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"Oh, I have slipped the surley bonds of Earth and
danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings,
Sunward I've climbed and joined the tumbling mirth.
Of sun-split clouds--and done a hundred things."...
'High Flight' from the Twelve Step Prayer Book

Journey With Me

There are various reasons for creating a Web site. Businesses use a site for commercial advertising to reach thousands of potential customers -- far more than they might ever reach in more typical advertising programs. Many individuals are just fascinated by the computer and Internet and find a personal Web site as a comfortable vehicle for exchanging information. Still others see it as a medium for easy communication with people of like interests and personalities. A primary example of this is the group of researchers who graciously share all of their hard work and efforts to benefit the genealogy community. Then there are those who have had a long deep-seated desire to express their innermost thoughts, creativity, and ideas and share that part of themselves with others. Although I do love working with the computer and the Internet and am indeed amazed by the wealth of information easily gleaned, I probably best fit in the last two categories.

My initial incentive for creating a Web site was to provide a means for sharing my personal genealogy information with members of my immediate family, since many had computers. In addition, I thought it would furnish a tool for soliciting lineage data from others that might prove to be a mutual family link.

While I still want to showcase my "Family Stars," I have come to realize that a Web site can be a venue for so much more. I have always had an inherent need to write down my thoughts and feelings not only for myself, but also as a creative and imaginable means of interchange with others.

I would love to hear from you. Please send me your thoughts either by Email or by signing my guestbook. Also, be sure and check out my 'Links' page and the 'About Me' page which explains the origin of the name, Knowing Lady, and why I decided to use it for my website. There is also a kids page with fun and educational links.

My wish is that your journey through my 'Celestial Realm' will be provocative and inspirational, as well as informative and entertaining, and I hope you enjoy meeting the people who were and are instrumental in shaping the person I am today and in the ever-continuing process of becoming.

Sign Please Email About Knowing Lady
The Family Stars Stories and Reflective Section Photos
Links For The Kids <bgsound src="http:/ok2/knowinglady/images/sent.mid" loop=infinite>