WORLD OF RADIO #1093, produced August 22, 2001 by Glenn Hauser

*Standard disclaimer
*My monthly Spanish DX report for August may be heard via [not the WOR site]
*Single file on our website contains summary for all WORs and COMs
 this year, easy to search for subjects:
*WWCR makes schedule changes Sept 1: 9475 to 3215 one hour earlier at
 0000, including WOR UT Monday 0000
*Change from 15685 to 9475 one hour earlier at 1000, since from Sept 3
 new Arabic Baptist Church M-F 1000-1100; URL TBA
*New SW station permitted in Tennessee is close to Morrison, with
 geo coordinates, street address; supposed call WWCV, not per FCC yet
*Both WJCR transmitters damaged by water into power supplies; off the
 air a while, need new final power amplifier tube
*MT article on WJCR confirms they built an antenna aimed west toward
 China, wrong direction by consulting Mercator instead of Great Circle
*R. Africa International, Methodist program now has QSL cards printed
*National Association of SW Broadcasters concerned with issues such
 as on-air announcements about license renewal; frequency-hour fees
*High Frequency Coordination Conference B-01 in Montreal Aug 27-31
*WRC-2003 agenda includes digital SW bands, or all-SSB, opposed by
*New associate members of NASB include Harris Corp., HCJB
*United Patriot Radio announced new website, which is virulently anti-
*Three new articles on UPR and RFPI`s investigation of Far Right radio
 in DXLD 1-112
*Kirk Trummel, pirate radio person, died of cancer at 37; personal
 website may still be available:
*Off the Hook site has news of WBAI situation,
*Story about Pacifica and Democracy Now`s fate:
*Not from WBAI, but from WBAI In Exile,
*Thomas Jefferson Hour now produced by High Plains Public Radio;
 webcast only via and which we
 hope will change Webradio to rm or wm;
*Check for latest info on stations
 carrying this and hundreds of other public radio programs
*WUNC in North Carolina replacing classical music with NPR talk, BBC
*WCPE in same market reaffirms commitment to classical
*NPR`s Talk of the Nation looking for new host to replace Juan
 Williams; Bostonians advocate Christopher Lydon, ex-The Connection
*La Voz de la Fundacion still airing on WHRI, without Ninoska Perez C.
*Habana Radio, cultural FM station, increases power
*R. Mexico International plans 32nd anniversary observation throughout
 September; but Fox administration reduced resources for improvement
*LRA36, Antarctica due to close with Base Esperanza in September;
 half its airtime is already blocked by Salama Radio
*Strike at R. New Zealand by Public Service Association staffers,
 affecting some RNZI programming; BBC programmes filled in
*RNZI had Media Watch twice on Sunday August 19; every Sunday?
*You`re about to listen to the second half or WOR 1093; our address or P O Box 1684, Enid, OK 73702 USA; fax if
 really necessary is still available, 1-580-233-2948, attn Hauser
*V. of the Lord heard on frequency via Germany listed as V. of Hope;
 from Philippines for immigrants in Mideast, also IDs as KAS (KAF?);
 another frequency it mentions may be KHBN Palau
*Two RRI stations reactivated, Sorong and Jakarta on 60m
*Nagoya DXers Circle website includes page showing Russia and CIS
 relays of foreign, clandestine stations:
*V. of Khmer Krom listed as from Alma Ata
*Why China objects so strongly to R. Free Asia, article from left-
 wing journal, in DXLD 1-111
*Severe jamming damaging RKI via Canada confirmed as China vs Taiwan
*V. of Armenia English schedule
*Far out-of-band 9 MHz frequency reminiscent of Baku, Azerbaijan now
 sounds like clandestine in ``bad Arabic``
*V. of Turkey`s live call in reception too poor on SW, but webcast
 messes up computer with special embedded player to be avoided;
 even encrypts underlying code for player page
*V. of Mesopotamia, clandestine was via Samara, now seems Armenia
*Iraqi National Conference has started satellite TV clandestine to
 Iraq financed by US: DXLD 1-111 and DXLD 1-112
*KRSI [R. Seday-e Iran] clandestine switching errors point to France
*Contradictory schedules of English from UAE Radio, Dubai in mornings;
 transmitters burn oil all through the night
*Pres. Putin decreed re-establishment of federal government control
 over all Russian broadcast transmitting stations: DXLD 1-113
*V. of Russia frequency changes expected Sept. 2; Ukraine too
*R. Prague 65th anniversary special program on Sunday, Sept. 2; send
 reception reports Aug. 31-Sept. 9 for special QSL
*Audio file of R. Borderhunter QRP test heard by David Hodgson at
*WRN1 and WRN2 will be on Telstar 5 Ku band digital satellite from
 Oct 1, and cease Galaxy 5 C-band Dec 31; $350 for new reception
*Congo [Brazzaville] recording as heard via Worldspace satellite
*R. Guinee, Conakry, announced new high-power MW transmitters
*R. ELWA, and R. Liberia International SW schedules
*Propagation outlook from Boulder August 21; flux range 180-145
*Glenn Hauser, here, concluding World of Radio 1093     ###