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Glasgow to Bluff, arrived 14/1/1878

Southland Times Monday 14th January 1878

Port of Bluff - Arrived January 13 - Albion Company’s ship “Oamaru”, 1306 tons, Captain Stuart from Glasgow with 240 immigrants, Cargills Gibbs & Co, agents.

Sunday January 13th, Arrival of the “Oamaru” - we have pleasure in reporting the arrival of the Albion Company’s fine ship Oamaru, commanded by Captain Stuart, her first master, and who has returned to his old love after running a voyage or two between London, Melbourne and Sydney, in the fine steamer Nemesis.

The Oamaru has made a fine run of 79 days from port to port and has brought 240 immigrants, all in good health. No infectious desease of any kind occurred during the passage. There were only two deaths which were more than balanced by two births.

Of the immigrants brought by the Oamaru, there are seventy for the Bluff. The whole of them would not have been too many. We may add that the Oamaru has no cargo for this port and hence will lie at the heads to land passengers, and then proceed to Dunedin. Her Passengers will probably be landed by the “Oreti” today.

When the two ships Timaru and Oamaru were being built for Patrick Henderson it was his intention to name them Scotia and Albion, but just before they were launched in 1874 the names were changed. The tonnage of the two ships were just about 1,333, and both were built by Scott of Greenock in 1874, the Oamaru being launched in October, and the Timaru in December.

The Oamaru was a handsome and most comfortable iron ship which made no less than 25 voyages to New Zealand, landing hundreds of immigrants at the principle ports.

Immigrants - The following list of immigrants by the ship Oamaru has been handed to us by the immigration officer, M H V Lillicrap.


List of Passengers from Greenock to Bluff on ship Oamaru Arrived Bluff Sunday, January 13 1878.

NAME OTHER INFO AGE OCCUPATION ACC David ANGUS Invercargill Nominated 21 Goods Guard FamQ Jane ANGUS 24 FamQ Alexander ANGUS Invercargill Nominated 33 Farm Labourer FamQ Margaret ANGUS 24 FamQ Thomas CONNOLLY (+READY) Nominated 32 Bricklayer Lab FamQ Bridget CONNOLLY 30 FamQ Thomas CONNOLLY 4 FamQ Mary READY (+CONNOLLY) 9 FamQ Thomas CRAWLEY Invercargill Nominated 20 Labourer FamQ Margaret CRAWLEY 23 FamQ William DAVIS Invercargill Nominated 26 Carpenter FamQ Mary DAVIS 25 FamQ Thomas EDWARDS Southland Nominated 31 Joiner FamQ Annie EDWARDS 28 FamQ John G. EDWARDS 2 FamQ Haldon GEORGESON 31 Labourer FamQ Williamina GEORGESON 32 FamQ J.W.GEORGESON 2 FamQ Grace GEORGESON 2m FamQ Patrick MULLIGAN FamQ Margaret MULLIGAN FamQ Child MULLIGAN X 3 FamQ William SALTER FamQ Francis SALTER FamQ Micheal SCULLY FamQ Bridget SCULLY FamQ Thomas SCULLY FamQ William YHOMAS FamQ Sarah THOMAS and family ? FamQ John FOTHERINGHAM SMQ Henry RAVENSCROFT SMQ Richard JENNINGS SMQ Edward JENNINGS SMQ Phillip CURRIE SMQ Thomas CURRIE SMQ Alexander CURRIE SMQ James McALUR SMQ Denis McCARTHY SMQ Patrick MULLIGAN SMQ John NICOLL SMQ William RAFFERTY SMQ Alexander ROSS SMQ Archibald ROSS SMQ Thomas ???? SMQ George SMITH SMQ George WHITE SMQ John M. WREN SMQ Margaret CURRIE SWQ Alexandra CURRIE SWQ Rebecca DOWN SWQ Mary FORD SWQ Sabrina FORD SWQ Margaret IRVINE SWQ Kate MULLIGAN SWQ Anne MULLIGAN SWQ Mary MULLIGAN SWQ Elizabeth NICOLL SWQ Kate ???? SWQ Mary SANGSTER SWQ Elizabeth SANGSTER Matron of SHIP SWQ

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