DX LISTENING DIGEST 1-051, April 11, 2001 edited by Glenn Hauser, wghauser@hotmail.com {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. For restrixions and searchable 2001, 2000 contents archive see} http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/Dxldmid.html [NOTE: If you are a regular reader of DXLD, and a source of DX news but have not been sending it directly to us, please consider yourself obligated to do so. Thanks, Glenn] CONTINENT OF MEDIA 01-04 started on RFPI April 10 and will be available later at DXing.com. Also streaming now via pnm://fstv.freespeech.org/basic/hauser/rmfiles/com0104.rm Summary: http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/com0104.html MUNDO RADIAL. Nuestro nuevo informe de abril se comienza en WWCR el viernes 13 a las 2115 en 15685. También se dispondrá a través de nuestro sitioweb. ** ALBANIA. 7160.00, Radio Tirana in English at 0155 on 8 April. Frequency is spot on now, unlike in the past. Loud het from something on 7160.75, so very good as long as using LSB. Parallel 6115 very weak, but seemingly on frequency as well (Walt Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ANDORRA. Hi, Glenn, In DX LISTENING DIGEST 1-048, April 5, 2001, you transcribed a text from Catholic Radio Update #111 via Conexión Digital about Ràdio Principat, a Roman Catholic radio from the principality of Andorra. I want to draw your attention to a webpage that tells the history of late Radio Andorra, which was one of the most popular radio stations of Europe soon after World War II. Its address is the following: http://www.multimania.com/f5nsl/andorre/histoireg.html A lot of information in French and Catalan, including photos, is available at http://www.multimania.com/f5nsl/andorre/amenu.html 73 (Fernando de Sousa Ribeiro, Oporto, Portugal, April 9, DX LISTENING DIGEST) And as later appended in the archive, Ràdio Principat apparently does not webcast, contrary to my remark (gh, DXLD) ** ANGOLA [non]. It looks like R. Ecclésia is planning a comeback to SW relay, in the latest DTK Jülich revision dated April 2, to start April 15. You may recall they were briefly relayed by RN last year. Yes, `ECC` is given in the key as meaning Ecclésia (gh) 15775 0500-0600 47S,52 301 160 216 1234567 150401 281001 ECC 15775 1700-1800 47S,52 302 160 216 1234567 150401 281001 ECC (via Wolfgang Büschel, DX LISTENING DIGEST) This Angolan Catholic broadcaster station first came on the air in 1954, but was nationalized by the Marxist MPLA-led government after Angola`s independence in 1975. In March 1997 Radio Ecclésia was re- inaugurated in the presence of the Archbishop of Luanda and Angolan political leaders. Nonetheless the station was subjected to political pressure because of its editorial policy. Co-operating closely with Portuguese Catholic broadcaster Radio Renascença for journalistic training and news services, Radio Ecclésia breached semi-official orders to abstain from reporting on dissenting voices in Luanda, the capital of Angola and on the Angolan civil wars going on both in the South as well as in Cabinda since independence in 1975. In July 2000 Radio Ecclésia was given 2 hours airtime daily on transmitters of Radio Netherlands in order to give greater coverage to peace negotiations going on for Angola (Dr. Hansjörg Biener, 11 April 2001, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Radio Netherlands ended the broadcasts after just a short time, citing technical difficulties in receiving the feed from Angola. Interesting that they would resume via Germany vice Madagascar/Netherlands as before. Contact information courtesy of Cumbre DX: Radio Ecclesia-Rua Comandante Bula, No.118 SaoPaulo--C.P. 3579 Luanda, Angola Phone (general): +244 (2) 443041 "Area comercial" (business/sales dept.?): +244 (2) 446105 Studios: +244 (2) 445484 Fax: +244 (2) 443093 E-mail: ecclesia@snet.co.ao URL http://ecclesia.snet.co.ao (Hans Johnson, Apr 11, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** AUSTRALIA. RA, 15435, with Standard Chinese at 1400 April 10 on 15435, quite good here, so I figure it be a relay. Checking http://www.abc.net.au/ra/hear/shortwave_asia.htm we find this is from a site designated `K` but that letter is never explained in the notes! I assume it means Kranji, i.e. Singapore, as `S` is already used for Shepparton. The beam on this, as also for some Cambodian, is 13 degrees, which also favors NAm (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** AUSTRALIA. Glenn: Here are the weekend alterations to RA's schedule due to the Easter holiday, courtesy of Roger Broadbent. Thursday 2110 & 2210 - A Religious Special replaces 'AM' Friday 0210 - A programme of music for Good Friday replaces 'The World Today' 0810 - More music for Good Friday which replaces 'PM' 0910 - A repeat of Hindsight replaces 'Australia Talks Back' (Note: There will be no sports reports at all on this day.) 2230 - A Current Affairs special replaces 'AM' Saturday and Easter Sunday 2205(Sat), 0105, 0705 & 1105 - An Asia Pacific special replaces 'Correspondents' Report' Easter Monday 0210 - A repeat of AWAYE replaces 'The World Today' 0210-0800 - A special edition of Grandstand (including AFL matches of the day) airs on RA's sporting frequencies -- 21725, 17580, 12080, 9660) 0810 - Background Briefing (a repeat of this Thursday`s program on Globalisation) replaces 'PM'. Have a fine spring weekend, however you choose to celebrate it (John Figliozzi, NY, April 11, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** AUSTRALIA [non]. Hi everyone, dxers calling is now back online via http://www.live365.com, after some technical problems with display pages and uploading. Available at the following links:- http://www.geocities.com/nri3 http://www.angelfire.com/myband/tjg or simply dial up http://www.live365.com and enter who13 or dxers calling into the search function or http://www.live365.com/cgi-bin/directory.cgi?autostart=who13 While you`re at live365.com check out cybershortwave or http://www.live365.com/cgi-bin/directory.cgi?autostart=cybershortwave also you can enter shortwave into the live365.com site to find all stations dealing with shortwave! all the best (Tim Gaynor, dxers calling, April 9, DX LISTENING DIGEST) This is the loop providing unpredictably WORLD OF RADIO, Paul Ormandy`s South Pacific DX Report, and DXing with Cumbre, along with musical interludes (gh) ** AUSTRIA. April 10 was a fine night for high bands, with ORF booming in on 17870 in English at 0530. Who needs Sackville? See also ITALY (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BELGIUM. Radio Borderhunter will be active again this weekend on 15795 LSB, at the following times: Friday 13 April starting at 2300 UT. Sunday 15 April starting at 0500 UT. Send reception reports to: borderhunter@hotmail.com Very nice reception of this station here in TN, Sunday the 8th at 0600-0730, on 15795 LSB. Even audible on a small travel portable, indoors with only its half meter telescopic antenna (Dave Hodgson, Nashville, Apr 10, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BOLIVIA. Subject: [HCDX] Bolivia Survey There was a very fine opening to Bolivia yesterday on the tropical bands. I could observe the following stations from 2230 to 2315 UT: 3392.2 Emisora Camargo 4471.7 R Movima 4552.3 R Difusoras Trópico 4681.5 R Paitití 4702.2 R Eco 4716.7 R Yura 4796.4 R Mallku 4865 R Centenario La Nueva 4876.8 R La Cruz del Sur 4926.6 R San Miguel 6024.9 R Illimani 6134.8 R Santa Cruz Antenna used: EWE to South America. Receiver: JRC NRD-525 (Michael Schnitzer, Hassfurt, Germany, April 10, hard-core-dx via DXLD) ** BULGARIA. Re: Eurosonor on 6900: Kai`s description leads to the