WORLD OF RADIO #1071, produced Feb. 28, 2001 by Glenn Hauser

*Our first broadcast on WWCR is back on 15685 through November,
 Thursdays at 2130 (April-October at 2030); see World of Radio
*RFPI has been running 15049 in the morning lately, around 1300-1500
*February Continent of Media 01-02 is now available at
*Earth One still plans new SW service, by autumn this year
*Laser Hot Hits, Europirate, shifts two of three 24h SW frequencies
*BBC World Service early March previews: Adventures in the Tourist
 Trade; The Musician`s Composer; Warm World; Adventures in Poetry;
 Kremlin Women; Childen of the Clouds; Commonwealth Day Special
*BBC Radio 2 including webcast: It`ll Never Last, the Story of 70
 Years of British Television
*Adventist World Radio switches from Slovakia to Austria from A-01
 season; special QSLs for last, first weeks of each; see DXLD 1-028
*Swiss Radio International won`t play Swiss country music; and
 replaced excellent business coverage with sports
*American Forces via Sicily frequency measured precisely as shifted
*V. of Greece swapped sites and frequencies on 7 MHz; DXLD 1-025 has
 more including translated program schedule, such as Thread of
 Ariadne, for diaspora?
*R. Vilnius, Lithuania, quitting relay via Germany March 5; direct
 also heard well in Kolkata; fortnightly mailbag on UT Thursdays
*R. Gardarika, St. Petersburg, Russia, shifted 5 kHz up; power and
 azimuth; recording of English ID, also as Nevskaya Volna, Radio
*The Media Magazine you Monitor with your Mind, WOR 1071; P O Box
 1684, Enid OK 73702, USA; fax 1-580-233-2948 attn Hauser; or
*Thanks this week for financial support go to Pete Bentley, NY
*Two musical programs from Voice of Russia
*Georgia has electricity only 12 hours per day, so broadcasts
*R. Georgia external service in English heard again
*Sedaye Mojahed`s frequency-hopping patterns; starts on frequencies
 ending in -20; much more detail of this and other Iraq/Iran/Kurdish
 clandestine monitoring in DXLD 1-026, 1-027
*Visit to transmitter site of Polisario clandestine in Algeria; see
 DXLD 1-026
*Freeplay moving production of wind-up radios from South Africa,
 where handicapped workers were employed, to China, in PR disaster
*World Falun Dafa Radio transmitter hopping patterns from Bulgaria
*V. of Justice, Cambodian clandestine, failed to appear the following
 Saturday; but transmitter site revealed as Taiwan
*Lang Son, Vietnam provincial station identified, near same frequency
 as Houa Phan, Lao
*R. Oriental, Uruguay, heard on 15 MHz, feeder/special for cycling
*R. Centenario La Nueva, Bolivia, moved up 10 kHz on 60m band
*R. Independencia, Chiclayo, new Peruvian, or pirate on the move
*R. Corsario Internacional, South American pirate on 14 MHz
*RFPI resuming Global Community Forum hour-long call-ins, UT Thu and
 Sun at 0230
*WGIT, Puerto Rican x-bander, as recorded in Germany; it`s all-music
 while the other Spanish speaker on the frequency, in NJ, is talk
*Two major 1080 stations, WTIC Hartford and KRLD Dallas coordinating
 down time March 3-4 to give DXers a chance at each other or
 something else, but conflicting info on times
[LATER: Never mind; both have postponed for a couple of weeks]
*Winter SWL Fest, weekend of March 9, topic on Cybershortwave Live
 March 4; see
*The Shortwave Report, on KZYX, California, twice a month, also
 webcast and via
*Christopher Lydon`s show on WBUR is called The Connection; more
 about conflict with station over ownership at 
*Ken Berryhill honored as Father of WRVU, Vanderbilt University; see
 and his shows are webcast via
*R. Vancouver International, via Taiwan, also a no-show Feb. 25;
 frequency choice bad, anyway
*Sony XRC-5120 SW car radio a good deal via Jacky`s in Dubai; see
 entire review at
*Superpower HAARP tests from Alaska not heard here; webpage about it
 [not HAARP`s own] had gross error in distance, calling into question
 all other data and conclusions:
*Olle Alm on alarming prospects for DRM versus analog SW
*Propagation outlook from Boulder, Feb 27; flux range 135-155-135
*WOR website:
*Standard disclaimer
*Glenn Hauser, concluding World of Radio 1071         ###