "R.B." giving the frequency of 1220 kHz. Steady frequency. 5067.10, Ondas del Suroriente, Quillabamba. March 2001 - 0105 UT. ID after a 5 minute block of ads. 5544.72, Estación Equis, Bagua. Our DX friend Rafael Rodríguez writes in DXLD (see SWB #1455) that he doubts the address I gave for "Estación Equis" (Rafael writes: "Tengo alguna duda con la dirección reportada por Malm ya que no tengo claro el nombre del Jirón aunque el número sí está correcto: Jirón----198.............". /Rafael Rodriguez , Bogotá, Colombia, March 16, DXLD). I don`t really know where "Jirón....198" comes from, I reported the following: "....estamos ubicados en Calle Argentina 198...., Bagua" 5600.73, unID Peruvian. March 2001 - 1110 UT. Heard quite regularly but difficult to ID due to very weak signal. 5632.94, Radio Cajabamba, Cajabamba. April 5 2001 - 0140* UT. Does not seem to be listed in WRTH and I haven`t heard about it. ID: "Transmite, para todo el Perú, Radio Cajabamba en 9.3......frecuencia modulada......a través de la banda internacional de 60 metros 5050 kHz, Radio Cajabamba la nueva imagen de la región centro". This station has been an unID since as long ago as in May 2000, furthermore on exactly the same frequency. I take the liberty to reproduce what I wrote in SWB #1434 June 4 2000: "Since 2-3 weeks ago a Peruvian station has been heard, the name might end with "Radio .....bamba". Varies 5-10 100/parts in frequency and has a somewhat weak modulation. Both mornings and evenings I have heard a music px called "Folklore sin fronteras". The name, QTH and province of the station seems to be the same. Huancabamba? Announces FM 91.3". Thanks go to HeP [Hermod Pedersen?] who rapidly heard my request for possible solutions on my "indistinctions" in my bandscans - which there are plenty of, especially in this one. I have several times earlier reported about a "Radio Tigre" with unknown QTH - at present inactive. The last time I heard the station was in January this year on 5760.34 kHz. Before that heard for a long period on varying frequencies between 5580-5620v kHz. HeP points out that the Colombian dx-er Rafael Rodriguez thinks that "Tigre" might be "Radio Sorochuco", which I had in last SWB on 5586.69, though heard only for a few days. The connection between these two stations might exist, in favour the frequencies and "Cajamarca". Radio Sorochuco is listed on 5760v. Against it is the sound type; Sorochuco had another "sound" (Björn Malm, Quito, Ecuador, SW Bulletin April 8, translated by Thomas Nilsson for DXLD) ** UKRAINE. Glenn, In today`s, Saturday April 7, 2001, postal mail I received an Easter card, a program schedule and a frequency schedule from R. Ukraine International. The frequency schedule shows English to Europe at 1200 UT on 15135 kHz. This wasn't shown in the recent schedule. Mistake? [supposedly at 1100 now -gh]. Here is the program schedule. "English Section Radio Ukraine International hour-long broadcasts in English are listened to in Europe, North America, South-East Asia and Australia! Every day we broadcast: An information bulletin on current events in Ukraine; ``Ukraine Today`` a radio digest of the day. Monday-Thursday: ``Close Up`` - half-an-hour of catching up with what's new: analysis of new phenomena in all spheres of the life of Ukraine; education and science, ecology and medicine; entertainments, hobbies, sport. Every Friday: ``Roots`` - everything and something more about Ukrainian culture, literature and art; history and historical figures; folklore and ethnography, religions and traditions; festivals, exhibitions, concerts; the youth music scene. Every Saturday: ``Hello From Kyiv`` - a program based on your letters and musical requests - 30 minutes of pleasant conversation! Every Sunday; ``Music From Ukraine`` - concerts by well-known and less well-known performers and groups. Our regular correspondents think - `There is something to listen to!` Radio Ukraine International -- We answer all letters, send seasonal wavelength timetables of programs, QSL-cards and encourage our active correspondents with original souvenirs. We await your comments, remarks and proposals. Our address: 26, Khreschatik Str., Kyiv, 01001, Ukraine. Website: http://www.nrcu.gov.ua e-mail: vsru@nrcu.gov.ua Absent from the above is "The Whole World on Radiodial" hosted by Alexander Yegorov on the Saturday 1100 UT, 2100 UT and Sunday 0000 UT, 0300 UT broadcasts. The 0000 UT and 0300 UT broadcasts have the prior day programs. For example 0000 UT Sunday program is "Hello From Kyiv" and not "Music From Ukraine" as indicated in the info above. I`ve also heard "Ukraine Digest" before "Music From Ukraine". It too is missing from the above. 73, (Kraig Krist, KG4LAC, VA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K [non]. Dear Sirs. Radio Ezra is a new short wave station carrying out broadcasts every Sunday for fifteen minutes from 1100 to 1115 UT on 15440 kHz in the 19 meter band. These broadcasts began on Sunday 25th March and will run till Sunday 17th June. I appreciate that many SWLs and DXers will be tired of hearing yet another Christian broadcaster, but mine really is different. It`s my own personal project and remains completely independent of any wealthy church or other religious organization. I have also avoided using the facilities of any of the so-called Christian radio operators, such as WWCR, WHRI, Trans World, High Adventure, Voice of Hope etc. I would be interested to know just where in the world my small programme is reaching and therefore ask that you forward this information to your members that they may listen out for me. Further information about the radio station and its facilities can be found at the link: http://radioezra.members.easyspace.com Anyone who may be interested in the Christian aspect of the station, or to see a list of the broadcast contents, may follow a further link from this web site address to the ministry home page. I would be very grateful for any reception reports by either e-mail, fax or post. All contact information is read out on the broadcasts and I am also making my own QSL cards for listeners. Many thanks and God's blessing (John D. Hill, Water Into Wine Ministry, April 7, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [clandestine]. I`ve been monitoring 3260-USB on and off. They are expanding programming and plan 9 am to 1 am use. Mention of 12182 USB up and running depending on propagation. That`s morning use. Asking for LNB receiver donations in working order. Putting up more uplinks. Asking for support, donations for jailed Mark Koernke defense fund and family fund. Intel reports, United Patriot Net, programs from Genesis Network. ``WKSM`` [sic], but not a legal call for them. They seem to be using more ``UPN``, United Patriot`s Net as ID. From the tech side it`s quite interesting at speed, resourcefulness, how fast they can set up and get active with little downtime and failures. Nearly rival some commercial broadcasters!! Also very nice modulation and I understand their satellite feeds are superb!! Also pushing HF use for civil defense, weather calamity and a whole network for comms and aid (Bob Thomas, CT, April 3, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** URUGUAY. 6155, R. Sarandí del Yí has also morning broadcasts. It was heard at 1126 April 8 with coverage of horse race event, a "Raíd Hípico". Simulcasting MW and // with a couple of FM stns (FM Boreal and Scala FM) and a MWer, Radio Batlle y Ordóñez. More info on 6045, Sarandí Sport one-week reactivation: sked is 1000- 1700v. E-mail: ciclismosport@sport890.com.uy \\ MW 890 and MW 610 Radio Rural, Montevideo (Horacio Nigro, Uruguay, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** UZBEKISTAN. Radio Tashkent, A-01, English to As: 0100-0130 7190 9375 9530 9715 1200-1230 7285 9715 15295 17775 1330-1400 7285 9715 15295 17775 (SW Australia April 8 via DXLD) ###