Bulgarian transmitters. It fits neatly with the usual tune-up procedure heard on 9960 and previously on the various WFDR requencies as well as on the R. Bulgaria frequencies used from that site. 73s (Olle Alm, Sweden, DX LISTENING DIGEST) I think it is now, with Kostinbrod revealed as obvious origin of the 6900 transmissions, quite certain that Radio Ezra 15440 in fact originates from there, too (unfortunately I missed the transmission yesterday). It is quite interesting that both Eurosonor and Radio Ezra spread misleading statements about the origin of their transmissions. I wonder if this was deliberate disinformation or if they really do not know the actual transmitter site? Regards, (Kai Ludwig, Germany, April 9, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BURMA [non]. Revised DTK schedule with asterisks shows there has been a change for Democratic Voice of Burma: 9495 2330-0030 41,49 208 80 218 1234567 250301 281001 DVB 15405 1456-1530 41,49 203 70 218 1234567 250301 010401 DVB * 15405 1455-1530 41,49 203 70 218 1234567 020401 281001 DVB * (via Wolfgang Büschel, DX LISTENING DIGEST) [later: hmm, only change is starting one minute earlier, big deal -gh] ** CHINA [non]. Tho missed by BBCM`s latest schedule, CRI English via Cuba continues on 17720 at 1400 and 1500 (as well as Canada 13650 at 1300 and 1400). I just heard their take on the resolution of the spy plane problem, April 11 (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) [BBCM April 11 sked has 13650 at 1300 only, 17720 at 1400 only; also shows no English at 0100, tho has been on Cuba 9570 for years, just reconfirmed UT April 12 -gh] ** KOSTA RIKA. Dear Glenn, We are glad to announce that the weekly German program "Blickwinkel" recommences this Saturday, 14th April. The timings for "Blickwinkel" are the following: Saturdays 2130-2145 gmt on 15050 and 21815. The repetitions are on Sundays, at 0330 on 7450 and 15050 and at 1530 on 15050 and 21815. Thank you in advance for mentioning it in your program. Many greetings (Nicole Lischewski, RFPI volunteer, April 10, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CROATIA [non]. Today the Jülich site has released a schedule update. The Hrvatska Radio transmissions are listed as operational since yesterday (April 8) with HRT itself as customer rather than the previous "Croatian Information Centre". I guess that they now simply carry HR 1 (// MW and FM); at least the reported programming on 9925 appeared to me like the usual HR 1 overnight service (Kai Ludwig, Germany, April 9, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 9925 2300-0059 11-16 202 230 218 1234567 070401 281001 HRT * 9925 0100-0259 6-10 112 300 216 1234567 080401 281001 HRT * 9925 0300-0459 2-10 105 325 216 1234567 080401 281001 HRT * 9470 0500-0659 55,59,60 202 230 218 1234567 080401 281001 HRT * 13820 0700-0859 58,59,60 208 270 218 1234567 080401 281001 HRT * (DTK via Volker Willschrey, Wolfgang Büschel, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ECUADOR. Tail tries to wag dog: Brazilian `inter-nauts` try to get HCJB to repeat Portuguese DX program on Sunday when internet connexion rates are lower (gh) Internautas pedem reprise do DX-HCJB para o Domingo. 08/04/2001 Santa Rita - Tendo em vista que no domingo, os internautas pagam menos pela conexão a Internet, foi feito uma pesquisa dentre 20 internautas, que foram unânimes em pedirem a reprise do programa DX-HCJB para a programação do domingo na Internet. Também 80% só encontra no domingo, seu tempo livre para escutas na Internet. A equipe da HCJB já foi contatada via e-mail e aguardamos alguma resposta. A troca poderia ocorrer no lugar do programa "Crescendo na Graça", que vai ao ar no domingo, levando esse programa para o sábado, no mesmo horário do DX-HCJB, as 14:30 hs (Brasília). Também seria muito bom, segundo os internautas, que a HCJB tivesse uma pagina com todos os seus programas gravados, para que eles podessem fazer o download quando bem quisesse, visto que no horário que é transmitido a programação, a tarde, o valor da tarifa telefônica, para que se possa conectar a Internet, é muito elevada (Santa Rita DX Clube April 9 via DXLD) ** EGYPT. The Portuguese service of R. Cairo suffers same problems as English: almost inaudible announcements on mike, in contrast to music and pre-recorded items: Assunto: Cáiro. Alguém poderia explicar o que está havendo com as transmissões da Rádio Cáiro em português? Quando a emissora emite músicas, o sinal é 4, mas quando o locutor começa a falar, a voz vai sumindo até desaparecer totalmente. Até parece que ele saiu do estúdio! A única coisa que consigo ouvir são as chamadas, possivelmente gravadas anteriormente, tipo 'A Rádio Cáiro apresenta: palestra semanal, com Carlos da Silveira!' Depois, some tudo! O que pode ser? A mesma coisa ocorre com as emissões em espanhol da Rádio Damasco. A diferênca é que, com a Rádio Damasco, ao baixar ou aumentar um ponto na freqüência, consigo ouvir a locutora .... (Célio Romáis, Brazil, April 9, radioescutas via DXLD) Célio, É o clássico problema do áudio fraco... Muita potência de transmissão, só que o áudio está lá em baixo. Muita gente já reclamou disso. Não arrumam por falta de QSJ/interesse. Não são emissoras pequenas sem nenhum recurso. Certa vez conversei com um técnico de emissora sobre isso e ele disse que no caso da emissora dêle, não poderia fazer nada, pois se ele aumentasse a modulação da portadora o válvula do transmissor queimaria. Como essas transmissões são de paises do 3o. mundo, pode ser que não tenham condições e coordenação suficiente para tacar o problema e resolvê-lo. 73 (Carlos, ibid. via DXLD) ** GERMANY/USA. Subject: Holzkirchen 1593 shut down The US consulate at Munich announced yesterday that the IBB Holzkirchen/Oberlaindern site will cease transmitting on mediumwave [1593] but continue the shortwave transmissions "towards the Balkans, Central Asia and into other geopolitically important regions, which can for the time being reached by this facility only for technical reasons". (dpa news agency; original item at http://www.nz-online.de/nz/b6.htm if not removed meanwhile) The German text makes not definitely clear whether or not the transmitter is still on air, but seemingly not; at least I hear tonight on 1593 only traces of weak signals down in the noisefloor, while Holzkirchen was actually unmistakable here; I guess 1593 was on air for the last time on Sunday. The statement of the consulate that the shortwave transmitters at Holzkirchen/Oberlaindern (HOL) are used for broadcasts into the Balkans, is wrong and certainly the result of a confusion with the mediumwave outlet, which was recently used for the Serbian/ Serbocroatian services of VoA and RFE exclusively after carrying also other stuff (namely VoA English, also including Communications World) some years ago. For that they failed to mention the European part of the CIS, which is still amongst the main target areas of HOL. The only azimuths which are currently used at HOL are 39, 57, 59 and 77 degrees, and I guess that not much further ones are possible, so the HOL shortwave transmitters are likely useful for transmissions into the CIS and surrounding targets only. And "technical reasons" are in German an oblique reference to reasons which one does not want to mention (Kai Ludwig, Germany, April 10, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Yes, 1593 from HOL is down tonight. But same program in Serbo- Croatian is well heard via powerhouse Hungarian stn Marceli on 1188 kHz. 73 de (Wolfgang DF5SX, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Yes, Marcali 1188 is a true powerhouse here, and Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk engineering is quite worried about the reception of "MDR info" in the region between Bautzen, Görlitz and Zittau, which is served by the 1188 outlet from Reichenbach near Görlitz with just 3 kW. It is certainly an educated guess that the experiences with the Marcali outlet finally led to the decision to do without the "HMWT" (as it was called in the old days) and spare the trouble with it; the mediumwave transmitter was a main topic in the controversy about the Holzkirchen/Oberlaindern site because the MW mast is located especially close to the residential buildings. Perhaps can anybody (Kim?) find out for the chronicle when 1593 was finally switched off? Something is going on at Berlin. Right now (on April 11 at noon) Voice of Russia is carried not only on 693 but also on 603. A very vague report about such an observation was already posted on March 19 but I decided to make no fuss about ghosts then. It remains to be seen if a move of VoR into 603 is imminent or if Deutsche Telekom tests the 603 transmitter for another station. Both frequencies no doubt go out from the Uhlenhorst site in the Köpenick district of Berlin, once the origin of the 250 kW outlets on 693 and 1359. Today the site is equipped with three 5 kW transmitters but recently only a single one was operational on 693. The other ones carried RTL-Radio on 891 (// 1440, i.e. not the Berlin-based "104,6 RTL" FM station) and Jazzradio on 603 (now only carried by a tiny 500 watt transmitter on 101.9 MHz from the Alexanderplatz TV tower, no more jingles with the nice chorus "Sechshundertdrei") and was switched off a couple of years ago. To be complete, Uhlenhorst was also the origin of FM 93.1 (in the past 95.1, the childbet of DT64) until it was removed to the Scholzplatz site of Sender Freies Berlin a couple of years ago. Later: I just received word that VIVA-Radio is supposed to use 891 at Berlin (from October as already reported). This suggests that 603 will indeed be the new frequency for VoR; perhaps Deutsche Telekom just started a transition period with VoR carried on both 693 and 603. It is rumoured that RFE will throw in another mediumwave site for Holzkirchen, described as "some 200 km away", which would fit to the Czech Republic. However, this gossip originates from rather obscure sources, so it could well be without any foundation. Regards, (Kai Ludwig, Germany, April 11, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GHANA. Excerpt from report by Ghanaian radio on 7 April The government will soon enact a broadcast policy to promote informative and pluralistic media in the country. This is to ensure that the media promote tolerance and respect of diverging views. This was stated by the minister of state in charge of media relations, Elizabeth Ohene, in a speech read for her at the 40th graduation ceremony of the Ghana Institute of Journalism in Accra today. It was under the theme: Promoting Democracy, Press Freedom and Rule of Law. In all, 164 students received diplomas in journalism and public relations... Source: GBC Radio 1, Accra, in English 1800 gmt 7 Apr 01 (via BBCM via DXLD) Yee - hoo! Bring on the American gospel huxters!!! (gh, DXLD) ** GOA (INDIA). 9895 nf 1531-1545 April 8, A.I.R. Panaji - English "The News at Nine" by lady + many on-scene reporters. Former President Clinton`s visit covered: 1542. Closed after usual theme music at 1545. SIO 433 but some splatter from 9890 (China?) Used USB. After closing a weak English-speaking station noted on frequency. Couldn't ID it (Bill Flynn, OR, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GUATEMALA (etc). 5955: This is a very interesting frequency, and very difficult for me with much splatter and heavy usage. Listened from 0350 to past 0520 on 8 April with the following results. My R- 390A with SE-3 outperformed my beloved HF-2050, by the way! At 0350, could hear English religious programming, presumably Radio Cultural. At 0400, Channel Africa dominates with an English half-hour, improving towards 0430 to fair, from initial poor reception. After 04:30, Radio Cultural, again, I think, dominates with religious programming. Heard a 1-800 number at 0439, followed by religious choral music, all at weak audio levels, and into Spanish, from what I could hear. All wiped out by Radio Netherlands at 0457 with a massive signal, but still audible underneath. A very challenging frequency (Walt Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, DX LISTENING DIGEST) When in doubt, check for parallel on 3300 from TGN. They really ought to put some other programming on 5955, preventing fudged QSL reports (gh, DXLD) ** ITALY. Tuning around at 0534 UT April 10, I come upon Rome chirps on 17710, very good. What language will this be? Arabic opening at 0535. Quickly into what surely sounds like Qur`an until 0545 ID as ``Sawt al-Arabi, di Radio Rom``. The Voice of Arabia, from Rome? Sounds like they are trying to be a surrogate service instead of representing Italy, whence we might expect to hear an Angelus or something Catholic! But leave that to the estranged Vatican Radio. Continued with deliberately-paced news until 0555* Same 24 hours later, except reception was only fair (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** JAPAN. Radio Japan (NHK World) has unveiled its on-line Japanese- language teaching service. The lessons are now available in 19 languages, incl. English. The site http://www.nhk.or.jp/lesson/ is well-developed but there is no archive of the previously aired lessons (Konstantin Gusev, Moscow, in DX_Bistro via Sergei Sosedkin, IL, April 10, DXLD) ** JAPAN. 5000.0/8000.0/10000.0, JJY, 0226-0300* Mar 31, JJY ceased its shortwave transmission w/the time pulse at 3 hours 0 minute 0 second UT, then carrier off (Takeshi SEJIMO, Radio Nuevo Mundo Editor, April 9, DX LISTENING DIGEST) I have heard that the date has been shifted to April 12th or so, but when checked frequently last weekend on 8 MHz, not a peep to be heard (Walt Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, April 10, hard-core-dx via DXLD) ** JORDAN. State radio-TV sacks over 300 staff | Excerpt from report in English from Jordan Times web site on 10 April Amman: Jordan Radio and Television Corporation [JRTVC] has no intention of retracting its decision to terminate the services of 308 employees taken last week, a senior JRTVC official said on Monday [9 April]. At the same time, the official said, the corporation has no plans for further dismissals. "The corporation categorically denies that there are intentions to dismiss more JRTVC employees," said the official, who preferred not to be named. The official was responding to news reports stating that the JRTVC has plans to give another 400 employees the axe. The rumour is said to have created a "debilitating work atmosphere" in the corridors of the organisation. Working under efforts to restructure the 5m-Jordanian dinar indebted and overstaffed corporation to enable it to become self-sufficient and operate on a commercial basis, JRTVC`s new board of directors have carried out several reforms. These include financial cutbacks such as halting transmission to several areas, cutting down on telephone, electricity and other expenses, merging JTV`s three channels and employee cutbacks. It was not clear how many employees have been let go since late last year, but JRTVC officials said the number was reduced to 1,850. The actual size of the JRTVC payroll prior to the dismissals is a matter of conjecture, although the board of directors and the administration have given estimations ranging between 2,000 and 3,000. They say the real number is difficult to calculate because of complicated or illegal hiring arrangements. While the corporation`s administration maintains the staff cuts were necessary to "put the deteriorating house in order," those who were laid off are claiming otherwise. "The corporation says its measures were conducted to reform the house. We are all for reform, but only when it is done in a manner that does not harm citizens," said one of the 300 dismissed employees. The sacked employee said the dismissals were not done in the proper manner and were unfair... Total employment at JRTVC from 1968 until 1995 amounted to 1,100. According to Minister of Information Taleb Rifai, that number more than doubled in the past five years alone. By last year, the corporation was spending 10m dollars of its 12m-dollar budget on salaries... Source: Jordan Times web site, Amman, in English 10 Apr 01 (via BBCM via DXLD) ** JORDAN. 