WORLD OF RADIO #1063, produced December 20, 2000 by Glenn Hauser

*Standard disclaimer
*Listen for our SW Year in Review on VOA Communications World Jan 6;
 also Kim Elliott`s New Years Eve in review
*Christian Voice tests heard from Australia, music-only
*R. Vanuatu with huge signal in Spain, trans-polar
*Papua New Guinea on 60m heard in North American daytime
*R. Korea International`s holiday specials; Listeners` Plaza topics
* has political content, accounting for
 jamming and persecution by Chicoms
*V. of Jammu & Kashmir Freedom, schedule via Pakistan
*Tajikistan intercepts incoming and outgoing E-mail traffic
* provides music, but watch it for
 political opposition info; will Bush add clandestine broadcasts?
*Flag of Freedom, Iranian clandestine off SW but still active elsewise
 per CRW article, also in DXLD 0-159
*Mojahedin e-Khalq clandestine for Iran still monitored on SW
*New clandestine radio and TV for Algeria planned by military
 opposition Free Officers Movement,
*V. of Hope, to Sudan via RN Madagascar, official launch this week;
 accused of being offshoot of SPLA, denied; interview at Media
 Network website; new signature tune debut
*La Voix du Sahel, Zinder, Niger, heard in Europe on 45 MHz wideband
 FM, a semi-harmonic!
*Voice of the People, Madagascar to Zimbabwe, heard in sub-Arctic
*New lists 7.8+ MHz regional
*Bouvet Island, rarest DXCC country, 3Y0C on the air until March;
 see DXLD 0-158, 0-159;
*Austrian ham circumnavigating Antarctica:
*With standard holiday amenities, Glenn Hauser, on WOR 1063; or P O Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 USA;
*Thanks for financial support and best wishes this week to
 Pete Bentley, NY
*Check for prolonged schedules from tropical stations on Xmas Eve,
 NY Eve; and end-of-Ramadan celebrations
*New Bolivian heard, R. Impacto Cristiano
*Two more Bolivians paid for permission to operate according to Telecom website, R. Patuju and
 R. Mauro Nunez
*Bjoern Malm back in Ecuador; see DXLD 0-158 for Ecuador and Peru;
 an unID 6 MHz out-of-band Peruvian
*RFPI Costa Rica expanded 7480 schedule to 0200-0600; reports
 comparing with 15049 wanted
*MW harmonic from Nicaragua, R. Maranatha
*French Guiana relay back in service, but occasional problems require
 France to substitute
*DRM digital SW tests heard here on 21670
*Olle Alm on the shortcomings of DRM: distortion over multi-hops,
 a ``hasty product`` which must not mix with analog signals lest it
 ``kill all serious SW listening``
*Sunflower Radio pirate tests on 21 and 26 MHz bands
*R. Alfa Lima International, Dutch pirate, puts excellent 21 MHz
 signal into Bulgaria, as it and others do on 6 MHz to Britain
*R. Eastside, German 6 MHz pirate, heard in Tennessee; test schedule
 to N. America Dec 24, 31
*Look for DW holiday specials in German, Dec 24-25-26, 31, Jan 1
*Roberts R9914 radio to bear BBC World Service brandname
*Grecian updates: new frequency to Australia; shift to avoid RTTY;
 language lessons are Friday only
*R. Liberty says Ukrainian power structure wants to silence it
*Power cut silences LW and MW in Khabarovsk, Komsomol`sk-na-Amure,
 probably also SW; see DXLD 0-160 SW schedule, foreign clients
*Scandinavian Weekend Radio special Xmas Day, partly toward NAm
*Sackville relays gay LBH Radio instead of Austrian Radio, mixup
*740 in Toronto testing more, calls CHWO ex-1250; audio quality
 reports wanted; official start Jan 8, whence ODXA will manage QSLs
*Many links to newspaper articles on LPFM situation in US;
 Sen. McCain will try to save it Jan 3 when Congress reconvenes.
 Congress Severely Curtails Plan for Low-Power Radio Stations:
 FCC Shelves Plan For Low-Power Radio Stations:
 Measures curb new low-power FM radio service By Kalpana Srinivasan: 
*AM International Heavy Metal Thunder Rally, Sat Dec 23 from local
 sunset, 160m AM ham event
*DXLD 0-159, 0-160 give more times to hear Paul Winter Solstice
*Capitol Steps has one-hour New Year special on NPR
*Tony Kahn`s Journal, on WYSO and others, including satellite story
*Check unusual propagation during partial solar eclipse Xmas day
*Propagation outlook from Boulder, Dec 19; flux range 195-145-195
*Glenn Hauser, concluding WOR 1063                          ###