DX LISTENING DIGEST 1-208, December 29, 2001 edited by Glenn Hauser, wghauser@hotmail.com {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. For restrixions and searchable 2001, 2000 contents archive see} http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/Dxldmid.html Check the WOR websites: http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/ http://www.worldofradio.com [NOTE: If you are a regular reader of DXLD, and a source of DX news but have not been sending it directly to us, please consider yourself obligated to do so. Thanks, Glenn] WORLD OF RADIO #1111 (STREAM) http://www.worldofradio.com/wor1111.ram (DOWNLOAD) http://www.worldofradio.com/wor1111.rm (SUMMARY) http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/wor1111.html NEXT AIRINGS on WWCR: UT Sun 0330 5070, 0730 3210, Mon 0100, 0600 3210 NEXT AIRINGS on RFPI: Sun 0000, 0600, 1200 on some of: 7445-USB/AM, 15040v, 21815-USB 2001 --- THE SHORTWAVE YEAR IN REVIEW by GLENN HAUSER, appears on this week`s VOA Communications World. For full schedule, see http://www.trsc.com/cw EXPANDED version will soon be posted: (DOWNLOAD) http://www.worldofradio.com/swyir01.rm (STREAM) http://www.worldofradio.com/swyir01.ram (SCRIPT) http://www.worldofradio.com/swyir01.html HOLIDAY SPECIALS: a number of new entries have been made: http://www.worldofradio.com/holiday.html MARCONI page: several more articles have been entered, including some about Fessenden previously in DXLD: http://www.worldofradio.com/marconi.html ** AFGHANISTAN. ROME, December 18 (Xinhua) -- Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi told Afghanistan's prime minister designate Hamid Karzai on Tuesday that Italy will build a radio and television station in his country. "Today, on the government's initiative, Italian parliament approved the construction of a station of democracy and liberty," said Berlusconi in a press conference after meeting Karzai. Berlusconi, who before entering politics built up the country's biggest private TV network, gave no further details of the initiative, but stressed that parliament had backed the idea " immediately." Copyright 2001 XINHUA all rights reserved as distributed by WorldSources, Inc. (via Mike Cooper, DXLD) ** AUSTRALIA. **M** Excerpts of ``The Great Marconigram`` Kim presented on CW, of bits of actual SW transmissions constantly had heterodynes of varying pitch. As if this were ALWAYS present on SW signals!!! This is just what we don`t need, artificial interference inserted to make it sound ``authentic``. This is the kind of thing you get on a very poor unstable analog receiver, in some cases! (Glenn Hauser, http://www.worldofradio.com/marconi.html via DXLD) Last week I played excerpts from the "Great Marconigram" special on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation`s Radio National. My friend Dave Walcutt advises me that, if you missed the program via Radio Australia shortwave, you can hear the entire program in RealAudio format at the Radio National Web site: www dot abc dot net dot au slant rn. Click on The Great Marconigram right there on the home page. [Oops, Greg in Perth advises me that the Radio National Web site has eliminated all links to The Great Marconigram. But he found a direct URL: http://www.abc.net.au/rn/events/radio100/default.htm ] This audio will be available until January 22nd. You can listen online, and you might experience some breaks due to net congestion, but you cannot download the program (VOA Communications World Dec 22, as amended, via John Norfolk, DXLD) ** CANADA. HOT SHEET FOR MONDAY DECEMBER 31, 2001 -- RADIO ONE -- QUINTESSENTIALLY CANADIAN: ***may not be heard in all locations*** Monday morning - or the morning of New Year's Eve...join hosts Sharon Edwards and Jeff Collins for Quintessentially Canadian, a tongue-in- cheek trip through some of this country's eccentricities. They comb the country for the ultimate in Canadian winter wear: where form gives way to function, from humble Long Johns to the ubiquitous tuque. Plus a look at the more laid-back side of New Year's resolutions and a group of hardy ex-pats who plan to take their Polar Bear dip in the Caribbean. Quintessentially Canadian, Monday morning at 6 a.m. (6:30 NT) on CBC Radio One. THIS MORNING: On the New Year's Eve edition of This Morning, guest host Ralph Benmergui looks at the Media Year In Review: the major news stories of the year and how the media shaped them. He also talks with two weather chasers who happen to be married to one another. They make a living photographing clouds and observing the weather. And a conversation with two of Canada's newest Rhodes scholars. That's on This Morning, 9:06 to noon, (9:36 to 12:30 NT) on CBC Radio One. SURF THE WAVES OF TROPICAL RHYTHMS: Tune in to CBC Radio One today for Surf the Waves of Tropical Rhythms, or How to feel warm on a cold winter's day. Got those Winter Blues? Want a cure for shivering? Escape to the exotic ports of paradise with the music of Hawaii and the South Pacific. Meet Paul Modde, a Vancouver man with a love of the South Pacific and a record collection to match. Hear some of his favourites today at noon (12:30 NT) on CBC Radio One. RICHARDSON'S ROUNDUP: Today on the Roundup, more Music in Seven-Eight Time. Bill offers up a delightful collection of lost treasures from the CBC Vancouver collection of 78 RPM recordings. Also, some of the highlights from the Roundup over the past year... a reading from Governor General's Award- winner Arthur Slade, intricate accordion work from the author known as Lemony Snicket, the Queen Mother salute, and of course... the oor-stop song. That's this afternoon on Richardson's Roundup at 2:06 (2:36 NT) on CBC Radio One. SNAP, CRACKLE, POP: Ring out the old year and ring in the