11690, April 8 1520-1530, Radio Jordan. English - Lady gives dedications, titles. Music: Arab pop vocals, rock & hip-hop in English. SIO 333, fair but splattered by BBC English lessons on 11685. USB best (Bill Flynn, OR, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KURDISTAN [and non]. Voice of Iranian Kordestan (Persian: "Seda-ye Kordestan-e Iran"; Kurdish: "Aira Dangi Kordestani Irana") was first heard in 1973-75, and then again from 1980. It is operated by the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan. Frequencies vary to avoid jamming. Broadcasts may be subject to Summer/Winter time changes. Languages : Kurdish, Persian Address : PDKI, Boite Postale 102, F-75623 Paris Cedex 13, France. Tel : +33 1 4585 6431 Fax : +33 1 4585 2093 Web Site : http://www.pdk-iran.org --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0200-0330 Daily KURDISH ME 3.985-v (3940-4200) (repeat of previous day`s 1400 broadcast) 0330-0400 Daily PERSIAN ME 3.985-v (3940-4200) 1400-1530 Daily KURDISH ME 3.985-v (3940-4200) 1530-1600 Daily PERSIAN ME 3.985-v (3940-4200) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (© BBC Monitoring April 11 condensed for DXLD) Radio Freedom, Voice of the Communist Party of Iraqi Kurdistan. First heard in February 1997, Radio Freedom appears to share facilities with the Iraqi Communist Party station, Voice of the Iraqi People. It identifies itself as "This is Radio Freedom, Voice of the Communist Party of Iraqi Kurdistan" (Kurdish: aira ezgay azadiya, dangi hizbi shuyu'i kurdistani iraq). All times and frequencies are variable. Broadcasts may be subject to Summer/Winter time changes. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1500-1600 Daily KURDISH ME 3.905-v --------------------------------------------------------------------- (© BBC Monitoring April 11 condensed for DXLD) Voice of the Iraqi People (Arabic: huna sawt al-sha'b al-iraqi, idha'at al-hizb al-shuyu'i al-'iraqi) has been heard since 1982, although a radio of the same name and Communist Party affiliation was heard between 1963 and 1968 broadcasting Clandestinely from Bulgaria. The radio describes itself as "Voice of the Iraqi People, radio of the Iraqi Communist Party". It may have some connection with Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan, which reported that the station had been inaugurated on 21st March 1982. It appears to share facilites with the Radio Freedom, voice of the Communist Party of Iraqi Kurdistan, which was first heard in February 1997 on the same frequencies. In the past, it has broadcast regularly in Sorani Kurdish (Kurdish ID: Era Dengi Gel- y Iraqi) as well as in Arabic. All frequencies are variable. Broadcasts are subject to Summer/Winter time changes. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0300-0400 Daily ARABIC ME 3.905-v 5.910-v (Repeat of previous evening broadcast) 1630-1730 Daily ARABIC ME 3.905-v 5.910-v --------------------------------------------------------------------- (© BBC Monitoring April 11, condensed for DXLD) ** MONGOLIA (tent). 12085, presumed Voice of Mongolia at 1502 8 April with weak audio, but I recognize the YL voice as that of the sole presenter of the English program. Unfortunately this frequency was also spoiled by the same "space zapper", 2 cps intruder with occupies 11998 to 12106 kHz, as well as wide swaths of spectrum elsewhere (see also Ukraine). Wish he would go away. Still not clear what he is or is doing (Walt Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA. Estimados amigos: Lamentablemente, razones de trabajo me impidieron anunciar a tiempo el hecho de que el programa diexista de La Voz de Rusia "Frecuencia RM" nuevamente se emite en una variante reducida de 10 minutos hacia España a las 22.45 hora española (2045 UT) de los días martes. La primera emisión se realizó el pasado martes 03 del mes en curso. La decisión me sorprendió incluso a mí, pues los jefes de la redacción me lo comunicaron el lunes después del mediodía. Además informo que el programa "Frecuencia RM", ha editado una modesta tarjeta QSL en homenaje al 40 aniversario del primer vuelo del hombre al cosmos. Esta tarjeta, hecha un tanto artesanalmente y que ya está siendo enviada a los primeros que la han pedido, puede ser solicitada mediante un informe de recepción de cualquiera de los programas de Frecuencia RM hasta el mes de septiembre de este año, a nuestra dirección postal: Programa Frecuencia RM. Redacción Latinoamericana, La Voz de Rusia, Pyatnitskaya 25, 113326 Moscú, Rusia. O bien, por e-mail: letters@vor.ru o bien: frecrm@hotmail.com Por otro lado, les doy a conocer las frecuencias de las emisiones en castellano de La Voz de Rusia para el período primavera-verano 2001. HACIA ESPAÑA: PERIODO 25.03.01 - 01.09.01 2030-2100 UT: 12.020, 7.440 kHz PERIODO 02.09.01 - 27.10.01 2030-2100 UT: 9795, 7440 kHz HACIA AMERICA LATINA: PERIODO 25.03.01 - 01.09.01 (Hacia América Central) 0000-0100 UT: 12.010, 11.750, 9.830, 9.665 kHz 0100-0200 UT: 12.010, 9830 kHz (Hacia América del Sur) 0000-0100 UT: 12.060, 12.010, 11.510, 9.965, 9.860, 9.830, 9.810, 9.840, 9.470, 9.450, 7.330 kHz 0100-0200 UT: 12.010, 11.510, 9.965, 9.945, 9.860, 9.830, 9.810, 9.470, 9.450, 7.330 kHz PERIODO 02.09.01 - 27.10.01 (Hacia América Central) 0000-0100 UT: 11.750, 9.890, 9.830, 7.180 kHz 0100-0200 UT: 9.890, 9.830 kHz (Hacia América del Sur) 0000-0100 UT: 12.060, 11.510, 9.965, 9.890, 9.860, 9.830, 9.480, 9.470, 7.400, 7.380, 7.330 kHz 0100-0200 UT: 11.510, 9.965, 9.945, 9.890, 9.860, 9.830, 9.470, 7.400, 7.380, 7.330 kHz (Pancho Rodríguez, "Frecuencia RM", La Voz de Rusia, via Noticias DX and via Nicolás Éramo, April 8, Conexión Digital via DXLD) ** RUSSIA. 11840 USB, Radio Sakhalin at 0258 8 April with local weather for Sakhalin, then local ad and phone number. Local ID at 0259 and local programming until 0310 when switched to Radio Rossii programming. Only fair today, instead of usual good to excellent reception. Nice to have HCJB gone from this frequency (Volodya Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. Today the Jülich site has released a schedule update. Brother Stair has considerably *reduced* its transmissions via Jülich, effective from April 1. 9430, 13800 and 17490 were cancelled; the only remaining outlets (both with reduced airtime) are 1325-1724 6110, 1400-1559 13810 (Kai Ludwig, Germany, April 9, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SWAN ISLAND. Hello Glenn, Were you aware of this website? Lots of information on Swan Island. I just came across it (Michael C. McCarty, Plain City, Ohio, DX LISTENING DIGEST) http://www.qsl.net/sidxa/history.html Seems like I have seen it before. Actually, lots of general ham radio info, so I picked the page about Swan in particular above (gh, DXLD) ** TURKEY. ``Live from Turkey`` participation seems to be picking up, on VOT Tuesday 2215-2255 on 11845, 7190 and http://www.trt.net.tr – April 10 had calls from George Thurman, and Jim Strader (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** UKRAINE. Glenn, In re the R. Ukraine Int`l bc at 1200 UT I questioned in DXLD 1-050. The sked shows 1200-1300 on 15135 to Europe and 1100-1200 on 15135 to North America & UK. The sked I received from Alexander Yegorov doesn`t show the 1200. This is why I questioned the 1200 entry. By the way, I'm getting listenable (compared to 7320, 9640 or 13590 kHz) reception on 5905 at 0000. 