WORLD OF RADIO #1058, produced November 15, 2000 by Glenn Hauser

*WRN adds MP3 downloads of WOR; latest may be there even if not yet
 linked; e.g. this one:
 [oops, not with a capital N as I mentioned]
*RFPI frequency change imminent from 15049 to 15065
*V. of Tibet interference to us on 15685 resolved by move to 15705
*DX Listening Digest publishes much of the material heard on WOR,
 available to everyone at our website, via public library computers
 if necessary, but also in print (partially) in monthly magazine
 of Canadian International DX Club, 79 Kipps St., Greenfield Park,
 Quebec, Canada J4V 3B1; C$32 or US$27 per year by check or MO
*Our new time on WBCQ2: UT Sundays 0030 on 9335-CUSB; WGTG QRM
*WGTG now changed to WWFV, Worldwide Freedoms Voice, but sounds same
*Libya forced VOA to change 16mb frequency
*UN Radio on two new frequencies in English
*KHBN Palau cuts back schedule; partnership with Hong Kong church;
 still carrying R. Free Asia in four languages? see DXLD 0-138;
 High Adventure negotiating to establish 100 kW AM in Middle East
*NBC Wewak, Papua New Guinea off the air
*FEBC Manila down to only one half hour in English
*RRI Tanjungkarang uses nickname RRI Bandar Lampung
*DXLD 0-139 has Indonesian bandscan
*V. of Vietnam criticised for incomprehensible schedule, website a
*Thai Meteorological station booming in to Hawai`i, English weather
*RKI`s World Cyberstamp Exhibition ends Nov 22; see for pop-up link; lots of stamps under wrong
 country. Easy to win coffee mug but winners` addresses posted
*V. of Tamil Tigers, Sri Lankan clandestine back on air
*Iran has new ``Ebri`` service in English, R. Shalom
*Israel`s Reshet Dalet SW schedule in Arabic
*Israel plans to move from 11 to 6 MHz for midwinter English; not
 necessary this year
*Lament that so few stations use 11, 13, 16m at solar max
*Special national, independence days for rest of November; including
 Ramadan from about Nov 27
*The midpoint of WOR 1058, P O Box 1684, Enid, OK 73702 USA; or
*Bruce Cooley, in British Columbia, WOR supporter, died July 20
*Turkish station outofband 5 MHz is 6th harmonic [not from `Greece`!]
*R. Mozambique audible on 15 MHz band in Hawai`i, not Pennsylvania
*V. of Greece, DXLD 0-136, monitored times for English news, features
*Kostinbrod, Bulgaria is site for 12 MHz Falun Dafa frequency-hopper
*DXLD 0-139, list of regional Russian SW stations, as little as 3 kW
*Lithuania about to start testing their own 100 kW transmitter and new
 North American antenna; to quit Germany January 1
*Rampisham, England 17 MHz BBC transmitter on all night Nov 13-19 for
 meteor burst tests; details linked via
 and http://sci.esa.inf/leonids2000/
*BBC WS previews: Waveguide from Nov 18; What Rubbish; Lambeth Palace
*French Guiana relay observed back on air for China, France
*Santa Cruz, Cochabamba, Bolivia station visits in DXLD 0-136
*unID Peruvian is R. Celendin, not Condor Radiante La Radio
*R. Acobamba, another outofband Peruvian
*HCJB will use 49 and 90mb transmitters for digital tests in December;
 Ham Radio Today reruns airing both Wednesdays and Saturdays
*Several Colombian pirates near Ecuador on 5 MHz outofband; one has
 reactivated, R. Nueva Juventud, Pasto
*LPFM put off by FCC, awaiting slow-moving congressional action
*I must admit I am responsible for impasse in presidential race
*FCC proposes to allow radio license holders to sublet frequencies
*WSM, Nashville, has turned off C-QUAM stereo in preparation for
 IBOC tests
*Robert Trout, great XX century broadcast journalist, has died; see
 and/or hear: 
 then cursor down to Remembering Austria. [Kim Elliott, Chet Copeland,
 Bill Westenhaver; check later on our website for possible additions]
*John Wagner`s SW tips and tricks, new page via
*Weekly updated frequency list of harmonic logs via
*Propagation outlook from Boulder November 14, flux range 150-200-145
*With a standard disclaimer, Glenn Hauser concluding WOR 1058  ###