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The following are just small pieces of info of certain characters from The Tenth.

Victor AKA The TENTH

Victor was part of a covert CIA mission, to uncover, the diabolical schemes of the monster making mad man Rhazes Darkk. Rhazes Darkk's goal was to reshape, the Earth into Darkk Earth--an altered regeneration of life as we know it. Victor was captured by Darkk but was spared his life as he fit Darkk's criteria for The TENTH SUPERMONSTER.
Nine other Supermonster's were created to do Rhazes Darkk's bidding. Each having their own purpose in Darkk's plan, they were spread throughout the globe. But things didn't go as Rhazes planned with Victor-- not only did he create the superpowered abomination known as The TENTH-- He created the ultimate predator. Unbeknownst to Rhazes, he himself has now become The TENTH's ultimate prey.

Rhazes Darkk

The self proclaimed Jonas Salk of radioactive research. Perceived as the great benifactor to mankind in truth he is a dark core of evil. He has waited thousands of years to perfect his plan of genetic holocaust. Now the time has come.

Esperanza Del Toro

Esperanza is an eighteen year old orphan who by strange coincidence met Victor through a bizarre turn of events. She was born with the ability of telekinesis--the power to move objects with a mere thought or will. Her power has grown stronger since her first encounter with The TENTH. Her main goal is to help The TENTH track down BLACKSPELL--the SUPERMONSTER created by Darkk who is believed to be holding Zorina's mother captive!

Zorina Fine

Zorina has left college to further her modelling career along with the help of Esperanza. She has moved with her mother from Chicago to Springdale. Her mother is a noted scientist and unknown to the general public an agent for the covert sector of the government. Zorina will soon find her life in a world of Turbulence like she has never known before.

Bahareh- The Aggressor

As deadly as she is beautiful. Bahareh has been the central core of running the Darkklon corporation for Rhazes Darkk. Now Darkk has returned and Bahareh is finding him to be more of a nuisance than a blessing, has her time running Darkklon affected her loyalties to her leader? Has she developed her own agenda for personal power? Her true plan shall soon unfold to all.


This kid Supermonster was the brains behind the overthrow of his creator, Rhazes Darkk. He believes that it is now his task to complete what Rhazes was too crazy and senile to complete. His army of F.A.R's (Stands for Full Armor Ruckus- giant fighting robots) will aid him and his will.

Mr. Moto Fujisaki

Fujisaki is the head of the Japanese secret police. Right now his base of operations is inside Tokyo. His objective is to uncover the dissappearances of villages, it's people, and most of all, his men. It is believed that one of Rhazes Darkk's most hideous creations, the supermonster Gozza, is planning a takeover of Japan--Then THE WORLD.


One of the first attempts of Rhazes Darkk to create a leader for his army of darkkness. KillKrow is a sadistic being with a black soul. Destruction for his own amusement is his greatest pleasure. He serves Rhazes Darkk without Question, but a servant is all he will ever be. His mental DNA was not strong enough to have him become the leader Rhazes Darkk Desired. KillKrow is able to control a vast legion of meat eating crows that he is able to also use as his transit vision.


Lastic is not one of the original ten supermonsters created by Darkk. He was however, changed into supermonster form with the help of Darkk's technology. It is believed that the US Government got a hold of this technology through covert agents who worked at Darkk's laboratories in the now obliterated Springdale. All evidence of this disappeared with the town. Lastic(formerly Capt. Lonnie McGuire), was one of Victor's covert mission comrades who went off the deep end. On a secret mission in Singapore, Lastic went on a killing spree, killing innocent women and children. He was stopped and turned in by Victor. In exchange for his freedom he voluntarily underwent massive testing of Rhazes Darkk's regenerating experiments. His mission-to obey the cloaked faction of the CIA.


This teenage killing machine is just that-a killing MACHINE. Even though the cold war is over, counterintelligence and spying are still high on the priority list of some secret groups of the now defunked KGB. Unable to gather the same information the US did on Rhazes Darkk and his regeneration technology, they created their own self made, genetically enhanced superpowered killer. This one taking the form of an innocent schoolgirl, makes her an unlikely foe and even unlikelier hitman. No more DATA is yet available.

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