13590 at 2100 and 0000 is useless. It`s too difficult staying awake to hear the 0300. 73, (Kraig Krist, KG4LAC, VA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 13590, Radio Ukraine International at 0320 8 April is here in English, despite listed Ukrainian [where? DXLD had English at 0300 on 13590 -gh]. Fortunate, as this is the only usually half-decent signal from Ukraine that I can hear. DX program at this time. I believe it was usually at BOH [bottom of hour] in past. Only poor to fair this evening, especially with the "space zapper" pulser ruining the band. Clearly not the ocean wave radar off Honduras, which was apparently turned off. Do others hear it as loud as I do? Pulses at 2 cps (Volodya Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K. Isn`t anybody proofreading at BBC on Air? Going through my delayed April 2001 copy to update my personal monitoring schedule, I find some of the times are STILL off, in Tuesday listings. The Eu/NAf stream shows 2305 Outlook, 2305 Language Steamrollers instead of the obvious(?) 2345. It`s much worse in the Am stream: 1445 The UK Top Twenty instead of 1430; 2005 Meridian, 2030 The Music Mix instead of one hour earlier, since just below it we have the real 2000-hour shows Health Matters and Everywoman. Come on! (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K. Two Easters ago, BBC Radio 2 counted down the top 100 songs of the 20th century in 3 special programmes, hosted by Paul Gambaccini. This Easter, Gambaccini returns with a countdown of the top 100 music singers of the last century. The countdown can be heard in 3 special programmes on BBC Radio 2, starting on Good Friday, 13 April at 1100-1300 UT, continuing on Easter Saturday, 14 April at 1600-1900 UT, and concluding on Easter Monday 16 April (a national holiday in the UK) at 1100-1300. These times are exactly the same as for the 1999 countdown. Give it a listen if you can log on, you never know who might appear (Paul David, England, swprograms via DXLD) ** U S A. KPM556 25950 kHz, Portland OR: in a recent e-mail verification from Larry Holtz, he mentioned that a KPM556 ID is given randomly and approximately every 2 hours. Plans are to replace the transmitting antenna with a better one in June this year (Ray Crawford, Australia, April 9, hard-core-dx via DXLD) ** U S A [clandestine]. CRW 066-Extra & Cumbre DX Special 341.7 April 10, 2001. Notice: This bulletin is copyrighted; therefore, information contained herein may not be copied, republished or redistributed in part or in full without full credit given to CDX, CRW and appropriate sources. USA: ANDERSON DISMISSED FROM KENTUCKY STATE MILITIA FOR CONTINUED BROADCASTS. COMMANDER ORDERED HIM OFF, POSSIBLE IMPACT ON FUTURE TRANSMISSIONS [Apr 10] Steve Anderson has been expelled from the Kentucky State Militia for continuing broadcasts of United Patriot Radio, CRW-CDX has learned, leaving the future of his radio station in doubt. According to an official communiqué sent to CRW-CDX and carbon copied to the Federal Bureau of Investigation on April 9, Kentucky State Militia (KSM) 'Brigadier General' Charlie Puckett states that Anderson violated specific orders to close his radio station. CDX-CRW first published unconfirmed reports on March 25 indicating the station had been closed by the militia. Anderson, according to the communiqué, complied with orders to cease his transmissions as Kentucky State Militia (KSMR) on March 20; however, he returned to the airwaves as "United Patriot Radio" (UPR) on March 23. UPR was allegedly sponsored by the Kentucky Riflemen Militia and not the KSM. UPR was to have resumed operations on April 9th after a break for the Norm Creek militia gathering, but it was untraced by several monitors. Nor has it been heard on April 10th. Given Anderson`s dismissal from the KSM, the future of UPR appears to be in doubt. Puckett's statement follows: Official Release It is with regret that I have to write this communiqué at this time. Seems some people that have a hard time following orders, and keeping their word, never seem to learn the meaning of discipline. By law we are supposed to be a WELL REGULATED MILITIA, governed by ourselves according to our Constitution (being our Governor, and Adjutant General are out to lunch, and not expected back anytime soon). The disregard of orders is something that the Kentucky Militia cannot tolerate. Major Steve Anderson was given direct orders by me on March 20th 2001 to cease broadcasting on 3.260 MHz. Mr. Anderson followed these orders for three days. After that time the station was brought up to full operation on 3.260 MHz. Later the station was set up for rebroadcast of Genesis Communications programming in direct disregard of said orders. Mr. Anderson promised at the Norm Creek meeting that donations would be returned and the station would be shut down if we allowed him to remain with The Kentucky State Militia. The donations were not returned, and even more were accepted on Sunday morning of the Norm Creek meeting. I have no choice but to dismiss Mr. Anderson from all duties, and membership with the Kentucky State Militia. If we cannot REGULATE ourselves then we are no better than the people we say have not done their job in government. This is my final decision in this matter, and will be recorded in a internal memo! Brigadier General Charlie Puckett State C/O Kentucky State Militia (via Cumbre/CRW Special April 10 via DXLD) Har, har, self destruct due to internal militia politics. As I recall, Charlie, Charlie Puckett was favorably mentioned, if not heard, on the early KSMR broadcasts. Evidently the feds got to him, if not to Maj. Steve. But if the latter is such a rogue, expelled from KSM, what`s to keep him from proceeding with his own agenda, including UPR? Gen. Puckett would no longer have any control over him. Anderson went to a lot of trouble, getting the satellite downlink, etc. Yes, 3260 vacant UT April 9, 10, 11 (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Hello, There is a story in this week`s (April 9, 2001) EE Times about digital power line communications and the companies that plan to introduce some low cost solutions... http://www.eetimes.com/printableArticle?doc_id=OEG20010406S0058 The article gives a bit of detail of the nPlug solution which describes it as a system where four carriers are FSK modulated in the "10 to 30 MHz" range with each carrier handling 2.5 Mbits/sec. (i.e., wide bandwidth). The article also says these systems will first be introduced in the U.S. and Canada where the FCC rules are less stringent. Regards, (Harry Sarkas, Atlanta, GA, U.S.A., DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Clear Channel Stops Streaming. From RBR.COM Clear Channel (N:CCU) has reacted to AFTRA`s streaming fee demand for commercials using union talent by suspending all Internet streams. Try to access any Clear Channel station via the Internet now and all you`ll hear is this message: ``Due to continuing uncertainty over rights issues related to the streaming of radio broadcast programming over the Internet, including issues regarding demands for additional fees for the streaming of recorded music and radio commercials, we and our advertisers are forced to temporarily disable our streaming. We apologize for the inconvenience of this interruption. We are working with both our advertisers and the Recording Industry Association of America to find a solution to those problems as quickly as possible so that we can resume our streaming.