new with two hours of great music on Snap, Crackle, Pop. Singer, songwriter and record producer Roy Forbes draws on his huge collection of vintage recordings for music by Jack Teagarden, Brent Titcomb, Clyde McPhatter and the Drifters and yes, even Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians. So make a date with Roy Forbes and co-host Paul Grant for New Year's Eve from 4 to 6 (4:30 to 6:30 NT) on CBC Radio One. WORLD AT SIX: New Year's Eve on The World at Six, a special documentary on the end of a long and colourful chapter in Canadian history. When Cape Breton's Prince mine closed last month, it marked the end of underground coal mining in the area. But it also marked the end of a way of life for many communities in Nova Scotia. Hear reporter Christopher Grosskurth in this Gabriel Award-winning documentary. "When Coal Was King," New Year's Eve on The World at Six, on CBC Radio One and CBC Radio Two. AS IT HAPPENS: Tonight on As it Happens... A feature year-end interview with Michael Ignatieff. The Canadian writer tackles the issue of human rights at home and abroad in light of the attacks of September 11th. That's tonight on As It Happens, with Mary Lou Finlay and Barbara Budd at 6:30 (7:00 NT) on CBC Radio One. IDEAS: Tonight, An Evening of Ideas: Newfoundland fiddler Kelly Russell joins Ideas host Paul Kennedy for a New Year's Eve celebration recorded in front of a live audience in St. John's. (Where it's half an hour later!) That's tonight on Ideas at 9:05 (9:35 NT) on CBC Radio One. (CBC Hotsheet excerpted by gh for DXLD) ** CHINA. Hi Glenn, 13745 is one of many used in order to disturb broadcasts to the People's Republic. I noticed other frequencies giving out continuous Chinese music: 9350 7540 7560... This method was also used sometimes to jam the Falung Gong programs on v9310, and later v12120. When I checked the CNR schedules on the NDXC website, some of these frequencies are attributed to either CNR 1 and/or 2 at some time of the day. But clearly they are active with music whenever some "unwanted" program is being broadcast. And here in Europe it can be very annoying when trying to hear RFA or Voice Of Tibet broadcasts, which at times ARE very audible. Radio Free Asia being of course the most affected station by this practise of the CPBS. Freedom of expression still seems to be a long time away in China... Hereby also all the best for you and your family in 2002, and thanks for the great work you're doing with DXLD (Silvain Domen, Belgium, Dec 29, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA [non]. Subject : CRI via LUX 1440 kHz Today the German section of China Radio International announced that they will use Luxembourg 1440 kHz daily 2000-2100, starting on New Year`s Day. This announcement of course refers to German only, so it is possible that CRI will air other language services on 1440, too. I almost fell from my chair when I read this. That's an invasion, nothing less, if you allow me to recycle a recent remark on the bunch of new shortwave transmitters in China. Or is this mail from Beijing just a delusion? (Kai Ludwig, Germany, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Viz.: Datum: 29.12.01 08:04:38 (MEZ) From: ger@cri.com.cn (ger) Sender: owner-a-dx@elitas.com To: ger@cri.com.cn (ger) Liebe Hoererinnen und Hoerer, hier noch ein wichtiger Hinweis: ab 1. Januar 2002, also ab Neujahr, wird das deutschsprachige Programm von Radio China International von 21 bis 22 Uhr MEZ auch auf der Mittelwellen-Frequenz von Radio Luxemburg 1440 kHz uebertragen. Ich wiederhole: ab dem 1. Januar 2002 wird das deutschsprachige Programm von Radio China International auch auf Mittelwelle 1440 kHz von Radio Luxemburg uebertragen, und zwar von 21 bis 22 Uhr MEZ. Wir wuenschen Ihnen viel Spass beim Zuhoeren! (via Kai Ludwig, Germany, Dec 29, DXLD) Ho, I tire of putting all the umlauts back in when the Germans themselves refuse to use them... (gh, DXLD) ** CHINA [non]. CLANDESTINE from SITES to CHINA: WFDR [World Falun Dafa Radio], 5925 is via an Eastern European site, while 9945 originates from a site near Moscow (Olle Alm, Sweden, Dec 25, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** COLOMBIA. 2200 harmonic, Emisora Ideal (tentative) 1002 Dec 24, did hear an ID, but reception was weak. Then other announcements by man. 1100 x 2. 4470 harmonic, (Cumbre DX 378 follow up) 1490 x 3, Onda Nueva 110 [sic, a time in the 1100s?] Dec 21, end of anthem, IDs, call as HJAY. Then into news by man (Hans Johnson, FL, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. 2700 harmonic, Onda del Yuna, 1350 x 2, thanks LA-DX for ID. Upbeat music at 1020 Dec 25 with mention of Dominicana. Male announcer, IDs at 1101 and 1108. Persistent ute [QRM] but good signal (Hans Johnson, FL, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** ECUADOR. 2960.16 harmonic, Radio Atlántida 1480 and change x 2. 1018 Dec 21 with several Radio Atlántida IDs including an echoy Atlántida repeated several times. Male announcer, nice signal. Thanks LA-DX for ID (Hans Johnson, FL, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** ECUADOR. Quito Dec 27 2001. During the final days of the year I`m very pleased to present a new SW Peruvian station. I sincerely hope it has not ``vanished`` when this info become available for my friends in SWB, DXLD/WOR, Cumbre, HCDX and DX Partyline. I wish you all a Happy New Year! A very special New Year greeting goes to the hard working Thomas /SWB, Glenn /DXLD/WOR, Hans /Cumbre, Hermod /HCDX and Graham /DX Party Line! Talking about Christmas- and New Year greetings, some days before Christmas Eve I got a very nice telephone call from "C.R.I., Centro Radiofónico de Imbabura" in Ibarra --- 3380.07 kHz --- the new HC I have reported