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KATIE STUART and The Kanga Roddy Kids.

Welcome to Kanga Roddy and the Crayola Kids UNOFFICIAL web site! Here you will find pages featuring some of the young stars from the PBS series "Adventures with Kanga Roddy", such as Katie Stuart, Rachele Lehner, Cori Najarian and Allison Miller along with a few pages feturing Molly Orr, Cara Delizia and Kirsten Storms from "Crayola Kid Adventures." Just click on one of the names below, and off you go! (This is a non-profit site for entertainment purposes only. This site is NOT affiliated with ANYONE or any organization mentioned here in. Kanga Roddy is a Trademark of American Champion Entertainment and CrayolaKids is a Trademark of Benny & Smith) UPDATED JULY. 2004, EPISODE LIST is HERE, Check it out under Kanga Roddy and the Kids. NOTE! NOTE! My NEW e-mail is

Here are the pages on this site featuring the best of each cast member.

Katie Stuart
Molly Orr (Crayola Kid)
Kanga Roddy and the Kids (NEW for JULY 2004 ! ! !) Episode List is Here
Cori Najarian
Rachele Lehner
Allison Miller
Cara DeLizia (Crayola Kid)
Kirsten Storms (Crayola Kid)

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