`` The reference to RIAA relates to the ongoing battle over whether broadcasters must pay performance royalties to record companies for Internet streaming, in addition to ASCAP, BMI and SESAC payments, which radio stations do not have to pay for over-the-air broadcasting. The straw which broke the camel`s back, however, was ASCAP`s move last week to collect penalty fees of up to 300% for spots using union talent which hadn`t been specifically cleared for Internet use. AFTRA fallout may hit beyond LA; may be boon to insertion companies (4/9) RBR.com broke the news yesterday in a first-ever Sunday update: Most LA radio stations have cut their streaming due to impending AFTRA (American Federation Of Radio and Television Artists [sic]) fees being charged to advertisers for airing spots by union talent on the Internet. That could create new demand for targeted ad insertion companies by stations who want to resume streaming. Here is the list of cut streams we have so far: KFI-AM, KBIG-FM, KIIS-FM, KXTA-AM (Clear Channel); KLOS-FM (ABC); KKBT-FM (Radio One); KPWR-FM and KZLA-FM (Emmis). Most have posted notices explaining the issue to would-be listeners. So far, we haven`t seen any streams cut in nearby San Diego. However, Phoenix is hearing about it. ``I received a fax 4/5 from a California-based ad agency telling us to stop streaming commercials for Factory-To-You until permission was given. Wonderful -- we expect that many agencies in the LA area will do the same until the AFTRA problem is solved,`` Rich Potyka, KRXS-FM GM Phoenix tells RBR. ``For now it is the second strike in streaming against us—first RIAA, now AFTRA.`` This mess all started 3/5 when the ANA and the AAAAs came out with a statement asking agencies to cooperate with charging fees for streaming the union`s work. Over the last several days, letters have gone out from agencies like Initiative Media to stations nationwide saying, ``If you are streaming, and any of our commercials happen to be aired, you could be in danger of losing your terrestrial business without prior approval.`` The agencies and advertisers would be responsible for the fees. LA, being very union-sensitive with so much creative there, was the first to blink. A big worry, like the recent RIAA fees being instituted for streaming, is that the whole issue could be retroactive. What AFTRA is asking for is that stations check with agencies before airing their spots on the Internet. Some agencies may allow the spot to run as is, some may need further compensation for the artist. And because most streaming radio stations can`t just flick a switch and cut all or some commercials out of the stream, they are just cutting the stream until a fix can be instituted. This is where the targeted ad insertion companies, who would love more business from radio, say they can help. ``The majority of our stations are Internet-onlys. So, naturally all of the ads that run on our stations are already set to run, as written into the contract. So, that being said, our technology trivially replaces on-air ads with targeted ads. We`re happy to assist advertisers and stations,`` said Lightningcast Chairman Tom Des Jardins. ``If you want to replace ads and insert Lightningcast technology into your network, we`re here to help the industry. Suppose that you have some ads that you would actually like to have on the air, and the advertiser wants that inventory, and some that you don`t, Lightingcast can put the ones you want on the webcast and replace the ones you don`t.`` Lightningcast CEO Karl Spangenberg added, ``What`s lurking behind this all is really the birth of a whole new industry -- a kind of radio commercial that is made especially for Internet delivery. Obviously, any commercial that`s prepared for Internet-only will have previously addressed these compensation concerns. But our real application is the targeted delivery of these ads.`` Also: the website for all clear channels streaming is http://www.nuclearchannel.com (via Lou Josephs, swprograms April 10 via DXLD) ** U S A. From Georgia Public Radio web site: NPR`s Symphony Cast Tuesday nights at 8 PM [on GPR] starting April 10. NPR`s SymphonyCast is a new program that brings together some of the finest symphony orchestra programs from around the country and the world. The series presents outstanding symphonic events, short series, and exposes major American orchestras to a new broadcast audience. The program is hosted by NPR`s own Korva Coleman. Don`t know if this is related or coincidental to the launch of NPR`s SymphonyCast, but here`s an article about the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra series going off the air for budgetary reasons. http://www.riverfronttimes.com/issues/2001-03-07/muse.html The final live broadcast from Saint Louis was on Monday night, April 9. Colorado Public Radio split into two services 4/10. Both have webcasts, but the servers were quite congested. And disappointingly, Colorado Symphony broadcasts will be blocked from the classical stream for copyright reasons (Kevin Kelly, Arlington, Mass. PublicRadioFan.com DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [non]. Hi, have not seen it reported yet - I heard AFRTS on 13254.0 kHz (USB) on 7 APR after 2000 UT. Good signal here in the middle of Europe. GOOD DX, (Karel Honzik, the Czech Republic, Hard- Core-DX mailing list, via DXLD) ** VATICAN/ITALY. Threat to cut power to Vatican Radio "unconstitutional" | Text of report in English by Italian news agency ANSA web site Vatican City, 9 April: Constitutional experts today told a Vatican Radio programme that Environment Minister Willer Bordon`s threat to cut off electricity to the radio if tests show emissions levels exceed government standards was not "legally feasible." Two former heads of Italy`s Constitutional Court, Antonio Baldassarre and Vincenzo Caianiello, pointed out that since the issue was international because it dealt with two separate states, it therefore had to be settled by the Cabinet and not just one minister. "The emissions problem is an issue between two states. If these emissions proved to be a health hazard, the Italian state could make an accord with the Vatican to move the antennas, but it cannot suddenly cut off its electricity, because this would be an international offence," Baldassarre said. "In any case, a sanction (against the radio) would have to go through diplomatic channels, with a request to close or move the transmitters." This is not the first time that Baldassarre has expressed sympathy with the Vatican on major issues -several years ago he provoked a storm of debates by telling the Vatican Radio that abortion was "unconstitutional". Meanwhile, Caianiello told the radio that a 1957 accord between the Vatican and Italy safeguards the station. "Italy is free to cancel the accord, but it must do so in the correct manner....it must be done by the government and not by one minister which, furthermore, is in disagreement with other ministers," he said. On Saturday [7 April], Health Minister Umberto Veronesi enraged Bordon and environmentalists by telling a prominent daily that electromagnetic pollution, or electrosmog, was not a certain health hazard. Today, Vatican Radio director Father Federico Lombardi said that the Holy