previously. The secretary of the station just called to wish me a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! C.R.I. has been off the air lately so I asked why and was told "because we are performing test transmissions!". Here in Quito we are all waiting for the big New Year festivity when the transvestites dress up nicely and dainty in minimal women clothes dancing and singing through the streets. There are lots of "checkpoints" where the drivers must pay to pass through --- if not the dance continues on the motor hood, more and more indecent --- you know certainly what I mean ...... (Björn Malm, Quito, Ecuador, translated via Thomas Nilsson, Sweden, Dec 27, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Hmmm, I am beginning to understand why the good Christians at HCJB like to get away from Quito when they can... See also PERU (gh, DXLD) ** FRANCE. Glenn: Outdated information has already been noted in the latest "Passport To World Band Radio" (Edition 2002). I note that the "addresses plus" section still lists Simson Najovits as the head of RFI`s English Language Service, even though he left this position at least two years ago. I've been unable to reach the Web site for Réseau France Outre-Mer, the French radio and television service for overseas territories, for the past few days. A check of Internet domain registration indicates the domain name is available. Did RFO forget to renew the domain name rfo.fr? (Mike Cooper, GA, Dec 26, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** HONDURAS. 4819, LV Evangélica seems to be off, untraced since I have been in Florida since the beginning of November (Hans Johnson, Nov/Dec, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** INDONESIA. 9630, RRI Jakarta. Here's something to prove that Indonesians are not all Muslims and that Indonesian radio stations are more multi-religious than some of us would think! Heard the armed forces program at 1020 on Christmas Day with a segment about Hinduism, produced in co-operation by the TNI Information Centre and obviously meant for broadcast in the morning time. Lasted for 5 minutes with Om Shanti greetings at the end. After the segment, the presenter wishes all Christian armed forces personnel a Merry Christmas. The Indonesian song "Dalam Yesus bahagia selamanya" (In Jesus happiness forever follows). (Richard Lam, Singapore, Dec 25, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** IRAN [non]. CLANDESTINE from ? to IRAN: Radio Baribari 7480 untraced when checking on a few javaradios in Europe at 1715 on Dec 26. I kinda fudged my way through the Farsi on the website. Enough of it is similar enough to Arabic for me to say that they are still announcing a shortwave schedule on 7480, have a satellite service and are still placing daily real audio files on the site (Hans Johnson, FL, Dec 25/6, Cumbre DX via DXLD) from MOLDOVA to IRAN: 7520, Radio International still on when checking via one of the European Javaradios. Dire Straits theme, ID, and into talk by man (Hans Johnson, FL, Dec 26, Cumbre DX via DXLD) MOLDOVA: The Payam-e Doost website announces their schedule as 7480 every night: 9:30 to 10:00 pm Tehran Time, which I believe is 1800- 1830 UT (Hans Johnson, FL, Dec 25, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** IRAQ [non]. CLANDESTINE from Iran to IRAQ: 7100 V of Islamic Revolution in Iraq, in Arabic heard 0435 Dec 26 while a male reading a political commentary hostile to the Egyptian government! 0439 patriotic song followed by ID. S9 on clear (Fathi) 11660, Voice of Islamic Revolution of Iraq via Iran *0330-0400 Dec 22. Noted with 1000 hertz tones prior to sign-on. \\ 9790 \\ 7100. Male speaker with station ID followed with patriotic marching song, followed with speeches against Iraq/Saddam Hussein, 0334 Koran recitations followed with narration and news items from the Arab World; interspersed with a patriotic marching song. Signal was quite fluttery on 11660 and 9790, fair on 7100 (Ed Kusalik, Alberta, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** ITALY. AWR Closes Forlě With Special Broadcasts Dec 30 and 31 ADVENTIST WORLD RADIO The Director of Operations for Adventist World Radio at Forlě in Italy, Stefano Losio, advises that they are planning a series of special broadcasts on the last two days of December. This is his message:- To commemorate the closure of AWR Forlě, we have produced two different one hour programs in Italian, and they will be broadcast according to this schedule:- Sunday December 30, 2001 1000 - 1100 UT 9740 kHz (Forlě 2.5 kW) 1000 - 1100 UT 15195 kHz (Jülich 100 kW) Monday December 31, 2001 0900 - 1000 UT 15195 kHz (Jülich 100 kW or Forlě 2.5 kW) 1000 - 1100 UT 9740 kHz (Forlě 2.5 kW) (via Adrian Peterson, AWR, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** JAPAN. RJ Year End Hitparade (final version) I am so sorry to send you several versions of "Year End Hitparade", which Radio Japan informed me. (Toshi) The Monitoring Section of R. Japan informed me on 28 Dec. the following schedule (final fixed version) for the 52nd "Year End Hitparade", which will broadcast in Japanese on 31 Dec. from 1030 to 1545 UT. To: Southeast Asia 1000-1500 11815 Yamata 1500-1600 7200 Yamata 1100-1200 13660 Yamata (extended: use other transmitter for Vietnamese and Indonesian Services) 1330-1400 7200 Yamata (extended: use other transmitter for Thai Service) 1330-1400 13660 Yamata (extended: in Indonesian, which usually broadcast at 1230-) To: Asian Continent 1000-1500 9750 Yamata 1500-1600 11910 Yamata 1130-1230 6190 Yamata (extended: use other transmitter for Chinese and Korean) To: Southwest Asia 1000-1400 21695 Rampisham (extended) 1400-1500 9845 Yamata 1500-1600 12045 Yamata (instead of Ekala) To: North America 1000-1100 6120 