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Brad's Place

hey there. how are you? Welcome, come on in, have a seat, I'll be right back with a tasty beverage...

I'm afraid you've gotten lost in the www, and accidently stumbled into the wrong place. There's not much here, but I'm glad you came. :-) for now here's a little bit about me

As some of you may know, while I was at OSSM (see "about me"), I began a student organization dedicated to pealoviness (peace, love, and happiness), know as the Empire. Even though I have graduated, the Empire lives on in all the FOTEs and the new Emperor at OSSM, Robbie Dennis. (side note: the "Emperor" is not a ruler, as such, but a guide in the ideals of the Empire). If any of you out there are interested in the Empire, check out the link below to my old webpage. If you like what you see, send me (or Robbie) an e-mail and we'll discuss it. I urge all of you to join, the more, the merrier, right?

if any of you are interested in what I, Brad, think about things got to:
My Philosophy Page.

The Daily Quote (at least, I plan it to be daily...) ...and now for today's quote:

"He made the earth by his power;
he founded the world by his wisdom
and stretched out the heavens by his understanding."
-Jeremiah (Jeremiah 51:16)

wow :-)

...and now for something completely different...
I picked up a little more than infinite knowledge at OSSM...I also got much advice and other interesting tidbits of information from the Faculty and Administration and I wrote them down, and have now transferred them here for your perusing pleasure. I hope you enjoy. however, some of them may not make sense to you if you didn't go to OSSM, but then again, they didn't make much sense to us either, so go figure....

Other Places to go

My very ambitious roommate. He's going to be an FBI agent, actor, pastor, hockey player, computer networker, underwater basket weaver....
My incredibly cool little bro

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