See will "try to comply with Italian norms" regarding transmission levels. Lombardi noted that Italy`s laws on emissions pollution are tougher than international ones, but that "we cannot negate Italy's right to have more restrictive norms". But Lombardi echoed Baldassarre and Caianiello, saying that "the unilateral measures of the environment minister are not enough" to stop the radio from transmitting potentially dangerous waves. At least 200,000 Italians are thought to be regularly exposed to emissions from electromagnetic fields at a level which could adversely affect their health. In another development, a regional director of the electricity company Enel was accused today of culpable homicide because of the death from cancer of a 60-year-old lawyer who lived next to an old Enel relay box. The three other people living near the box have also been diagnosed with cancer. Apparently the director knew of the high levels of magnetic emissions but did nothing to remedy the situation. Source: ANSA news agency web site, Rome, in English 1202 gmt 9 Apr 01 (via BBCM via DXLD) Vatican Radio director offers olive branch to Italian Environment Ministry | Text of report from Italian newspaper La Repubblica web site on 9 April Fr Federico Lombardi, director of Vatican Radio programming, this morning guaranteed the Holy See`s broadcaster's commitment to try and adjust immediately Santa Maria di Galeria`s transmission site to comply with Italian regulations on electromagnetic pollution. Lombardi, after having explained that the problem stems from the difference between international regulations (with which Vatican Radio has been complying for years) and Italian ones, which are more strict, underlined how Vatican Radio operates under a regime of acknowledged extraterritoriality and that, therefore, activity conducted within the Vatican can have effects on Italian soil. This is why he declared his willingness to discuss the needs highlighted by [Environment] Minister Willer Bordon. On the matter he [Lombardi] also added: "Joint measurements [of electromagnetic pollution caused by the site] are needed, not merely the unilateral ones of the Environment Ministry. When, at the end of April or at the beginning of May, the results of these measurements become available, then we shall decide what to do, i.e. whether to transfer some transmissions to other sites in Europe, to use a satellite channel, or to explore every possible alternative to mediumwave; we want a solution that reassures the population and satisfies the Italian government." Source: La Repubblica web site, Rome, in Italian 9 Apr 01 (via BBCM via DXLD) Scientists confirm Vatican Radio emissions above legal limits | Text of report by Italian newspaper La Repubblica web site on 9 April Vatican Radio`s electromagnetic emissions are above the legal limit. This has been confirmed by the technicians from [environmental agency] ANPA, [nuclear and alternative energies agency] ENEA and the Communications Ministry tasked by Environment Minister Willer Bordon with measuring the emissions. Source: La Repubblica web site, Rome, in Italian 1406 gmt 9 Apr 01 (via BBCM via DXLD) See http://www.nytimes.com/2001/04/10/world/10VATI.html (via Artie Bigley, DXLD) BBC News is reporting that the Vatican will reduce its transmissions after Easter: http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/europe/newsid_1269000/1269572. stm (via Hans Johnson, Apr 9, Cumbre DX via DXLD) Vatican Radio to suspend MW transmissions after test results | Text of report in English by Italian news agency ANSA web site Vatican City, 9 April: Vatican Radio will temporarily suspend several medium-frequency [mediumwave] transmissions in response to a government probe that found that the powerful station was violating Italian limits on electromagnetic waves. This is the second 50 per cent cut in medium-frequency transmissions by Vatican Radio since controversy blew up over the allegedly dangerous levels of electromagnetic pollution emitted by its transmitters. Although the environment ministry expressed satisfaction over the move, it stressed that it will persevere in making the Vatican Radio abide fully by Italian transmission level limits. The ministry said the Vatican`s announcement would not influence tomorrow`s decision on whether or not to pull the plug on the radio station in May. The director of Vatican Radio programming, Father Federico Lombardi, said the cut was not a final decision, but a "signal of the Vatican's willingness to find a solution to the problem and avoid a head-on confrontation". Lombardi stressed that the cut was a "preliminary" measure enacted until an Italo-Vatican commission examining the issue comes up with "more precise and objective data". The radio also defended its lack of response to angry residents living near the transmitters who say the high transmission levels are a health hazard, stressing that the Holy See has been waiting for "internationally recognized scientific and technical proof" of the dangers of high frequency transmissions. Parents in the area have formed a group, Children without Waves, to lobby against the so-called electrosmog. Tomorrow they will meet with European Union commissioners to discuss the situation. "We still haven`t managed to make them move the antennas. Our battle will be won only when this happens," said Augusto Rossi, the head of the anti-electrosmog lobby. The group will meet the EU commissioners for the environment, Margot Wallstrom, and for health and consumer protection, David Byrne. Meanwhile, Greens leader Grazia Francescato, who met with the group today, again stressed her disagreement with Health Minister Umberto Veronesi, who said there was no scientific evidence that electromagnetic transmissions are linked to cancer. Source: ANSA news agency web site, Rome, in English 1638 gmt 9 Apr 01 (via BBCM via DXLD) Vatican Radio emissions up to three times above permitted levels | Text of report in English by Italian news agency ANSA web site Rome, 9 April: The team that measured electromagnetic levels during various hours two days last week found that several tests resulted in emissions levels up to three times those allowed by law. Despite Vatican assurances that emissions had been reduced to comply with government standards, the probe found that 11 of 14 samples showed emissions above the 6 volts/metre allowed by Italian law. Of the 14 tests, seven samples had emissions over 7 v/m, some of which reached up to 20 v/m. Another four samples weighed in between 6 and 7 v/m. Only three samples were within legal limits. Source: ANSA news agency web site, Rome, in English 1351 gmt 9 Apr 01 (via BBCM via DXLD) On April 9 Vatican Radio announced that, following evidence that "electrosmog" around S. Maria Galeria is three times as high as permitted by Italian law, the MW transmitter on 1530 kHz will be closed down for seven hours a day as from April 16. This will be during daylight hours, times not announced yet. In an interview to all-news station Radio 24, Padre Lombardi of Vatican Radio added that some shortwave transmissions will be "delocalized" to relay stations. The move will take some weeks to become operational. The Italian Ministers of Health and Environment are at odds about the S. Maria Galeria affaire. While Mr Bordon (Environment) leads the war against Vatican Radio, Dr Veronesi (Health), a leading authority in cancer studies and treatment, says any relations between short and medium waves and health hazards are all to be proved. 