Sackville (extended) 1100-1200 6120 Sackville 1200-1300 6120 Sackville (extended) 1300-1500 11705 Sackville 1500-1600 11705 Sackville (extended) 1500-1600 9505 Yamata To: Hawaii 1000-1500 9710 Yamata (extended) 1500-1600 9835 Yamata (extended) To: Central America 1000-1030 9835 Yamata (extended) 1030-1100 12030 Yamata (extended) 1100-1200 6120 Sackville 1200-1300 6120 Sackville (extended) 1300-1400 11705 Sackville 1400-1600 17825 Montsinéry (extended) 1500-1600 9535 Yamata To: South America 1000-1500 9710 Yamata 1500-1600 9835 Yamata To: South America (Eastern Area) 1100-1600 15590 Montsinéry To: Oceania 1000-1100 21755 Yamata 1100-1230 21755 Yamata (extended) 1200-1300 17680 Dabaya (extended) 1300-1430 7140 Yamata (extended) 1430-1600 17680 Singapore (extended) To: East Europe 1000-1600 12020 Woofferton (extended) To: South Europe 1000-1600 9820 Rampisham (extended) To: Middle East and North Africa 1000-1300 15165 Dhabbaya 1300-1500 17555 Rampisham 1500-1600 15265 Skelton To: Africa (West) 1000-1600 17865 Ascension (extended) To: Africa (Central) 1000-1200 17685 Dhabbaya (extended) 1200-1600 17685 Meyerton (extended) Regarding the usage of Radio Japan on 6120 Sackville English at 1100- 1200, as well some of the others, Radio Japan will continue the program "Year End Hitparade", instead of these languages' broadcast on 31 Dec. (Kunitoshi Hishikawa, Bulgaria, Dec 28, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KURDISTAN [non]. CLANDESTINE from ? to MIDDLE EAST: Per their website Radio Bopeshawa radio "is temporarily suspended as we are trying to improve its quality and change the timing to be more convenient for the listeners." (Hans Johnson, FL, Dec 25, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** LAOS. See VIETNAM [non] ** MEXICO. Just as word was getting out about the XERMX spurs, I am no longer hearing them around 9375, UT Dec 28; tho George Thurman, IL, reported such Dec 27 around 9400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. 2390, XEJN Huayacocotla, 0010-0100 Dec 18. S4 level with incredible great audio in SS. Christmas carols and local music at tune in. Rechecked just before top of hour and heard an ID by male announcer in SS at 0058. Children singing a short tune and off at 0100 (Bob Montgomery, PA?, FCDX via Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** MYANMAR. R. Myanmar, 4725: Dec 25 1150 music, talk in language with possible ID and mentions of Yangon and Myanmar, definite IS @ 1200, into news; playing songs "Silver Bells" and "Silent Night" at 1217 recheck (Ralph Brandi, NJ, Cumbre DX via DXLD) Re previous Xmas unID 4725 ** MYANMAR. 5986, R. Myanmar w/ EE program Dec 18 1501 to past 1520. Pop vocals at 1501 (female), 1504 (male) and 1507 "The Beat of My Heart" (male). Retuned at 1516 for EE news read by woman w/ station ID at 1519. S4 level w/clear channel, noticeable QSB and background noise. Heard again on 12/22 at 1459 w/a feature talk by man in EE to 1509.5, local instrumental music IS at 1509.5-1510, woman announcer in EE at 1510 then into Christmas carols ("O Christmas Tree" and Deck the Halls" vocals) until 1515.5. At 1517 into news read by gal in EE to 1520 tune out. Strange to hear Christmas music from Myanmar! S4 carrier level on 12/22 but readability not as good as on 12/18 due to muffled and fading audio level (Bruce Churchill, CA, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** NETHERLANDS. TUESDAY 1st January. SPECIAL PROGRAMME: New Year Messages As our Newsline team take a well-earned rest, join Howard Shannon, Veronica Wilson and Neville Powis and others from the English Language Service who'll be reading out your greetings to family, friends and fellow listeners. There are also greetings from many of our regular presenters (RN Previews via Andy Sennitt, swprograms via DXLD) ** PERU. 6324.34, Radiodifusora Comercial "La Voz del Vecino", Nueva Cajamarca, la provincia de Rioja, el departamento de San Martín. Dec 26 2001 - 2355 UT. Must be a new station at least on SW, - correct me if I am wrong, and probably their premičre broadcast this date. Mixed music, from both Ecuador and Perú. Decent signal fading up and down in strength --- the DJ`s mic/voice with superb quality. At first I thought they gave ID as "LV del Campesino" but after overhearing the recording carefully, I am convinced the say "LV del Vecino". The most common meaning for the word "vecino" is "neighbor", but in this case I think the meaning is "inhabitants/citizens"? i.e. they call themselves "Voice of the Citizen?. I got the street address only in parts "Carlos(?)... Santa Rosa(?) #5-99, Nueva Cajamarca". The legally responsible and managing director "Gerente Ejecutivo" is "Pablo Dávila" and was called "el maestro de maestros" --- i.e. a teacher as his profession. In LA they usually have 2 surnames, also including Seńor Pablo --- the middle surname something like "Paro/Caro/Daro". Announces 6325 kHz and FM 89.5 MHz. Close down at 0108 UT. Rather stable in frequency --- the day after the premičre broadcast at 1130 UT on 6324.30 kHz. Info from "Ventanaperú": Provincia de Rioja, cuya capital es Rioja. Sus distritos son: Awajun, Elías Soplín Vargas, Nueva Cajamarca, Pardo Miguel, Posic, Rioja, San Fernando, Yorongos, Yuracyacu; con una población total de 69,231 hab. /73 from BM in Quito! bjornmalm@yahoo.es (Björn Malm, Quito, Ecuador, translated via Thomas Nilsson, Sweden, Dec 27, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PHILIPPINES [non]. Last summer, investigating the just-discovered ``Voice of the Lord,`` I got in E-mail contact with them in Manila, mentioning that I had heard them. Maybe I did request a QSL, as one arrived Dec 28, in an envelope addressed simply to ``Glenn Hauser / Enid, Oklahoma. / U.S.A.