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My Home Page

Here are some places I go from time to time and some other pages i have that have my pictures and information. Hope you enjoy them and I will try to add as many as I can in the future. PLEASE SIGN MY GUESS BOOK SO I CAN FIND OUT WHO IS LOOKING AT MY WEB PAGE AND PLEASE GIVE ANY COMMENTS GOOD OR BAD SO I KNOW WHAT NEEDS TO BE IMPROVED . THANK YOU. This is my angelfire mail address My AOL Instant Messanger name is " racs75 " if you would like to get a hold of me while I am on-line Click for Enid, Oklahoma Forecast

Some of the Places I Go

Angelfire Home Pages
Karen Kay Show at talk spot
In romance room 40's Fling in Lycos
This is a web page of a very dear friend of ours. She raises miniature horses.
My Sons Web Page
My Daughters Web Page

Other pages of mine

Some back ground info of me
Some pictures of me
Here are some wild life pictures
Here are my Hobbies and a little about them
Here is a Guns and Accessories Link Page
I Can Cammo Paint Your Gun
My Kids Pictures
My Son's First Deer
Dad's Deer Pictures
My Deer Hunting 1999 Pictures#1
My Deer Hunting 1999 Pictures #2
My Elk Hunting 99
Our Trip To Colorado 1
Our Trip To Colorado 2
Colorado Trip 99 page 1
Here is a Coyote page
Our Summer 2000 Vacation
Here are some pictures and sounds
Wife's Quilts
My Fishing Page
Wolves Page
A Welcome Voice (Please Play)
Please Sign My Guest Book
Sons Senior Pictures

Here are some hunting links

Hunting Information System
Gun Web Cover Page
An Old Freind From Hunting Chat
Hunting Chat room
Varmint Al's
Brono Shooter Supply
A Hunters Mall