73, (Stefano Valianti, Italy, April 10, DX LISTENING DIGEST) `De-localizing` SW is just what I suggested recently, though not using that term. Glad to see VR is listening to my advice (gh, DXLD) It occurs to me that there is an interesting, almost ironic, dynamic at play here -- science vs. belief (or religion, if you prefer), with the Vatican and the Italian government switching traditional roles. To my knowledge, numerous studies about the effects of electromagnetic radiation have been inconclusive at best. It is arguably true that science has produced no conclusive evidence that proximity to elements radiating electromagnetic waves of the type produced by a shortwave or mediumwave transmitter has any deleterious health effects on those nearby, including cancer. Yet, a significant proportion of the population "believes" there are ill effects, so politicians in numerous jurisdictions (Switzerland and Italy are two that come to mind) have taken legal and legislative action to respond to those beliefs. (It happens here in the US all the time, BTW, with arguments over the placement of cell phone towers; although the FCC has decreed that no one will suffer ill health from these.) Here, you have the Vatican arguing science in the face of belief. Sort of a case of getting hoisted on your own petard, eh? (John Figliozzi, swprograms via DXLD) This whole court case reminds me of the people who bought houses under the approach to Los Angeles International Airport and then bitched to the government when a plane flew over after 11 PM. Did they really expect airplanes to get smaller and quieter in the future? Similarly, people who buy houses next to a big transmitter complex should not be surprised to learn they are being subjected to non-ionizing radiation. It's just Darwin at work. Stupid Italian people will die off as they get cancer because they are unable to adapt to their changing environment. Smart Italian people will not buy houses there in the first place or, having done so in the past, will move away when they realize they made a mistake. I just had a vision. A half dozen silly guys in red pointy hats and flowing red robes are storming into the Italian government offices yelling, "We`re the church police and there is a dead bishop on the landing." The Italian Government officials better watch their step. All those indulgences they paid for as kids could be revoked. Torquemada lives! (Joe Buch, ibid.) Maybe the Catholic Church should go along with the fear and make owning a cell phone, radio transmitter of any kind, or a microwave oven, a Mortal sin? (Steve Colletti, ibid.) Vatican Radio director says cut in broadcasts "not a surrender" | Excerpt from report by Vatican Radio on 10 April After the [Italian] cabinet meeting [to discuss electromagnetic emissions from Vatican Radio`s transmitters] and Environment Minister Willer Bordon`s press conference, a press conference will be held by the board of Vatican Radio at 1830 [1630 gmt]... Meanwhile, yesterday, pending further data and taking into account the tests carried out on Italian territory, Vatican Radio, in addition to the 50-per-cent cut in power already implemented on 1 February, has decided to cut its mediumwave broadcasts on the 1530 kHz frequency, which are believed to be the main cause of the limits being exceeded, for seven hours a day from 16 April. The decision by the board of our station was taken after the release of the results of the latest unilateral [Italian] tests in the Cesano area. [Second presenter] On the decision to cut mediumwave broadcasts by seven hours, let`s hear a statement from our director of programmes, Fr Federico Lombardi: [Lombardi - recording] Our decision, to cut mediumwave broadcasts, which we believe are one of the main causes for exceeding the limits set by Italian regulations, by seven hours per day from next Monday, is absolutely not a surrender, and nor is it a final solution. Rather, it is a signal of willingness, to demonstrate that we truly want to seek concrete solutions, solutions which will be more satisfactory, both for the people -- for the protection of their own health, their own peace of mind -- and for the Italian state; and also for the work of Vatican Radio. What we need now is finally, without further hindrances, to carry out the joint measurements of which we have always spoken. These are necessary - in collaboration, involving both our technicians and Italian ones - to have all the scientific and technical information to understand what are the true origins of the electromagnetic fields: if they are due to the broadcasts of Vatican Radio, then which broadcasts; or whether they are due to other sources. Only in the light of this information, much more detailed and analytical, will we truly be able to seek solutions which are more lasting - or, better still, final - and satisfactory for all. Source: Vatican Radio, Vatican City, in Italian 1200 gmt 10 Apr 01 (via BBCM via DXLD) Environment minister gives Vatican Radio five-day ultimatum on emissions | Text of report by Italian radio on 11 April Vatican Radio has until next Monday [16 April ] to conform to the limits imposed by Italian law on the emission of electromagnetic waves. This was decided yesterday evening by Environment Minister [Willer] Bordon, who confirmed his ultimatum at the end of a day of long negotiations. Sonia Filippazzi reports: [Reporter] The Holy See`s declarations of goodwill were not sufficient to avert the hypothesis of a blackout of Vatican Radio decreed by the environment minister. Bordon confirmed his intention to issue a warning to Vatican Radio: if by next Monday it does not conform to the limits imposed by Italian law on the emission of electromagnetic waves, there will be an injunction to cut off the energy supply [to the transmission site]. [Bordon] If these two essential elements are missing, that is the respect of the limits [of electromagnetic emissions] that are imposed by a ministerial decree, and the short and certain time of this compliance, the injunction my offices have already prepared cannot but be released. [Reporter] This at the end of a long day that started with a meeting in Palazzo Chigi [the prime minister's office] between the prime minister and the ministers of environment, health and foreign affairs. Negotiations with the Holy See followed throughout the day. In the evening the Vatican answered: we need more data, and the timescale demanded [to comply with Italian laws] is not realistic, said Director-General of Vatican Radio Pasquale Borgomeo. [Borgomeo] This is not possible for anyone because it would simply mean to interrupt most of our activities, and I don't think the Italian government wants this. [Reporter] The environment minister therefore continues his challenge, but he is alone: [Bordon] The environment minister decides the injunction. Should the government not agree, it has all the tools to intervene. Source: Rai Radio 1, Rome, in Italian 0600 gmt 11 Apr 01 (via BBCM via DXLD) A later BBC news story on this April 11: http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/europe/newsid_1271000/1271092.stm (via Mike Terry, BDXC-UK via DXLD) PM overrules environment minister's Vatican Radio ultimatum | Text of report by Italian radio on 11 April The electromagnetic pollution problem: Prime Minister Giuliano Amato has rejected the injunction issued by Environment Minister [Willer] Bordon against Vatican Radio. The injunction was aimed to force the broadcaster to conform before Tuesday [17 April] to the limits imposed by Italian law on the emission of electromagnetic waves from transmission sites. A decision on the matter will be now taken at the next cabinet meeting, this afternoon at 1630 [1430 gmt]. Source: Rai Radio 1, Rome, in Italian 1300 gmt 11 Apr 01 (via BBCM via DXLD) ###