`` but reaching me nonetheless along with a USPS label: ``THIS MAIL IS ADDRESSED INCORRECTLY. YOUR MAIL IS PROCESSED ON AUTOMATED EQUIPMENT. TO AVOID DELAY AND POSSIBLE RETURN OF YOUR MAIL, PLEASE NOTIFY SENDER OF YOUR CORRECT ADDRESS OR P.O. BOX. WE CARE!`` No return address; no stamp, but 46.00 peso(?) black on white dot- matrix-printed label from Philippine Postal Corporation with presumably a rendering of their flag and PILIPINAS; Region code: 13, Emp: 4320, MAKATI CENTRAL POST OFFICE 12/07/2001 03:00 pm Enclosed was a slip of paper (not card stock) measuring 8.5 by 3.875 inches, and wide margins except at the left, produced on a computer printer. In the left third, a color illustration of a satellite dish, a self-supporting(?) transmission tower and some nondescript buildings, one of which looks as if it is being demolished(?). Legend: KOL ADONAI FOUNDATION KAF: THE VOICE OF THE LORD Frequency 15750 kHz Date of Reception Aug. 25, 2001 Time of Reception 1959 (UTC) Thank you for your reception report. kaf@edsamail.com.ph shofar@quickweb.com.ph The bottom line repeats these E-mail addresses, this time without a confusing slash between them, preceded by: 9.405 Mhz SW Middle East / Sky Angel Radio 9772 / P. O. Box 2194-M, Makati Central P.O. M.M. Philippines [MM = Metro Manila] Confirmation details were filled in with pen and ink; no, not a mention of the actual transmitter site, which we soon determined was Germany, 9405 being the current B-01 frequency to Mideast at 1700- 2000, which is much less likely to bleed over into CNAm. This was enclosed in a booklet with a light orange cover, ``Salvation / God`s Gift / To You, by Peter Youngren, originating in Ontario (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SOMALIA. Radio Baidoa, http://www.riverineland.com/ --- this site has a real audio link to Radio Baidoa consisting of a short file with absolutely awful audio. Nice to know that Somalis don't sound any better over the Internet than they do on shortwave. And Radio Hargeisa has a new website http://www.radiosomaliland.com/ (Hans Johnson, FL, Dec 25, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** SURINAME. 4990.9, Radio Apintie was good for a few days, but now seems to have disappeared again (Hans Johnson, FL, Dec 24-26, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** TATARSTAN. RUSSIA, 11665, Voice of Tartarstan via Samara heard 3 August 2001 at 0410-0425. SINPO=14211. QSL "University" + Honorary Listener Diploma information + history of Tartarstan, all in English from Mr. Ildus Ibatullin. Responding to my mail DX Report + $1 + Santa Fe brochure + photo of our neighborhood +10 world stamps (George Glotzbach, Santa Fe, NM, Cumbre DX Dec 28 via DXLD) ** U K. If you find it inconvenient to catch this week`s BBCWS Discovery, about the Marconi centennial, which continues airing at several times through Tuesday Jan 1 at 1505, it is also ondemand at http://www.bbc.co.uk/cgi-bin/worldservice/sheep.pl/worldservice/discovery.ra presumably until the next edition be uploaded Friday 4th at 1900, per the website (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Minnesota Public Radio presents Comedy College http://www.comedycollege.net/ (via Chet Copeland, DXLD) 29-minute shows on demand featuring one particular performer, such as: Listen to the Show Victor Borge, Bob Newhart, Tom Lehrer, Nichols and May. I just enjoyed the Tom Lehrer one, hosted by Steve Martin (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 12172, WWRB, 1930-2005 Dec 24 running continuous loop announcement. Was a test transmission for antenna directed at Africa / Middle East. Said would QSL with reception report and SASE sent to station at: WWRV, Box 7, Manchester, TN 37349-0007, USA (Rick Barton, AZ, Cumbre DX via DXLD) The station has been running an announcement about these tests for about a week on WWFV's 5085 channel. As of Dec 24, WWFV in McCaysville, GA on 5085 started IDing as WWRB, Manchester, TN. Heard loop ID test on 12172 on Dec 25 from 1700 past 2200. Checked and found 5085 on about 2245, earlier than usual *2300. Always hard to tell with WWFV/WWRB, but WWFV had been just using one transmitter 12172 weekends daytime local and 5085 evenings local seven days a week as station was in the process of apparently dismantling WWFV and moving station to Manchester, TN as WWRB (ex WWCV, what happened to that call?). It appears that there is an operational transmitter at Manchester and that the station can run its current programming from there while it transfers the rest of WWFV. I assume there is just the one antenna at Manchester. An Internet posting by the station claimed that it was a dual phased 190 foot high corner reflectors with azimuths (90 to 130 degrees) to the Middle East and Africa (Hans Johnson, FL, Dec 19-25, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** U S A. Hi Glenn, I`ve been hearing an unusual pirate/jammer on 27555 USB today 12/28. He is berating "the wanna be but never will be hams" who use the frequency for DX calling. He claims to be operating from Phoenix, AZ. Also playing jingle bells over & over. First heard at 1700 still on at 1836. He calls himself wizzo radio. CB`ers can be heard QSY`ing around him (Dave Hughes, KC MO, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 12-24 2032-2130 27555 Someone playing old Jingle Bells tune for over an hour from 2032. Moderate in USB. Sounds like Bing Crosby. Complete with girl backups singing "Jingle, Jingle, Jingle". Peaking at 2052 then back down by tune out at 2130. No annc or ID whatsoever. Whoever you are, please QSL via e-mail (alera1@yahoo.com) or snail mail (Liz Cameron, MI, Free Radio Weekly via DXLD) ** U S A. City starts radio station for lakefront traffic news December 27, 2001 A new radio station