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My sister Chris and her husband Jack had their first child!
Chris was diagnosed with Preclampsia so little Austin came into this world a bit early! He was not scheduled for arrival until the end of September. He is doing really well now and is off the respirator and all the IV's except for the one that feeds him mommy's milk.

This is a picture taken right after he was born!

I live a long way from them and haven't got to see him yet but will be visiting real soon and will try to get a few more pictures of him then.


My best friend got to see Austin before I did!
She took a bunch of Pics for me! *S*

Taken the first week of August- just under 3 Lbs.
Austin and Mommy!

More pics soon!

Love Ya Austin! XOXO!
Can't wait to hold and kiss ya!

Update for August 15th..Weight 3 lbs. 14 oz.

Update for September 7th..Weight 5 lbs. 9 oz.

Finally I went to visit Austin!
He is an absolute doll.....
unfortunetly my camera wasn't working GRRRR!
His Mommy should be sending me some new pics soon!

Update for November 2nd:
Yippy finally got a new pic! :o)

Weight..11 lbs. and growing rapidly! :o)


Send Austins Mommy E-Mail at:

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