WORLD OF RADIO #1054, produced October 11, 2000 by Glenn Hauser

*Standard disclaimer
*My Spanish DX reports for October start Friday the 13th, via Radio-
 Enlace on R. Netherlands; and Mundo Radial via WWCR Fridays 2115 on
*New cheaper Worldspace receiver, Hitachi KH-WS1, 100 pounds
 delivered via and includes SW, MW, FM
*A certain weather radio recalled for not functioning in emergency:
*New Kloss table AM-FM Model One radio claims superior selectivity
 and sensitivity for $100; see
 and : Needs to be tested  
*Marshall Islands with better MW signal
*R. Brunei, once on SW, now experimentally webcasting five programs,
 via : See DXLD 0-117
*R. Korea`s third Cyber-Stamp Exhibition; see
*R. Iran of Tomorrow, SW from Eurasia, has fax number in Oregon;
 website with programs on demand in advance:
*Zimbabwe busts new private radio station Capital Radio after 2 days
*R. Rwanda in the clear now of Slovakia before time change
*La Voix du Sahel, Niger, running 30m into the night instead of 59m
*Vatican Radio officials to be tried for "dangerous throwing of
 things" over electromagnetic pollution [later: should have read 
 ``well above average``, not below - Barraclough]
*R. Tirana, Albania`s winter English schedule
*Serbian revolutionaries had easy takeover of broadcasting; see
 DXLD 0-119, 0-120, 0-121
*R. Austria mixes up broadcasts, English missing from relays; plans
 reduced SW from Oct 29; should Intermedia DX program continue?
 Survey at
*RAI Plans for longwave, WRN and other satellite relays; Merlin to
 broker Moosbrunn SW facilities
*New book on early history of Swiss broadcasting; see
*The media magazine you monitor with your mind, WOR 1054, P O Box
 1684, Enid, OK 73702 USA or or
 fax 1-580-233-2948 attn Hauser; check our website
*Thanks this week to Bill Flynn for financial support
*Wed Oct 18 only DTK tests including one on 11 meters; see DXLD 0-119
*R. Prague will resume using Slovakia site for new Russian broadcast;
 morning English to North America will resume
*R. Sweden B-00 English schedule effective Oct 29
*MURS, new citizen`s radio service, license free in US, Multi-Use
 Radio Service, on 151/154 MHz band
*Rapid further developments in Denver classical music situation:
 1220 planned to go classical when 1280 quits; then CPR acquiring
 1340 so 1220 backing out; see listener forum at
*Continental selling 5 x 500 kW 420C HF transmitters to USAF in
 Georgia for conversion to radar use
*Floods delayed WRMI testing new 15 MHz frequency for a week; relays
 wacky apocalyptic Christian Media Network; weaker than others but
 clear of jamming; clashes with Pakistan, Congo
*Seldom Heard Radio, debut on WRMI delayed, Oct 13 and 14 instead
*unID on 4410.2 with Spanish Christian music
*China back on 9730, but some other site than French Guiana?
*Radio Japan starting relays via Bonaire instead of Guiana
*BBC Antigua frequency switched to Bonaire Oct 11-13, antenna work
*R. Tachira, Venezuela, back on 60m after a few months
*R. Alli Michic, Ecuador on 60 meters
*New list dealing with harmoncic DXing; see DXLD 0-119 and 0-121 for
 loggings as high as 35 MHz; join via
*Propagation outlook from Boulder Oct 10; flux range 145-210-145
*And that`s World of Radio 1054; Glenn Hauser inviting you to hear
 me again next week                  ###