
This is my New Years Resolution for 2000.
Award Given to me by "Secret" just before Christmas, 2000. I don't know where this came from or why, but I guess it is self-explanatory. Thank you to whomever you may be.

Here are some of my precious little dolls that were created JUST FOR ME by my special friend, Titti from Sweden. DO NOT STEAL MY BABIES.

My Doll from Chey
A special little friend of mine that I adopted to protect this page.
Visit my Cyberfriends' Dedication Page. Send yours if you'd like to.
A Gift from a dear friend, B'Anne. Thank you sweetie.
After my time to spoil B'Anne was up, she sent me this beautiful gift. Thank you.
Click on pic to vote.
Please remember to vote between 8 a.m. Central time Sunday through 8 a.m. Central Time Thursday. Thank you all again.

This site contains many different parts of my life. I write a little poetry; I have a wonderful family; and I love my webrings; I have given information on my city, state and the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, where I live. I am constantly updating or adding things to my site, so please come back and visit often. Sit back, and enjoy your ride.
A very dear friend of mine, Diana, has breast cancer. It was in remission for several years, but in just the last week, she has been told that it is again active and moving. Please, click on this site and join us in the fight against this dreadful disease that can strike anyone at anytime.Click HERE
Please help us make Breast Cancer History.
The National Breast Cancer Coalition
1707 L Street, NW
Suite 1060
Washington, D.C. 20036
(202) 296-7477 voice
(202) 265-6854 fax
© 2000
Wow Look At This. Rec'd 4-8-2001

I received this award that can only be given by the Founder of the Divine Diva of the Web, Robin. Thank you so very much for this plaque Robin, and I am very honoured to have received it.

I am a member of some of the largest women's groups on the net. These groups are VERY special to me. Please visit the following dedications found within my sight, and see for yourself why they are so special.
- The Divine Divas of the Web. I am Chairwoman of the Divine Diva Jubilees, which is the birthday/anniversary committee for the Divine Divas.

Please visit our members

- Caring Women of the World

Want to join the Charmed Ones. Visit my page.
Email Me.

I have several guestbooks because sometimes the guestbooks are down. Please sign which ever one you would like.
Please sign "Lei Lani's Home" Guestbook. A brand new book for a brand new home! You are so cool. Thanks.

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