has been launched to give lakefront drivers round-the-clock information about traffic tie-ups, travel times and parking. By tuning in AM 1650, motorists also can learn about alternative routes and details geared to major events at Soldier Field, the Museum Campus, Navy Pier and the Grant Park area. The station --- started last week by the Chicago Department of Transportation --- will feature repeated messages of about a minute long. The service, known as Highway Advisory Radio, has a broadcast reach along Lake Shore Drive from Wrigleyville to Hyde Park, CDOT spokesman Thom Johnson said. A federal grant for projects that ease congestion and improve air quality paid for the service, which cost $125,000 to start, Johnson said. The new station, among other things, will provide traffic news for Chicago Bears games. The station will broadcast when parking is full at Soldier Field, Johnson said, and will tell people where to exit Lake Shore Drive so they can park and take a free shuttle to the game. (Copyright © 2001, Chicago Tribune via Mike Cooper, DXLD) ** U S A. Middlemen Put Price on Airplay Music: Independent record promoters earn per-song fees, but pay stations for service that avoids anti-payola law. By JEFF LEEDS, TIMES STAFF WRITER, December 27 2001 Los Angeles rock band Smackradio hasn't attracted much interest from major record labels or big-city radio stations. So why did KMBY-FM, a Monterey, Calif., rock station, play the group's song this fall more than hits by such popular acts as Staind and Sum 41? ... The complete article can be viewed at: http://www.latimes.com/la-000102387dec27.story (via Bill Westenhaver, DXLD) ** U S A. RADIO TRACKS Something classical is new again By Clea Simon, Globe Correspondent, 12/27/2001 The idea was a simple one: Make a classical-music radio show that appeals to young listeners. The impetus was there: Audiences for classical music were supposedly in decline, with older listeners dying and younger listeners turning to different genres. Plus, the New England Conservatory of Music, where Gerald Slavet was a trustee, was finishing up a capital campaign for renovation of Jordan Hall. The conservatory was looking for new outreach projects. ''Everybody talks about Leonard Bernstein's young people's concerts,'' says Slavet, referring to the legendary television broadcasts that, originating in New York's Lincoln Center, introduced an earlier generation of listeners to serious music. He recalls how almost four years ago, he brought up Bernstein's concerts as a model when he proposed the Conservatory launch an ''old-fashioned radio show'' that would feature pre-college-age musicians. ''Classical music tends to take itself so seriously,'' Slavet says, ''and we realized there had to be a way to do it that wasn't junk-ified or watered down.'' Explaining exactly what he envisioned was difficult. So, in 1998, he simply organized the taping of a pilot program, which was soon named ''From the Top.'' Pianist Christopher O'Riley signed on as host, and the format was set: five young acts, a bit of interview, and some musical games, all done live in the Conservatory's newly-refurbished concert hall. Slavet and the Conservatory produced more programs, in collaboration with WGBH-FM (89.7). In January 2000, the show became a regular weekly feature, airing Saturdays at 11 a.m. The hourlong classical variety show has taken off, appealing to listeners young and old. Distributed by Public Radio International, ''From the Top'' is now played by more than 240 stations across the country. Occasionally taped at different venues around the country - this year, it will travel from California to Texas, Oregon to Florida - the show still makes Jordan Hall its home. There, the tapings are done before a live audience, and are open to the public. On Jan. 12, in the first of two back-to-back tapings at Jordan Hall, the show will feature Yo-Yo Ma as special guest. And yes, the world-renowned cellist is a fan. ''The show has these incredible live performances,'' said Ma in a press statement. ''But what makes it so remarkable is that you are brought into the life of each performer. You learn about the whole kid!'' In addition to interviews with the young performers, the show's cultural-outreach program trains them to bring their experience and enthusiasm back to their schools and neighborhood centers. ''It's a lot of fun,'' continued Ma, ''and it's classical music's future.'' For the Jan. 12 taping, Ma will perform solo and with the young players. The program will include a cello duet and trio. He'll also play in an octet with 17-year-old Richard Harper from Pittsburgh, Pa. and 16-year-olds Marcus Johnson from Natick, Ethan Philbrick from Nantucket, and James Kim from Pittsford, N.Y.; 13-year-old Hiro Matsuo from Glenview, Ill.; plus 12-year-olds Elliot Lee, also from Glenview, and Ryan Park from Gurnee, Ill. The Jan. 13 taping will feature an array of young musicians, including 15-year-old trumpeter Brian Kelly from Weston and 14-year-old Acton pianist Bronika Kushkuley. (Tickets are $15 for adults and $7.50 for students and seniors. WGBH members get two for the price of one. For tickets and information, call the Jordan Hall box office at 617-536-2412.) Although Saturday's tickets will probably go before Sunday's, Slavet hopes audiences will flock to both tapings. ''We're about celebrating kids at their fullest,'' he says. ''We're not out looking for the next child prodigy. These kids may not go out to have musical careers, but they'll all be listeners.'' This story ran on page D7 of the Boston Globe on 12/27/2001. © Copyright 2001 Globe Newspaper Company. (via Mike Cooper, DXLD) ** U S A. Another Classical Music Station Down: Thanks to Cox Radio From: Francisco López Newsgroups: rec.music.classical.recordings Date: 28 Dec 2001 13:33:30 -0800 This was forwarded to me. It is starting to run in the net. Pass it and post it as far and wide as possible. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Cox Radio, the Media and the Dumbing Down of America Cox Radio shuts down another Classical Music station, brings in mass entertainment. Yes, Cox Radio helps to dumb down America. Cox Radio commercialize, for a few extra bucks, with your future as a competitive American. Much has been said about education and how bad our students fare in relation to those in other countries. Much of this has been blamed on educators. Pure baloney. As any educator knows, the general cultural background and the social environment has real key roles on how well our students perform. Students in private and public schools in affluent districts with a richer overall environment tend to outperform those in poor districts. A good part of this general environment is produced, as a reflection of or as a direct influence by the media servicing it. We all know what the media can do. At noon, on December 31, Cox Radio affiliate in Miami, 93.1 Classical WTMI, will leave the air for some mass entertainment that promises to be `the talk of the town.' The station was profitable and, at one time, the sixth in audience in the very competitive South Florida market. As happened in several markets, the strategy has been, to buy, at very high prices, Classical, Fine Arts and Cultural stations, and their hard to get frequencies and their coveted powerful transmitters and converting them into popular mass oriented outlets. According to a well researched report in the Miami Herald, written by James Roos, jross@herald.com, (Editor: Cary Darling, cdarling@herald.com) the me-first, leftovers-trickle-down crowd at Congress voted to let media conglomerates to operate more that one outlet in any market. Cox Radio has already three stations in Miami. Now, the editorial and political positions as well as the overall philosophies of those paying for the congresspersons` electoral campaigns can be felt in those markets. (You know, your government is not for the people, is not even for small business, is for big business like mine and my friends's, a five percent minority who control ninety five percent of the wealth. I'm into this because I love classical music. Also, I need very smart people working for me, not the idiotized zombies produced by the anti-intellectual part of the media.) Of course, nothing better than a very powerful transmitter in a highly desired frequency and in a large market. In the case of South Florida, I suppose that it does not matter much if their Symphony Orchestras, Opera and Ballet Companies, Impressarios, Museums, Universities and other cultural entities have not a place where they reach their natural audience. I suppose that the efforts to bring in, thanks to our wonderful weather, international cultural tourism are not messed up by the absence of a Classical Music and Fine Arts station. I think Cox Radio is not a good thing. We should boycott them again and shun those advertising on it. Is time to let a big social backlash to fall upon them, and I'm talking about more than not inviting them and those with them to our social events or our clubs. I think it is time to tell our congressperson that we will not contribute as much this time to their political campaign. I think is a good time to tell the stock analysts following their securities that we may not hold COX and other similar shares. It can be good that we tell CNBC, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Reuters and others why we do not like COX and the like. Cox's WTMI Manager, Mike Disney, enabled an e mail address for comments at disney.wtmi@cox.com, also there is a phone line, but is always busy. These kind of people are robbing America, and soon the world, of their intellectual patrimony to dismantle it and sell the pieces for a few extra bucks. While others learn and cultivate themselves, we become dumber and mediocre. Pass this to any site, list, forum or newsgroup you can. Signed, Ludwig Van Beethoven Palestrina Rameau Borodin Bernstein and hundreds of others (via John Norfolk, DXLD) ** U S A. APEX stations were AM broadcasting stations that broadcast HI-FI quality audio that operated in the late 1930's. Some broadcast around 26 MHz but most were in the VHF region. For a list of APEX stations as of 1939 see http://members.aol.com/jeff560/1939apex.html Many of these stations evolved into FM stations operating on the prewar FM band around 45 MHz. 73, (Deane McIntyre, VE6BPO, NRC-AM via DXLD) ** U S A. Special jazz program to air New Year's Eve on NPR Worldwide From: "Franklin Adams" To: "NPR Worldwide" Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2001 8:21 PM NPR Worldwide will air NPR's New Year's Eve JazzSet's "Toast of the Nation" from 12/31/01 at 21:00:00 until 1/1/02 05:00:00. All NPR Worldwide stations are welcome to carry parts or all of this program. Feed: Monday, Dec. 31, 21:00 ET - 04:00 ET (with a rollover of an hour of the Kennedy Center material to take it to 05:00 ET). The show starts with a thirty minute preview and celebration. The first concert starts at 21:30, and there will be a join point then. Celebrate with "Toast of the Nation" from NPR's JazzSet this New Year's Eve. Ring in '02 from coast to coast, with high hopes and live music. Visit the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C. for Freddy Cole's before- midnight concert; the Village Vanguard in New York City for its annual party with Michael White's Original Liberty Jazz Band of New Orleans; Pete Miller's Steakhouse in Evanston, Illinois, for a listen to guitarist Bobby Broom and his