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Lamborghini LM 002 SUV
This is the only Lamborghini SUV i've seen. It's the only Lamborghini SUV i know of......before i saw this one, i didn't know Lamborghini made SUV's. Can't find much info on it either.
The story behind these pics are that adam and i were (i think) just cruisn. But he noticed this awesome vehicle in the parking lot. So we stopped and checked out the sweet ass automobile. We left very quickly to get a camera at rite aid in the mall, and when we returned (to my suprise) IT WAS STILL THERE! Adam took pics from just bout every angle possible, and i stood back just in case the owner came out of the store and kicked adam's ass or somethin.
Not sure what kind of paint was used, but it sure looks similar to Mystic aka irrodescent Anyway, it's pretty PHAT!
Enjoy the only Lambourghini SUV known by us!
It's from Hawaii!

If anyone has info on this SUV, please drop me some mail at: