Taking the format used by other minority groups, I will try to express to you what it's like to be homosexual in your world. I don't speak for all lesbians but only for myself. I am your sister, your best friend or your roommate but I hide it from you. You make me. Try to understand what I am feeling.

Being lesbian is to be condemned by the church as sinful, by psychologists as pathological, and by the law as criminal.

Being lesbian is to listen to your friends talk about gays and make jokes about masculine women as you stand there and know that if they only knew the truth they would be saying the same things about you.

Being lesbian is to go along with the girls and watch the boys when you'd rather watch them.

Being lesbian is to awaken every morning, live everyday, and go to sleep every night fearing discovery and rejection by your friends.

Being lesbian is dating a man when you don't really want to--just to maintain your cover.

Being lesbian is pretending to be ignorant about homosexuality every time the topic is raised and listening to straights display their ignorance while you don't dare correct them.

Being lesbian is to know there are many other lesbians around acting out the same subterfuge and that your chances for a meaningful relationship are blocked when you see other's masks.

Being lesbian is to be extra careful about how you dress and wear your hair so no one will suspect.

Being lesbian is to go to a public place with your lover and not be able to show affection.

Being lesbian is to be proud of the accomplishments of Gay Liberation and yet represent the type of homosexual they must oversome to succeed.

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