Quintet, featuring hot saxophonist Eric Alexander on tenor; and finally Yoshi's in Oakland, California, to listen to the Afro-Cuban Jazz Masters super group led by young international star flutist Orlando Valle. The "Toast" will work its way from east to west, time zone to time zone, taking in each midnight celebration across the nation, staying for a final dance before setting off to the next venue. Special guests from jazz, the arts, and the NPR family will offer toasts to the future throughout the evening. The very first NPR New Year's Eve broadcast came from the Cookery in New York in 1977. The list of artists who participated then (and since) comprises a veritable who's who of jazz. The tradition continues this year. Join "Toast of the Nation"! Rhonda Hamilton of WBGO will again be hosting the Toast this year. Alfredo Cruz of KLON anchors the Oakland segment. Onstage MC's are Michael Bourne of WBGO in New York, Richard Steele of WBEZ in Evanston, and Chuy Varela of KCSM in Oakland. From KUVO in Denver, vocalist Dianne Reeves and guitarist Romero Lubamba provide a pre- taped interlude, getting us to 11:59 Rocky Mountain Time. [sic] Stations can join or leave the program in progress. After 2130, forward promotion will be confined to the last :30 of any segment. Stations wishing to leave the segment before the promotion begins should drop out after hearing the host say "I'm Rhonda Hamilton for Toast of the Nation." Eight one-minute breaks are available for local underwriting announcements. They are fixed at 21:29, 22:59, 00:14, 01:29, 01:59, 03:59, 04:59. There is a floating break between 03:00-03:15. The program can be streamed. If your station is planning to stream Toast of the Nation, we'd appreciate you letting your Program Services Associate know. Nprjazz.org will be promoting streaming sites as sources for the program. If you have any questions, please let me know. Franklin Adams, NPR Worldwide, fadams@npr.org + 1 202 513 2026 + 1 202 513 3019 fax http://www.npr.org/worldwide (via Mike Terry, via DXLD) ** VENEZUELA. 3060 harmonic, Radio San Felipe, 1530 x 2. 1022 Dec 21 with music program, clear signal. ID by man at 1029. Thanks LA-DX for ID (Hans Johnson, FL, Cumbre DX via DXLD) 3160 harmonic, Radio Occidental (tentative). Malm's unID sure sounds like this one to me. 1580 x 2. Dec 22 1016 music, 1020 slogan by woman, "La Voz de Nueva (one word missed), Radio Occidental." Back to more music. I heard just one ID, would like to hear more before changing this from tentative (Hans Johnson, FL, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** VIETNAM [non]. Re the mention of Houa Phanh on 4661, DXLD 1-207: Hi Glenn, the excellent searching feature of WinExplorer in Windows-ME showed the following item. vy73 de wb df5sx From BC-DX TopNews #531, July 28, 2001: LAOS 4661, Houa Phanh Regional Radio Stn., (apparently) full-data personal (presumably) QSL ltr in Lao in 20 wks. Addr: Houa Phanh, 07000 Laos. (Vashek Korinek, RSA, DXplorer Jul 22) (via Wolfgang Büschel, DXLD) O, sure, I should have caught Houa Phan being Laos (gh) ** YUGOSLAVIA. RADIO YUGOSLAVIA TO RESUME BROADCASTING... Radio Yugoslavia will resume broadcasting in two days after the Yugoslav government offered to cover the radio's debt to the Bijeljina Electric Power Company, Yugoslav Information Secretary Slobodan Orlic said on 12 December. Orlic said the government was unable as yet to pay the 9 million-dinar debt, but that the sum would be "calculated into next year's budget." He said the government would soon discuss the decree according to which all units in Radio Television Yugoslavia (TV Yu Info, Filmske Novosti, Jugoslovenski pregled, and Internet Yugoslavia) would become independent. ("ANEM Weekly Update," 8-14 December) ...DESPITE CONCERN OVER POSSIBLE DEMISE OF STATE MEDIA. "What has happened to Radio Yugoslavia will inevitably happen to TV YU Info and other public media," the editor in chief of TV Yu Info told "Glas javnosti" on 12 December. "This is all due to debt inherited from the former period," he said. "Privatization is one solution but the federal government has put this solution on hold. Despite constant warnings, the worst has begun to happen. Soon we can expect phone lines and power being cut. Employees in the public media are not receiving salaries, quality people are leaving and, if something is not done urgently, we could talk about the end of public media. If this urgent topic is postponed yet again, the end will come next year because of the low annual budget. For example, the figure which has been mentioned is the amount at the disposal of BK TV for one month," said the editor. ("ANEM Weekly Update," 8-14 December) 'DEFINE MEDIA POLICY BEFORE ISSUING FREQUENCIES.' "The relationship between the national and the regional must be defined before broadcasting frequencies are distributed," ANEM Chairman Veran Matic told Fonet on 13 December. ("ANEM Weekly Update," 8-14 December) (all via RFE-RL Media Matters Dec 28 via DXLD) Well, RY obviously did not resume broadcasting within two days of 8-14 December, at least not the NAm service we have been checking for (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 1740.6, (Cumbre DX follow up): I wonder if this one is via Honduras. Sign on is just after 1100 and varies from day to day. When reception was good, I sent an RA file for Mark Mohrmann to listen to who heard: "93.3... Estrella Musical... Radio Súper Estrella, La Voz de Dios en.... ?HREO?... Radio Súper Estrella... La Voz de Dios..." (Hans Johnson, FL, Dec 22-26, Cumbre DX via DXLD) WORLD RADIO TV HANDBOOK 2002 Here`s Media Network`s unsigned review; BTW, Andy Sennitt is a former editor of the WRTVH himself. http://www.rnw.nl/realradio/booklist/html/wrth.html (via gh, DXLD) ###